Excellent Book on Strength Training


Everybody - At the suggestion of one of the He-Man weightlifters at work, I purchased "Strength Training Anatomy" by Frederic Delavier. It shows a lot of different exercises with form pointers, but best of all, it shows detailed pictures of the muscles worked (like Gray's Anatomy style). I think I paid about $15 for it at Barnes&Noble online. Suzanne
Hi there Suzanne,

I also have this book,and I mentioned it in the discussion forum under 'Things that I love'.

This is such a cool book because it helps me with my form and I refer to it often. Did you know that he has another book out now called womens strength training anatomy?
both books are at amazon.com for around $13.95 I think, and I intend to purchase that one as well.

Happy reading

Hi - Ironically, right after I posted my note about the book, I read your post!!! That book is excellent---I love how he shows how the muscle connects to the bones. It will really help me "visualize" working the muscle (as Cathe suggests). Anyway, I'll check out his book for women. Thanks, Suzanne :D
I'd be curious if anyone has both - does the women's book have that much more to offer over the men's? I'm interested in buying a book of this type, but not sure if I'd really need both? In the interest of building the ultimate bod (;-) ) I just may need to have both!

Not sure if you'll see this reply since it's months after you posed the question... According to several reviews of the women's book on amazon.com, Delavier forgot half of the body: Our upper bodies! The reviewers seem to know Delavier's "Strength Training Anatomy," most of them praising that book, especially in comparison to the women's (lower body) version...

I was going to ask about the women's book too, if it were any different/better. Guess not! I love this book too! I never got around to buying my own copy because one of the librarians ordered one for our branch. Guess they were tired of some of us (patrons) requesting it (from one of the libraries in our shared system).

But I do think I'm going to get my own eventually. I'll check in the used books section of Borders/Amazon.

Keep the recommendations coming! :) I love books and reading!
:7 :7

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