Exercise Calculators


I know there are several fitness calculators out there that tell you how many calories are burned for a certain exercise but I want one like a heart monitor. So, does anyone know of a site where you can put in weight, time in a certian heart rate zone to get calories burned?

If not, which site have you found to be the most accurate? I have a monitor but it does not have this feature. I am so tired of doing interval training and getting that I burned 200 calories when I KNOW it was way more than that!!!

OR what heart monitor is the best for this. I am short on dough right now so I would have to wait to get it so a site would be best!

I don't know of one that uses your heartrate but the one I use takes into account your age, sex, height and weight, it is www.caloriesperhour.com I use is everyday and it seems to be very accurate. The man who runs it has done alot of research into figuring how many calories are burned doing different types of exercising. He has a whole list of things to choose from, including taebo, step using 6-8 in step or a 10-12 in. step, to weight lifting, to housecleaning, kickboxing to lovemaking. It is all there.

Check in out!!:D
This site is a little complicated...but once you get the math down...it works pretty well

Hope this helps...http://www.fitnesslogs.com/calories.htm

I have a polor heart rate monitor M51 and it does the calorie expenditure thing for the duration of the workout...based on inputed info (ht, wt, age etc..)
I also have a Polar HRM that tells you the calorie expenditure per workout based on my height, weight, age, etc. that you program in. I love it! It definately seems accurate. I believe for StepBlast it calculates I've burned around 500 calories per workout and I'm 5'5" and 130 lbs. and it certainly feels like I've burned that many calories after the interval blasts at the end!!!

I got my Polar HRM at www.fitzones.com. They offer free shipping and will lower the price of the HRM's if you find one cheaper. They sell many brands, not just Polar. GREAT customer service, too.



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