Ever get Lonely?


Hi all,

Do you ever feel lonely as a home exerciser? I say this because none of my friends, co-workers or relatives follow any exercise program (not even in a gym as far as I know). My brother is a bicycle enthusiast who goes on 30-50 mile rides six days a week. He's really a fanatic about it and just keeps pushing me to get into riding too, which I'm not that interested in. So, when we do talk exercise, it's always about him and his bike.I know I have this forum and videofitness, but there are times that I wish I had someone in person that I could talk with. A couple of months ago, my partner got me all excited telling me she wanted to work out with me. I ordered "Fat Burning for Dummies" as she knows nothing about aerobics and a couple of beginner weight training vids. Told her I would help her get started and do the basic workouts with her. Well, it's been three months now and she hasn't joined me yet. I don't pressure her because she is a mail carrier and also walks the dog almost every night, so she does get her exercise. But boy, it can get lonely. Thanks for letting me vent!
I don't know any real live visible people who work out at home either. They are all "cyber-units".

The camaraderie on this forum is enough for me. There are always plenty of people to answer questions, funny stories to hear, interesting articles. I sometimes look at VF and MUM also, but not so much.

Most of my friends are essentially sedentary. Or they go to a gym a bit. Some do the occasional active vacation, like skiing or diving. One friend plays tennis competitively.

It's a lonely business, this grueling fitness stuff! When the going gets tough, you know...
Anytime you need to vent! We're here!

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I just want to drool with someone over buying a BOSU, or a new tape I tried.

I am lucky because my husband does a little of the Cathe strength training, so I can share some stuff with him, but he gets bored quickly if I go on and on!

Hang in there and let us keep you company!

I know exactly what you mean. I don't personally know anybody else who works out regularly, my husband keeps threatening to but wimps out of it claiming he has too much work to do, as if I haven't.....

Of course I see a lot of people working out because I live in Ann Arbor, a busy University town, so there are plenty of people going to the recreation buildings but mostly I see them using the eliptical, bike, stair climber, etc, and all of that would bore the pants off a me in split seconds, I mean where's the creative routines? where's the challenge? where's the fab music? I see a lot of people running, and walking too at the local parks and lakes, but there's no-one to share my love of step, intervals, circuits, cardio kickbox, weight training with.

At the weekend we were invited to dinner with the family of my daughter's new friend and I noticed the woman in the house had a step in her basement, almost spanking new, so I commented on this and asked, "so you do step training huh?" and her response was, "oh, that, well I bought it ages ago, and I did step for a bit but you soon grow out of that, don't you?" I point blank told her that no, I have not grown out of it and I love it to death, all she needed was the right instructor...but she was not in the least interested in continuing the conversation.

So it's back to the TV set, Cathe and me and the gang!! And you guys in cyber solidarity!!! We're always here for ya!

Hi gang,

It is a long and lonely road.

I have been clearing a lot of rooms lately, one minute there are people in there and the next they are gone, Hmm.. could it be my conversations about cathe and exercise.

Fitness is indeed a lonely business, what with the rather frightening statistic that fewer than 20% of Americans exercise with any consistency at all, and that an even smaller percentage exercises in accordance with ACSM guidelines for cardiovascular and musculoskeletal benefit. I feel that loneliness on a regular basis in my daily life, which is why I cherish aqua group fitness instruction AND the Cathe forums.

I think exclusively home exercisers by definition are probably even a bit lonelier, because their programs are home-based and might be lacking the social element of a club or training group environment.

I've been fortunate: because of the Cathe forums, I've been able to hook up with three other Cathe-ites here in my neck of the woods, and we're able to get together on occasion and Talk Cathe, as well as try new things and swap e-mails. (We sound like a bunch of kids trading baseball cards when we get together!)

Stay here on the forums, Mar, because that feeling of loneliness will always be there, and these cyber-places help tremendously!

My father recently came up to my office and I introduced him to my boss. These are the two big macho guys in my life, with the biggest egos you've ever seen on two guys. They were talking to (at?) each other about their sports accomplishments, which was nauseating. My father then said that "Nancy has lots of athletic genes, but she's never done anything with them". I said "Dad!!!" in shock. He said "Oh yeah, she did that bike thing", referring to the bike marathon I rode with my husband. He knows I work out with Cathe, but it just doesn't count. Everyone in my family and in my office are big tennis players and seem to thrive on competitive sports. To them, the stuff I do is not even worth mentioning. It's just wimpy girl stuff. Biking and running make it onto their radar screens, but working out to video tapes doesn't rate.

I can't believe you folks actually know people who don't work out! In my family of macho guys and my law firm of macho partners, I am considered to be the wimpiest of the wimpy because I "just" work out in my living room and the gym. You see, I don't do any "real" sports! And this is just a microcosm of my life generally!;(

So you see why I love these forums!

Great post Mar!

-Lonely in New York City
Hi, I'm a lonely home exerciser, too. I haven't cleared too many rooms, but I have noticed eyes glazing over when I get wound up....-joy
All I can say is "Thank goodness for cathe.com and videofitness.com" or I would be a very lonely exerciser. No one I know works out at home, except for a rather unenthusiastic bowflex user who doesn't get into talking about it.

It's nice to have Internet communities of like-minded people to interact with who actually can share one's enthusiasm about finally being able to do the stability ball pikes, or moving up in weight, or pre-ordering a new workout. If I even brought these things up with most people, I'm sure I'd get some glazed looks or some arched eyebrows in response. ['Cuz, you know, working out at home, unless you have a home gym with lots of club-type machines, doesn't count to most people.]
Hi Mar,

I can relate. My hubby and best friend do their best to listen attentively when I talk my Cathe workouts, (like: "Hey! I did one whole v-pike!") but it just isn't the same as the support you get on these boards.

One reaction that REALLY does tick me off is the "look down the nose" reaction that some folks give to video workouts in general. Kind of like Art Carey's original column. These people make me nuts. x( x( To them if it isn't done in a gym or on a machine then it can't possibly be a "real" workout. Uuggh. <End vent>
I feel the same way as most of you, that's why I created http://www.fitnessvideofanatics.com/companions/keep.fit !! I thought it would be a great way to meet REAL people once in a while. Yes, you all are wonderful, but it's hard to take the computer for a walk with me ;)

I only wish I knew how many people actually used it and ending up with a fitness buddy. Oh well, I hope it's doing some good.

I don't know anyone who works out to videos, but I know a lot of people who work out, so we find common ground when it comes up in conversation. My husband and I both work out at home, but he does not use videos at all. Sometimes we work out together, but either it is doing an activity together (rollerblading, hiking, skiing, etc.) or, if it is at home, it is of the "we're in the same room working out, but not doing the same thing" variety. He doesn't do aerobics or step or Tae Bo, but he lifts weights while I do those. We can't lift weights together, because we get in each other's way and on each other's nerves ("I was just about to use that" or "One more set, then you can use it"). It would be worse if he wanted to use my tapes because there would be disagreement over which tape to use!
I love exercising by myself, I can do the exercises I want to do, and I don't have to wait for someone else. I can do what I want when I want. I don't have to please anyone else with routines, I just pop one of cathe's dvd's in and get started.......... Rhonda :7 :7
You're not alone in NYC. I'm a Cathe-ite in New York City as well, thanks to Kathy H. from this forum and whom I know in real life. We're just all ahead of the curve, right?

I love exercising at home too, but I do get lonely. My sister goes to a gym...she doesn't look down on me at all, but she doesn't really understand my world either!
Thank heaven for Cathe & this forum. ALL of you guys are the greatest.
Also my DH is a wonderful man who is bemused by my enthusiasm & very kindly tries to share in it, although so far I can't get him to try it. He says he's proud of me though, and tells everyone he knows how strong I am! :)
ANOTHER one that can so relate!!

I am exactly like all of you. I get so excited when I can get new people to work out! Unlike you all, I have successfully "converted" three friends from work. I have a TV there even to do Cathe!! They all love Cathe now and are considering buying workouts of their own. However, the addiction level still is not the same. While these women work out to be thinner and because they "have to", I work out simply because I WANT to and because I could not imagine my life any other way. I am also naturally interested in anatomy, nutrition, weightlifting...anything fitness. I read everything I can on it!! 95% of my free time is spent either reading about fitness, looking at it on the internet, or talking about it either to or "at" the hubby. Sometimes I think how unhealthy I am being that this seems to be all I think about sometimes. But then I see these posts and WISH I could have friends like you guys here, so that I could go rollerblade or hike with some people that actually LIKE to do it and LOOK FORWARD to it. That kind of positive energy is few and far between!
If anyone gets real lonely, I must say a gym is a great place to go. It is fun to feel in your element!! I go to Bally's even..one of the bigger gyms...and I will say when I am in there, I feel like one of the fittest, most powerful people there. It is a real confidence booster for me when I get in a rut. I just go there and realize, after looking around for a while, that I really can kick butt and take names!!!:):):)

Atleast we all have each other!!!

Nancy...ask them to join you....
that'll be the last time they make fun of you!!

My favorites for scaring off newbies are:

IMAX 1 or 2 (of course!)
Power Circuit with BC cardio and CK drills tacked on (WHEW!!, even I have a hard time looking comfortable for that one)
The lower body segment of Power Hour

Nice to meet you too! Kathy H. is from New York City too. Kathy's office was displaced in the WTC disaster and she came to work temporarily in my office and turned me on to Cathe. I've been grateful ever since.

Have a Sterling Day!

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