


First time user on this site. I just bought the newest DVD and I own kick, punch, & cruch + legs and glutes which does not require the use of a bar bell. I don't own a bar bell and when Cathe says she is using 30 pounds, does she mean 15 on each side? I am going to get one and some weights for it but I was wondering if anyone could recommend what size plates, the weight of the bar bell itself etc...

thanks much!:)
Hello and Welcome!! A lot of people use dumbells and no barbell with Cathe's workouts. I think it's reasonable up to a point. Eventually a BB is a good option esp for leg exercises. When Cathe says she has 30 pounds that's the total- the plates plus the BB. Most of the time she uses one like the troy lite. The BB weighs 5 pounds. Here's a web link:

The basic BB comes with a total of 40 pounds which is usually more than enough to get most folks started. Unless you are used to lifting heavier.

I think some have gotten one very similar at walmart. And of course if you can get it in the store you'll save a ton on shipping.

Good luck and have fun!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
I don't own a barbell. I don't lift heavy enough. I do all the exercises with dumbbells. Works for me. I just finished a 4 week rotation doing nothing but the new series (4 Day Split) and a bit of jogging. During the rotation, I had to buy 12#, 15# and just this week, 20# dumbbells. I made strength gains on every muscle. If you're looking for an excuse to buy a barbell set, then, I can't help there. ;)

Thanks for your responses. I will consider pricing them and probably purchasing a BB. I need all the help I can get with my leg workout. I used to go a Group Power class at the YMCA but they recently built a new YMCA and raised the membership and I just thought I'd give a go with exercising at home and I have lost 3 pounds already,waste of time going to the Y I guess. Who needs a gym when you have Cathe and a treadmill, huh?

Thanks again!
I would never workout in a gym. Well, shouldn't say never ;) It's just too easy to roll out of bed or whatever and workout when I feel like it. All I have to do is put on my clothes and get moving. If I went to the gym I'd have to at least brush my hair LOL :7 Working out at home works for me. Although I would love to have a power cage to work on my squats. Right now DH is helping, but I'm squatting 90# and he won't be able to help as I get much higher. He can spot me, but won't be able to place the bar on my shoulders.

Keep up the good work and good luck in your quest to find a BB.

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
Walmart sells a BB that is similar to the Troy (quick release) that is ridiculousely inexpensive. that's where I bought mine. It was like $40 or something including 100-150# weights(can't remember exactly, it's been a while!)
I bought the 100lb bb set from walmart also it is like $40. You can also buy more plates if needed at a sporting good stores.

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