Eric Update???


Cathe, I know you are a busy lady, but we haven't had an Eric update in a while. You KNOW we'd love to see some new photos and hear some cute stories! Maybe you could tell us how you manage to juggle it all. Hope all is great. Looking forward to the new vids.
YES!!! We would like an update on your wee one! He is 15 months old now, and must be doing some amazing stuff. Pretty please?!:7
Cathe is probably chasing Eric around the house as we speak. My 14 month old is walking and I can't turn my back on him for a second. He is very curious and finds all sorts of things to play with. He just loves the little button with the green light that turns off the computer...he has the knack of pushing that button in when I am about to send a message ;-)

Hi Angela and everyone else too! Thanks for asking about my little "terror" ha! I will try to get an update and some pics soon. But for now I can tell you he is a little handful (of love of course, ;-)! When are the terrible two's supposed to start? hee hee! The last couple of weeks Eric has been very assertive in "attempting" to show mommy and daddy that NO means YES and BAD means GOOD. He hasn't convinced us yet but I can assure you that he never gives up trying ;-)! Oh but what a cutie. I'll give more details in the update. Thanks for thinking of him!

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