"Ever Toned?"


New Member
I am a 35 year old Mom of 2 great kids. I have almost all of you tapes and use them on a regular basis. I have been training faithfully for about 15 years. I usually workout 6 days a week for 1 hour. My workout schedule consists of one day dedicated to muscle toning and the next day cardio, etc.

My question is, up to the age of 16 I weighed 200 lbs (I'm 5ft 1 inch, by the way). I then lost 85% of the weight, then put some back then lost it all finally weighing in at 105 lbs around the age of 18. When I became pregnant with my son, I gained 30 lbs. Then lost it again, weighing in at 107 lbs. Fourteen months later I became pregnant with my daughter & gained 42 lbs. I lost the weight again but not to my original weight. I currently weigh 110 lbs and can not seem to move that last 5 pounds and it has been 4 years. Finally the question, will I ever loose that weight? will I ever be as tone as I was? Has my metabolism shut down due to the ups and down and is skin stretched to the point of no return?
First of all there are very few of us at the age of 35 that weight what we did at 18 especially since our bodys change after childbirth and as we age, and yes, our metabolism slows down (but doesn't shut down). I wouldn't worry too much about that 5lbs. Maybe you just need to shake up your workout. There have been some excellent posts in the last few days in regards to shaking up and changing routines.

Good Luck (and remember be the best you can be today don't worry about what you were at age 18).
RE:Boy, Do I know how you feel!!!

I too am 5'1" and after 3 kids I have wondered the same thing!! When I got pregnant with my first daughter I weighed 99lbs. After I delivered, I got down to 103. When I got pregnant with my son, I weighed 108(or at least when I got weighed at my first doctor visit) after I delivered I weighed 110. When I got pregnent with my 3rd child(another girl) I weighed 110. After I delivered I weighed 152!! Boy, was I depressed!! I started exercising like crazy(BTW, I exercised through all my pregnancies except my 2nd when I was put on bed rest in the middle due to bleeding) and hardly eating anything. I was eventually diagnosed with borderline anorexia. To make a long story short, I started weight training along with cardio and eating right(well, as best I could anyway). Today I weigh 107. And I'm pretty happy with it. Like you, I want to get to 103-105lbs, but if I don't, that's ok because I really feel great!! How do you feel? Do you feel strong and healthy? That's what counts!! I have muscle now and energy!! So I'm not as thin as I used to be, I have more energy now!! Yes, I have that loose skin and the lower belly pooch, but I find that playing baseball or soccer with my kids is more important than a couple of inches. I figure I'll never see those last few pounds disappear, but I have so much more muscle and strength and energy now, that I appericate my body for more than how it looks. Be kind to yourself, you ARE in your healthy weight range. Besides, you've come a long way baby from your teenage years!! Be proud of your accomplishments!! And after 2 kids many women only wish to see their healthy weight range again and you are already there!! Be proud that you are the strong healthy woman that you are today, and if the weight comes off, Great!! And if not, love your body anyway!!

RE:Boy, Do I know how you feel!!!

Dear Aimee,

I SOOOO appreciated your response! I do feel healthy, I just hate those extra pounds - but your right playing with the kids is better than worrying about the extra pounds! I also worked out throughout both my pregnancies, in fact the doctors think thats why I was not in labor so long. With my son, I labored for 1 hour and with daughter 1/2 hour.

You are such an inspiration - I can't thank you enough for your great letter. Do you live in Connecticut by any chance? Maybe we could train together.

Thanks again!

RE:Boy, Do I know how you feel!!!

Bless your heart!! Unfortunately, no i don't live in Connecticut. I live in Ohio. I appericare the offer though, it would've fun to do that! Good Luck!!

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