Endurance or strength training ?


New Member
I am really wanting to lose weight and tone my muscles. I am not seeing the results I would like yet. I do cardio 3-4x a week with weight days as well. For weight tapes I just have S&H and MIS. My muscles are feeling firm but I don't like the size of them still. I want them to be smaller and toned. So should I focus on endurance training first for awhile and then go to strength training? If so what other tape would be good beside MIS? Or should I do both of MIS and S&H?
Thank you for your input!
If I were you I would want Power hour for endurance. I would also want Pure Strength. Slow and Heavy is a more specialized workout to get after you get Pure Strength, IMO.

To have toned, strong, dense muscle it is important to continue strength training with plenty of variety and tailor your food consumption as well. Fat can be found both outside and inside the muscles so patience and perseverance will bring you the results you are looking for.

The more input you get from Cathe's different strength workouts, the better you get at designing your own for yourself, because she makes sure to educate you while you're doing it. Cathe includes new facts and exciting new twists on old moves in each strength tape.

So start saving now. If I were you I'd get Power hour and then Pure Strength (all). Power hour is total body in one hour, endurance style, and will complement what you already have. It also shows you a split stance which is a helpful thing to know how to use.

Pure Strength is also a must-have series.

Good luck and enjoy!

You did not mention what type of cardio workouts you do and for how many minutes.

I started seeing superb results with my body fat loss only after I increased my cardio to 5 days - all high intensity.

I do 2x Cathe's BodyMax Step Only (without the step but my jumps are really high) And 3 days with non-Cathe tapes but high intensity workouts (Aero-box, Kickboxing, sports cardio etc.,)

I also do weights. MIS and PH are my favourite 2 endurance workouts. I do a workout twice per week but not in the same week.

I own S&H DVD but found that I could not fit in 5 days of cardio every time I did S&H workout. Plus I gained muscle that made my arms look bulky not toned, although they were getting toned. So I decided to get lean first. This mean stick to a strick 5 day cardio workout week. If I can't fit in weights then that is fine. For now, even 1 total body day was better than none.

I have shelved S&H for now until I get down to my desired dress size. I love the workouts but I want to concentrate on getting down to my desired size first.

I have checked out a lot of cardio video previews because I was looking to buy some new tapes. From Cathe's catalog I thought Rhythmic step+ which comes with an Interval workout and MIC is a great DVD to have. The workouts look intense yet fun. Also, 10-10-10 - I have been eyeing this one for a long time, I just can't afford it right now cause it costs $32 Cdn (ouch!) shipping + taxes not included!

Non-Cathe cardio workouts - you might want to check out the videos on collagevideo.com before buying but I have "Slammin' Sports Cardio" by Mindy Mylrea (this is my new buy and I love it!). Aero-Box by Kathy Smith and Michael Olajedi and of course Tae-Bo, Kickboxing with Kathy Smith and Keith Cooke. Some people here also recommended PowerStrike kickboxing series. It's on my wish list and plan to purchase it as soon as it goes on sale.

Hey Shaan, I'm excited to see another Canuck! Maybe we should lobby Cathe for a Canadian roadtrip. There has to be more of us Cathe fans up north! There is a link on Cathe's homepage (I think thats where it is) to a Canadian vendor of fitness products. The prices are much more affordable than ordering from the U.S. Prices are in Cdn dollars and no duty. Probably you already know this but thought I'd pop on and say Hi.

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