European Distributors of Cathe dvds



Does anyone know of any european distributors of cathe dvds?

I did find this site...

I emailed them twice with no reply and I tried to register on their web site without success as their site is badly written. I have kinda lost confidence in them now.

Does anyone know of any others? I am really keen to order PUB but do not want to pay customs. I had to pay £23 customs on my last order which was almost as much as the dvd itself :(

Thanks very much
You can try con ck sales. the dvd are a little more expensive than the price with SNM but you don't pay tax or cutoms and they have a gret consumer service. I usually receive my dvd in 10 days and I live in Spain.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:)

I'm really surprised, I've already ordered twice without any troubles!

Registration and fast delivery and a fine & friendly service!

Kind regards

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