

Hi Cathe & All,

I'm new and just found out about Cathe's videos. I've been doing various Firm & Tae-Bo videos but I was looking for more variety and a greater challenge. I just ordered and received Max. Int. cardio & Max. Int. strength. I walked through the cardio video today for the first time which looks great. The problem is, I've never done step work before and was really having trouble with the choreography. Apparantely my learning curve is low and it left me feeling defeated and a total klutz! I know it will take more repetition for me to get these moves down but I was just wondering if there are others out there who struggle with new moves. Anyway, thanks for listening and I'll keep plugging away until I get it!
Struggle? Only with every new video I get! I don't care how "easy" reviews will say a videos choreography is, I will have to do it several times before I "get it!" So I'm just use to knowing it'll take me a few times to get it! And i still have some I still haven't gotten completely, and have had them for MONTHS! But that is the beauty of working out at home, no one knows if you miss a step or not but you :)
But on the up side, you do get a big kick out of it when you finally do get each and every combination right :), so hang in there, it'll come :)
Donna aka 2 left feet,toes and ankles :)
RE: Wow!

Cathe is the first step tape you have ever done!? WOW! Good for you that you are sticking it out. For a new stepper, even her basic choreography is pretty intermediate.
The first time I took step, after years of doing and teaching hi/lo, I thought, "I hate this, it is stupid and will never catch on." LOL! Back then, it was all about basics, v-steps, lots of arms and very little foot action. Thought I was the klutz of the earth. It just takes time. And repetition. You will absolutely, positively get it if you keep at it.
You may even consider buying one beginning step tape just as a "how to" to get the basic moves down. You'll probably only do it a few times and never need it again. I started out with Gilad years ago. It might help. Congrats on joining the Cathe club. :)
Keep at it because it is so worth it. The only step I had done when I got my first Cathe tape was the Firm, which is VERY basic.

What will happen is that you will start to recognize the names for things, like repeater and then things will get easier. Keep rewinding, that's what I did. Since you got MIC, you can get a good workout with the hi/lo section and then work your way through the step section. Keep the step low to learn. Then increase the height.

Good luck and keep trying because stepping with Cathe is so much fun.

Wow you started with MIC as your intro to cathe cardio?? You go girl! With MIC it's not the choreography that challenges me, it's enduring through the first 30-min hi/lo section! Whew! Don't worry though, you'll get the moves down with practice. Then as you progress through more tapes, you'll realize that many of the moves are used through different tapes. Like "over, face-in over" or "drop squats" or "knees around the world" - they'll become familiar and you'll be able to incorporate them into new tapes. Let us know what you think (esp. MIC :)

Thanks for all your replies! This is a great way to network with other people who are interested in the same thing. For some reason my husband and kids just don't get excited over the fact that I completed the cardio section and figured out a few more step moves! Hey Marnie...I know what you mean about challenging because my legs were burning and my heart rate was maxed :-wow I also bought the MI Strength which I hope to try next. Let me know if you have any other video recommendations. I watched the video clip of Circuit Max which looks really good. I like a complete workout which has both intense cardio together with strength work.
cardio + strength

You would definitely like Body Max or the CTX series if you want cardio & strength in one workout. In fact, that's why cathe designed the ctx series. It uses lighter weights & faster reps. The cardio segments are really fun and each one features a body part for strength training. Power Circuit works back but also incorporates lots of squats & lunges. Circuit Max is a lot of fun & really tough. That one hits all major muscle groups in each strength circuit. The thing I like about CTX is the variety of cardio. You get it all; hi/lo, kickbox, step... it's really fun. It's pretty popular here on the forum. Other people can give you more detail if you need it. I don't do CTX that often anymore (I run for my cardio & training for a race, but once in a while I do circuit max or power circuit for variety). One cardio tape I do regularly though is Cardio Kicks - cathe's kickbox tape. It's really fun and tough. It's truly total body and even works abs & lats.


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