eHarmony experiences?

I did Match once...and yahoo or something...once...OMG...I met one guy I thought was a nice guy...but as it turned out...he was a jerk. But you know what...You meet jerks everywhere...doesn't matter where you meet em', but You never know when you'll run into Mr. Right either.

I had just dumped MR. Jerk...and went to see my horse after working my part time job cleaning out stalls at this veterinary hospital. I was sweaty and stinky and just didn't care. I was planning to stay single for the rest of my life. Live happily ever after with my horse and my dog...well, that day...I really got to know my hubby. He wasn't my hubby then...of course...but he did become that a little over a year and a half later. We just got Married this past March.

You never know till you try. You could get your heart broken, you may have a memorable experience, and you could have one of those "OMG, no wonder your still single dates!" I had one of those. Guy was so sweet, super intelligent...but just not the one for me and all about himself. It was nice. We had a very intellectual conversation, but we didn't click.

I also dated mr...Duh...through, Yahoo...OMG...he was too funny! He had 3 kids, recently divorced...and wondered why. I could have told him after dinner.

Dating can be fun if you don't take it too serious. Mr. Right will pop in when it's time....don't settle for mr. right now.


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