

I was wondering if someone could offer me advice on increasing my energy. I have gone to the Dr.'s and had a physical they say I am fine(thyroid and lymne disease were ok too). I am always tired especially after a workout. I'm lucky if I get 2 cardio (20-30 min.) sessions in a week with 2 or 3 strength training (45min.) My diet is just OK. In the last 3 years I have slowly put on 15lbs. which has only made my workouts harder. I don't have anything with caffeine in it. I have tried hydroxcut and stacker 2 it actually gives me alot of energy and lifts my mood but I quite taking it after 2 weeks because I know how bad it is for you plus it keeps me up at night. Even after having 8 or 9 hours sleep I am so tired by 3:00 or 4:00PM and could easily sleep for an hour. It seems like it takes me hours to do ordinary tasks like laundry.

A few non-professional suggestions.....definitely take a look at your diet, and watch your refined carbo intake. Prevention Magazine had a good article in May about Glycemic levels of food that you may want to take a look also.

Also, make sure you eat breakfast if you're not already, and don't let yourself get hungry through the day. Are you taking any vitamins? That may help, too.

One last thought....I find that if I work out in the morning, that I'm less tired than if I wait till later, I think because I don't have to think about it! My energy really goes downhill the later in the day I get, so those morning workouts really help.

So, just some suggestions, take it or leave it, as Miss Cathe says.
Just a thought here...years ago (back when I was around 20-25) I had iron-deficiency anemia. And I would get the same way...get tons of sleep but then still be exhausted. You mentioned you had your thyroid tested and were tested for lyme disease...I assume the doctor also tested you for possible anemia?

Do you take any B vitamins? A B complex is really important, plus you can also take a B-12 sublingually (under the tongue) which is really good for energy (has to build up in your system though so doesn't work overnight).

A couple of years ago I went to the DR. because I was always exhausted, he tried to dismiss me and tell me it was from a car accident that I had been in a month earlier. I demanded a SMAC and a CBC test done. He got mad and said that I was wasting money, but he drew the blood. Two days later he called me back into his office. My liver enzymes were through the roof!! After months of testing we finally found what I had. CMV. CytoMegalyvirus(gosh I hope I spelled that right!) It also is a contributing factor in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It took me a year to recover, and there are still times I get tired. I have found a nap in the day for 20-45min really helps me. Then I'll workout in the evening. And trust me, I'm always ready to go back to sleep a couple of hours after my workout ends. Maybe if you took a nap and exercised in the evening it will help, maybe not. Just a suggestion:)!
Good Luck!!
I recently started taking CoQ10 and L-Carnitine for energy as well as weight loss. They have helped me tremendously. My weight loss is slow but at least it is no longer non-existent.
I take these supplements before I begin my exercise. On days that I lift weights, I make sure to get exxtra protein in after the workout. ( I take these in the form of Andrew Lessman's Pure Protein.) I am terrible with protein, this was the only to get some into my diet.
To research the CoQ10 look in Andrew Weil's book. The suggestion about refined carbs is also an excellent one. I got rid of sugar and alot of refined carbs which also helped. Be patient. Hope this helps.
Is there any possibility you suffer from sleep apnea? People who say they are getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night and are sleepy several times during the day may in fact be waking up several times during the night and not getting enough deep sleep. If you snore a lot, it's a possibility. I also think you should find out if you are anemic. I was and it really affected my workouts until I started taking an iron supplement.
Hi Debbie

Just a note that you are not the only one out there with this "problem." I can get 10 hours of sleep and still feel tired throughout the day. I have a very bad slump at around 4 -6 p.m. My co-workers tell me I am a different person at that time. I have no way of taking a nap during the day during the week but on the weekends I can and it helps tremendously. Other things to consider are if you could be depressed - even mildly - or just boredom. I know I am more sleepy at work that when I am at home. I have heard - on this site actually - that low blood pressure can be a cause though I haven't done the research to back it up.

Also try eating every 3 to 4 hours. Do you feel energized after working out even if it is a little bit? I feel energized for a short while afterwords which gives me hope that exercise will help make it better.

If you find the magic formula please share :)
HI Debbie,

I too have been feeling absolutely bottomed out. I'll wake up feeling flat and lifeless. It takes alot of energy to do the most everyday task. I went to a M.D. I was dismissed as not having enough sleep. He wanted to put me on anti-depressants for this. I would'nt do it. I could feel there was something wrong physically.

I then went to a Naturopathic D.R. She took a full history and blood work. To make a long story short. I wasn't ovulating regularly. My estrogen levels were off. I was put on a multi-vitamin and other forms of natural female hormone supplements. I've been on them for 1 week. Today! I woke up feeling GOOD!!! I feel energy!!! I don't have a headache. I had constant dull headaches. No libido. Even when it was sunny out (Which is an event here in the Northwest!) I did'nt want to be outside.

I usually post on the weekly check-ins for workout. I have not been able to work out. I think this week I'll start Yoga again.

I hope this helps. Keep looking and seeking ansewers. You'll find it.

Oh...The Naturopath did draw blood. I go back in two weeks. I might be anemic as well. She was will check for a virus also. I will have a complete physical at that time.

Up to 5 months ago. I had ALOT of energy. Worked out 6 days a week with Cathe and then ran 3-4 miles. I ate really clean. Drank lots of water. Work part time. Have a husband and 3 teenage sons. I felt absolutely on top of the world. Then fairly rapidly I just bottomed out. I am really glad I kept seeking ansewers. I know I'm not out of this yet. BUT...Today I feel good.

Best to YOU!!!
Wow!! This truly IS an educated crowd. Thanks for all the great adice I will see which ones work best.

Hey!! Remember???

who was it who had a sudden drop of energy..

then she found out she was pregnant!!!!!
Another thought...

Lots of possible suspects already brought to your attention. One more allergies can make you incredibly exhausted. It's a side-effect of crashing after you eat problem foods. If you tend to eat the same things all the time, you may want to consider eliminating them for awhile and see if that helps. My guess is you have more than one thing going on here. :)

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