Energy levels...

Question for you all.

I am new to Cathe and getting my first videos sometime in the next week or so for CK sales. I am a size 16 and looking to get back to my size 6's. I

My question do you get the energy? I have done 3 weeks of the Firm videos 5 times during the week and did well with them, but all of a sudden I have no energy (none, zip nada, you get the picture)and fall asleep reading with my 7 year old at 3 in the afteroon.

Do you have any suggestions for me?:7

Hi Shiela,

I don't know the "answer" to your question, but here are some things that came to my mind when I read your post:

1. You have only been at it for 3 weeks, so your body is probably still adjusting to your increased activity level...perhaps some of the energy loss will reverse itself upon full adjustment. ( I didn't feel a big energy difference until I had been exercising regularly for about 5 months).

2. Are you eating more healthy protein sources to support your increased exercise routine and energy expenditure?

3. Are you drinking enough water? (At least 8 cups per day).

4. Are you taking your rest days back to back (i.e. Sat & Sun) or spacing them out? I suggest spacing them out if possible.

5. Are you taking a multivitamin?

6. Maybe you need that nap in the afternoon as your body adjusts to the new routine.

Just some thoughts. Good luck and welcome to the forum. I'm sure others will have some thoughts on this as well.
Hi Sheila, not sure how your diet is, but that is something you might want to look at. Make sure you are eating enough calories, bec if you restrict yourself (not sure if you are or not) too much, that can cause low energy. Also, make sure you are getting enough fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eating every 3 - 4 hours throughout the day really helps me, and I usually feel pretty energetic throughout the day. Good luck!
Keep up the workouts no matter what. You've been at it for 3 weeks - that's sort of a magic number. They say after 3 weeks, something becomes a habit. For me it's a milestone. If I can push through the 3 week mark it gets somewhat easier. Maybe it will for you too. I'm sure this has lots to do with your body's adjustment to new work/diet. What helps me when I don't have the energy is to not think about what work is ahead, but just do the warmup and my body wakes up a bit. I hope it works for you too. Are you using a variety of workouts - like circuit, intervals and step only?
My workouts has been The Firm, and I have lots of tapes and rotate them so that I am working arms one day and legs the next. I don't have any cardio (hence why I am getting the Cathe videos which are Rhythmic Step and Ab something or other).
Ok here's my answers:

2. Protien....I don't eat a lot of protein because it is not my most favorite food.

3.Water...I am trying to increase my water, but I am no where near 8 glasses per day.

4. Rest Day.... I work out 2 days then rest one then 3 days then rest one. The next week I do 3 days then rest then 2 days. I do the Firm (aerobics with weights) all the time and do Arms one day and Legs then next As I said in my original post I am getting Cathe (rhythmic Step and Ab something or other) so that I can get some cardio in as I know I need that.

5. Multivitamin. I haven't been taking a multi vitamin and am heading to the doctors this friday for a yearly visit :-( :( and I will have her check my iron levels before I go get a vitamin.

Thank you for your input.
Not sure about diet....the program I am on is called Thin Within. The premise is that you eat when your tummy wants food (not when your head says you want food). I am not restricting what I eat only when I eat.

I would highly reccommend getting the CTX series.They are shorter workouts-(if you dont have a full hour or 2) .They have a great variety and they also work one body part a day at the end of the aerobics.
I'm not much of a meat eater, in fact almost zilch. But protein is necessary for energy and building muscle among other things. I would suggest incorporating protein powder in your diet. You can mix it in a variety of ways ala a shake or put in yogurt for a smoothie. Since looking at what Cathe ate while doing the Intense Series, peanut butter has become my friend as well. Also soy is a good source of soybeans. I have to add that because we grow soybeans. :D

Just a thought, take it or leave it as Cathe says. LOL
Thank you to all who gave me their input. I realized that part of my problem was stress. I had a VERY stressful week (my hubby got a new job and a man had a massive heart attack at my desk at work (yes he lived a team effort was done giving him cpr)) 2 weeks ago and this past week everything has calmed down.

I will check into the ctx (remember I am new to Cathe).

I also know that there are somethings that I need to change with the way I do things. I need to make sure I eat enough protien (I have been thinking about protien powders (meat is the last thing I reach for when eating). I also know that I don't drink enough water (maybe 1 glass per day). I need to cut down on caffeine (I won't tell you how many cups).:+

So again thank you all I look forward to learning more on my journey to healthy.
Check out the thread, why do we need to drink water.
I'll try bumping it to the top, so as not to type out the long identification number. :D
RE: Energy levels...Thank you all

Ok, here's the update. I am now taking Ginseng and Royal Jelly to boost the energy. I also had my iron levels checked and I was down to 9. A year ago I was at 15 and that was low. If I kept up with out getting Iron supplements I would have become anemic. I will be getting iron this coming friday.

I have gotten back to working out, and am still waiting for my Cathe tapes from CK sales. I thought I sent them the cheque to pay for them and found it in my purse (oops.).

Thanks again for all your valuable insight. I am working on implementing the suggestions y'all gave.

RE: Energy levels...Thank you all

HI Sheila,
I just wanted to add that you need all the vitiman B's as well. I was diagnosed with anemia (which isnt always iron realted), and I found that I did notice a great improvement when I started taking an iron suppliment, but I also needed to back off on my tea consumption somewhat, as that intervers with your bodies ability to absorb iron.

Just a couple of added thoughts

RE: Energy levels...Thank you all

Thank you for the info on the vitamin B. I started on the iron today as well as Ginseng with Royal Jelly and ground Flax seed (not for energy of the body but for the colon). ;) . I have noticed an increase in energy already (from the Ginseng I would suspect since I just took the iron pill.)

Thanks again to everyone.


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