Ectochicks 5/5


Hey Ectos,

How is everyone doing? Julie, did you get the fibromyalgia PDF I sent you? Briee, are you feeling any better?

DH and I actually found a new home on our first house hunting trip, so hopefully, I won't have to miss a lot of workouts, like I feared. If all goes well, we'll move at the end of this month.

Here's the plan for this week:

Sunday CTX UB
Monday LL
Tuesday PUB
Wednesday Off
Thursday PLB
Friday Abs

Y'all have a great week!

Hi Angela,

I'm not here for the ectochick check, but I might join if I'm welcome! I definitely am an ectochick!

I wanted to ask you about your disease? It it similar to irritible bowel sydrome? I know this is sort of a sensitive subject, but I am really having some problems. I get bloated and constipated for a week, then lately, after that little bout, I have diarrhea for a week. I'm feeling pretty ugh today. Any feedback I could get from you would be greatly appreciated! TIA :)

Well Angela,

Your (and our) prayers were answered quickly! I'm very happy to hear that you found something so fast! :) Now the hard part - packing, moving and unpacking. :eek:

I haven't decided how my week is going to go at the moment. I've missed workouts the last 3 days, so I'm not sure where I want to begin tonight - cardio, split or full body. I'm leaning towards a full body workout. I tossed and turned most of the night, I think I may have gotten a total of 4 hours sleep! ;( So I really need to do something exhausting, take a relaxing bath and crawl into bed. I took a nap today during my lunch hour, felt great for a couple of hours but now I'm starting to slip back into that other world!

So if I can muster up the strength I will do either Muscle Endurance or Power Hour. I'm thinking of alternating the two all week, with a CTX cardio thrown in between. I'm a little burned out on split training and just need to do something else. So for this week I plan to focus on total body workouts and short cardio sessions.

Sherry! Welcome, welcome! You're an inspiration! I saw your pictures and thought "it can happen"!

I'll check in later,
Hi Sherry,

You are definitely welcome to join us! I think someone here even said they hoped you were an ecto because you've had such success, which gives us hope!

I have ulcerative colitis which is one of the two forms of inflammatory bowel disease (the other is Crohn's). These are both considered to be much more serious than irritable bowel syndrome which is a functional bowel disease - meaning there is no physical evidence that something is wrong. However, my personal belief is that IBS can progress to IBD, if not treated. This is what happened to me. I suffered with IBS off and on for years before I was diagnosed with IBD.

Bloating and cycles of C and D are classic signs of IBS, although there's always the possibility that it could be something else. Have you talked to your doctor about it? The standard treatment is to prescribe anti-spasmodics to help with pain and cramping, but I think dietary changes can be the most helpful. The foods that seem to cause IBS or make it worse are sugary and starchy foods, fried foods, large meals. Stressful lifestyle and "Type A" personality contribute, too.

If you'd like to discuss this further, or just need a sympathetic ear, feel free to email me: [email protected].



Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and thank you guys for inviting me into the ectochick world!

I'll email you, Angela. I really appreciate your quick response. Two of my kids suffer from IBS. I haven't talked to a dr. yet due to insurance problems. :-(

Well, since I've officially been invited to be an ectochick, I'll let y'all know what's up this week!

Mon-PS Legs, PLB floorwork, PUB abs and Power Yoga (done)
Tues-PS Upper, abs, stretch
Wed-CTX LL,some leg floorwork, abs, Power Yoga
Thurs-CTX UB abs, stretch
Fri-30 min. cardio
Sat-ME or PH

Now, let's see if I REALLY do it!:7

Oh would be an intense honor to have Sherry join the ectochick forum. After I saw your shoulders, (I'm really working on shoulders) I was really wanting to know exactly what you do each day...and NOW.....I'll get to read what you do each week.....Oh intense joy!!!!!! (I get a little extreme sometimes....just my personality) WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME

Angela, So glad you found a home so quickly!!! Remember all the calories that packing and unpacking will burn!!!! Hope all goes well.

I don't think I will post my workouts for a period of time, because this sick thing is really getting in the way. I was throwing up all day Friday Saturday and workouts (except internal ab work - get it?). Monday I managed PS all upperbody and I'm heading down to the basement for LL, but who knows what the rest of the week will hold. I hate this point in pregnancy. Oh well, this too shall end one day. Thanks for your concern guys!!

Have a great week.


Oh I do hope you start feeling better soon! :( I remember those days and they're no fun at all! Get better soon!

I'm really excited about Sherry being here too! I hope I learn a great deal from her! I really want to gain more muscle and it's so hard to do! x( I think my biggest problem is trying to eat enough calories! I think this is why I'm not losing any fat, almost appear to be gaining it. I eat 3 meals and 2 mini meals per day. I feel as though I eat enough to satisfy me, without me not being able to eat the next planned meal. Any thoughts on this anyone?

I'm tellin' ya what! You guys are too sweet! You just don't know how good it makes me feel to hear your compliments! Briee, I read you're pregnant. Congrats! I have five kids, but my youngest is going into college next year. I have to say I'm glad the baby days are over.;)

Geez, I am by NO means an expert on giving advice! I'll be happy to let you guys know what I do. BTW, I think I'm just photogenic! LOL
Have a great day!:)

Angela, I did not receive the PDF File. My e-mail on the Forum's profile is messed up and the system won't let me correct it. If you want to you can try again: [email protected]

I really feel for all the IBS sufferers out there, apparently it's a common Fibromyalgia symptom, too. I didn't get IBS, but I do have small abdominal upsets.

I've been eating a low glycemic diet and I feel much better, but I have to say those first few days were really awful and on top of that I was sick.

I've been using a plan I call 20-20-20:

20 minutes cardio
20 minutes heavy weights
20 minutes pilates or yoga

I like it.

My daughter goes in for a GI endoscopy on Thurs. Hope this doesn't send me into a tizzy.:eek:

Have a great week. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY:7 :7 :7 :7 (Especially you, Briee.)

Julie, hope all goes well with your daughter!

Sherry, photogenic! Well you're definitely that but honey, muscle is muscle and it is most certainly showing on you! :7 So, what was your plan to get a body like that?! :7

Do any of you ectos have the infamous Bun and Thigh Rocker? I've been reading the rave reviews, and it certainly looks like you can find 'em cheap on eBay. However, I'm wondering how does it work for ectos? Is it more helpful for people who are trying to slim down as opposed to only trying to build muscle?

I've really been struggling with my lower body workouts. For some reason, I'd much rather work the upper body.


Oh for heavens sakes Angie, let Sherry "settle in" to the ectochick checkin before grilling her on her workouts.

Sherry, enjoy this week and relax......we will expect a complete and thorough report, preferable with detailed photos, of your shoulder routine, including weights, positions, diet prior to and post workout week of course. (Boy, I hope we don't chase Sherry away).

Angela, I was wondering about the BTR too. They sound quite incredible from the description HB and others keep giving and I would also be interested in what other ectos think of these. What kind of price are you finding on these at ebay and doesn't shipping run pretty high? I have this mental block about paying high shipping charges. I'm determined to find one in Wisconsin if possible.

Julie, I am really hoping that you are feeling better soon, my brother has fibromyalgia and is having a rough time, but then again his diet is worse than awful. It is so incredibly prevailant right now, something must be causing it. Have you tried dietary changes. I have no idea if this would help, was just wondering?


You are too funny! :)

I've spoken with honeybunch about the bun & thigh rocker and want one badly. I've seen something similar in K-Mart I think it was (the Rock N Tone) yet when I went back some weeks later I couldn't find it! :eek: So I figured I must have imagined it! :7

I wonder what it can do for us ectos too! I guess that's why I've haven't searched quite as hard lately. I don't think I will ever do ebay because of the shipping charges. So I'll wait! I really don't have the room for it right now as it is. I need to re-arrange my workout space.

Chat with you all tomorrow!

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