Elevated lunges


New Member
I tend to get a lot of calf activation on my elevated (back) leg when I'm doing weighted elevated lunges, and sometimes when I do static lunges too. How can I change my form to minimize this?
I use to get this and found for me, I have to bring my legs closer together (while still making sure my knee doesn't ride past my toe) and cannot go as deep. So because of this, I usually am able to take a heavier weight. I also find that this takes less pressure off of my rear leg knee as well. Good Luck!!!
Its the nature of the position. Many people say their calf takes over to the point of them not being able to focus on the exercise. To modify try not to elevate your platform above 4 to 6 inches, stay shallow and try not to lunge as deeply, take more frequent breaks as needed before continuing on.

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