EMAIL Thank You Letter after job interview??

Janice, when I interviewed earlier this year for a promotional position, I wrote thank you letters to each of the interviewers on word processor and printed them on some resume paper with matching envelopes. Signed my original signature, of course, but used the letters as a combination thank-you and restatement of my deep interest in the position, as well as qualifications I had that I felt would be well-suited for it. These letters were hand-delivered to the front-desk receptionist the very next day. I had second interviews a week later with the two other attorneys on the team, and I had THEIR thank you letters delivered to the receptionist the very next day. Got the offer and accepted it less than a week later.

Word-process your thank-you letter, print it on good quality paper slightly more elegant than traditional printer paper, envelope it in matching paper stock and GET IT TO THE INTERVIEWER NOW.

I am not the best person to give advice related to your questions... Just wanted to say GOOD LUCK! I will keep my fingers crossed for you.
>Nancy (by the way HI NANCY) works where it is 98.9999% formal.

You're right Meliss! Hi and where have you been??
I've been an HR manager for almost 10 years and I believe either snail mail or e-mail is acceptable. Now, for the person that doesn't have email, you definitely need to send a letter. I type a short letter, thanking them for their time, summarizing my qualifications and include my phone number if they need further information. I believe it does not need to be on fancy paper - white paper, white envelope is fine.

I actually interviewed for a job yesterday, and the manager I talked to seemed to be a technology type person. She had some type of blackberry that she also used for a phone. I sent her a thank you letter via email, in the body of the email, not as an attachment.

Good luck!!
Hopefully you got this out. If you are half as conscientious at our job as you have about the thank you note you are going to be a superstar at this or any other job.

Hi back Nancy. I will drop you a PM.
Honestly - in today's instant society, I email all my thank you notes, BUT I follow them up with a handwritten mailed letter. I do not want the person I interviewed with thinking that I am not interested in the position because sometimes hires are decided quickly. I also email a thank you note to each person with whom I interview, but I send the hand written note to the person who will be making the decision.

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