Briee - will you post your exercise routine? Just so I can get a true picture of what you mean. I just switched to the S&H tapes this week. Before I was doing PUB/PLB and CTX UB/LL each once per week. But I decided to swap out the pyramids for S&H but that changed the other night. Now I'm doing S&H and the pyramids, setting the CTX'ers aside. It's all so confusing.

I want the muscle and I want it now! Actually the muscles there I just want more, more, more!
But I will stick with the S&H for sure for the remainder of the month.
I'm going to do some reading this weekend to motivate myself, remind myself mostly that the plan I have in motion is just fine. I have noticed strength gains and should be happy with that knowing that every thing else will follow!
Well, thanks for letting me talk this through with you all. But Briee, I'm still interested in what you're doing at this time.
Hopefully I can check in tomorrow. I start a part time job in the morning, more like a fun task, but I'm looking forward to it.
Will drop in sometime over the weekend!