
Okay so this is so embarrassing.

I have horrible bloating and gas at night. I eat clean, workout and do everything right 90% of the time. I cant figure it out but it has been going on now for about 1 month. Everynight! Sometimes I wake myself up and embarrasssing enough I think my bf too.
What is going on and what can I do about it?

Thanks Everyone!
Yes, this is a little embarassing, but my DH just rates the "results" like an Olympic scorecard!!!;-)
Yeah I have a lot of fiber throughout the day. I am a veggie so I eat a lot of veggies and fruits and all healthy stuff.
Lots of veggies and fruit will definitely do it to ya! Here are some of the top offenders: cabbage, brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, and others... I'm not a nutritionist but it has something to do with breaking down complex sugars. I've heard that beano really helps. It has an enzyme in it that helps break down the sugars. It's effective on more than just beans. ;)
OMG, I feel your pain and embarassment - truly!! And my DH can identify with your DB as well. Mine have even woken him up from a deep sleep - how bad is that?! Last night I just went and slept on the couch, I felt so bad.

I think I may have some IBS which may be complicating the picture a bit. Beano never has seemed to work for me. I get SO bloated and uncomfortable - it's very painful. I also eat quite a bit of fiber and veggies - I really try to eat healthy but it backfires on me (pun intended, lol)

Did you just start eating high fiber foods? Sometimes it takes your body a while to adjust. I eat a fiber diet and at first I was a little gasey. However I adjusted after a while. There are still certain foods thget me. Lets just say I do not eat any raw brocoli before big dates:) Maybe you could narrow it down to a certain food?
Jacque had a good idea - look at the list of "offenders" above, and eliminate one at a time until you can determine whether or not that is the culprit. For me it's spinach. If I eat spinach in any other form but completely uncooked, I bloat like nothing else. I also have to be careful about the kinds of beans I eat.
You could try Gas-X. It's a dietary supplement--I'm pretty sure it's all natural.

This reminds me of my most embarassing gym story. First year of working out, doing situps off the end of a bench with a trainer sitting on my feet. I farted right in his face. RIGHT IN HIS GD FACE!!!!!

I had to switch gyms after that. ;-)
"This reminds me of my most embarassing gym story. First year of working out, doing situps off the end of a bench with a trainer sitting on my feet. I farted right in his face. RIGHT IN HIS GD FACE!!!!!

I had to switch gyms after that. "

ROFL!!!!! That is classic! That story is a keeper.

I read a few years ago in Shape or Fitness about "empbarrassing moments" and a women did the same thing LauraMax did to her trainer but to her OBGYN...during an exam!!!!!!!!:eek:

As for the gym...I'm not sure that is what they mean by "exhale on the exertion".

O.k....I'm going to hell!
Another one of those Venus and Mars things

A guy feeling a ripper coming on would wake his spouse up and say "pull my finger!", pull the sheets over their heads or light it on fire

Why is it flatulence brings out the sophmoric humor in us?
>Jacque had a good idea - look at the list of "offenders"
>above, and eliminate one at a time until you can determine
>whether or not that is the culprit.

That's a good idea. YOu could do an elimination diet, like one does for food allergies. Usually, you eat a very bland diet for a few days, omitting any potentially 'guilty' foods, then add them back in one-by-one to find out what is the culprit.

Or just be more attentive to when you have gas and when you don't.

Other things that contribute to gas:
Swallowing too much air when eating (eating with the mouth open, gulping down drinks or using a straw).

Gas-producing elements in beans. If you cook your own beans from dried beans, it's best to soak them overnight, THROW OUT THE SOAK WATER (which will contain much of the gas-producing substances), and cook in fresh water.

Those who believe in the principles of food combining never eat fruit with anything else (fruit digests quickly, and when you mix it with other things that digest more slowly, those other things slow down the digestion of the fruit, which then ferments and causes gas. Fruit should be eaten alone, or with greens, or 20 minutes before other foods). They also say that combining starches and protein at theh same meal is a bad combo. Veggies and protein or veggies and starches are okay.

Do you eat any protein powders or bars? They could be part of the problem. I found that by pretty much eliminating isolated/concentrated soy protein from my diet, I greatly reduced the amount of gas I would have.
As sophisticated as anyone may be, toilet humor (i.e. South Park/Terrence & Phillip) is funny. GOOD toilet humor (i.e. Something About Mary) can be hilarious. }(
i just remembered. a friend bought me a present. two books. one titled, "everybody poops" and the other is "everybody passes gas". they are actually childrens books. i like them. :)


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