Equipment for Leaner Legs?

Daphne M

Cathe, UPS informs me that my new videos are on my doorstep right now.

I've decided to do a rare (for me) evening workout, starting with Leaner Legs.

I want to be totally prepared -- do you recommend Advil, Tylenol or straight morphine afterward?

Never mind -- I think it's going to be Miller Lite instead.

Thanks, I'm so excited to do my new tapes! You guys really have excellent customer service -- so professional in all that you do.

Thanks again. Now where are my Yellow Pages? I need to look up the number for my pharmacy.


...from the viewing of Leaner Legs, I suggest you take the Morphine BEFORE you work out!! That way, you'll never know what hit you!!

M & M

I too have previewed this video, with my jaw hanging slack in wonderment, I might add. I couldn't walk after just watching it.
I suggest M & M, morphine before as suggested & Miller Lite after. Of course Norm will have to bring the second M to you as you lie (supine) after the killer round of ab work.

Have that Miller Lite.

How about this? Have that Miller Lite, but prop your feet up on an ottoman and just give the tape a look-see. There's always tomorrow, and it is Friday. Why spoil a perfectly good workout video by actually doing it on a hot summer evening. LOL!
Wiped me out!

Just viewing it. All those lower moves, I kept thinking Cathe was finishing up and then she would start the round over again. And the AB section???!!!!!! Good thing that this is only to be done once a week. TOUGH!TOUGH!TOUGH!
Cathe? Or her evil twin?

Cathe is such a sweet person, I know that she would never want to really hurt me or anything. But -- somewhere during that set of static lunges at the "low end," followed by the slow 4-count down, 4-count up, 5,000-count up, 4-count down -- I started to wonder. And to think, I used to think that the sit and stands in PS were killer! HA!

Then I did the ab work. That clinched it. That wonderful Cathe would NEVER put me through this. Must be her evil twin.

Please forgive any typos. I'm lying in a supine position with my Miller Lite IV drip going.

Oh and Jane P -- I took your excellent advice and waited until this morning to do Meaner Legs, er, I mean, Leaner Legs. Great set, the music is really good, Cathe and/or her evil twin is fantastic and I got one heckuva workout in just 4 1/2 hours. Ooops ... maybe it only seemed that long. I think it was really 45 minutes?
? for Daphne

Hi Daphne,
I haven't previewed Leaner Legs yet - I'm a little afraid of it - definitely the last video I'm going to do. Anyway, I was wondering if you used the same weights as you normally do for PS Legs and MIS or did you go lighter? TIA!!

You guys are killing me. :) hahahaha.... I am feeling sorry for myself bec my tape said that it's in my county, i assume, the UPS office. I really want to drive there & pick it up instead of waiting impatiently for them to arrive. Anyway, i wanted to see your previews/reviews of them & it sounds exactly what i need. So, take pain killers eh? Maybe i can go see my doc for some of those Demerol or Tylenol with Codeine. maybe, time to start drinking beer... never mind... keep all the reviews coming.... making me laugh!! hehehehe
Erica -- I used MIS weight

Actually, I went even lighter than I do with MIS.

For Meaner Legs, I used 34 pounds. I would recommend going light on your first attempt. Cathe says she is using 35 pounds. For the first 20 minutes or so, my barbell felt GREAT! Then, the static lunges took me over the edge. Zowie! Cathe uses "active rests." So as soon as you finish up squats, you go to deadlifts. As soon as you finish up lunges, you're doing calf raises. It moves fast. In some ways it reminds me of Body Pump (lots of changing tempos and very quick paced.) But it's not Body Pump, it's just pure Cathe. I really like the fact that it's very different from both PS and MIS. Muscle confusion, here I come!
Meaner Legs!

LOL I like that that name could just stick

this thread . . .

is a good ab workout! Daphne, I laughed so hard at your post about Meaner Legs! I too have not previewed it, can you say FEAR? Now I'm really scared! You guys are SOOO funny!!
Sore next day from LL?

OK, I need to know. Who all was sore the next day after completing Leaner Legs (who wasn't sore the day after doing PS Legs)? I gotta know as this will be my first tape I plan to do from my 8-tape set (UPS says I'll get them on Wednesday PM).

Just want to know how well that muscle confusion worked.

My quads were sore

The day after doing Meaner Legs, my quads were sore, but not REAL sore. Today (2 days later), the glutes have kicked in. The good kind of sore, where you're aware of the muscle, but you're not stiff or anything.

I don't get sore easily. PS Strong Legs almost never leaves me sore. (Go figure.) The leg portion of MIS makes me sore everytime, usually in the glutes and inner thighs.

I have a lot of room to grow with Leaner Legs. During the segment where Cathe does lots of static lunges at the low end, I just couldn't go very low. I was dying. The sit and stands actually felt good afterward.

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