I have the Oxford English dictionary in front of me, looking up the word Endurance, and surprisingly, the term Endurance, quote, is
'suffer something painful and prolonged patiently (tolerate)'
Mmmm, this sounds like IMAX........:7
So, I am concluding from this that yes exercise is indeed (pleasurably) painful, and is prolonged/tolerated patiently the more that you partake in exercise, and subsequently get better at it. What happens when the body becomes use to a particular weight, and you get no further results, you increase your weights, etc, etc.
So, maybe a certain type of exercise can't be classed as ENDURANCE, but instead it is a benefit derived from partaking in types of exercise....?
Am I making any sense ?
Because I am now slowly beginning to think I imagined there ever being a type of exercise, called Endurance, and that my stupid brain wanted to believe there was ? So, in that case then workouts combinig weights and cardio have to be classed as Cross Training.
And yes, Wendy, I also think you are right, I DO get confused about the differences between muscular endurance and cardio endurance. Is PH more endurance based than MIS ?????
I too am going to zip on over to Ask Cathe, and do a search for that thread.
Thanks Wendy and Janice
PS: You can tell it is TTOTM, can't you ? :-rollen