Angie, I'm sorry but you're question does not compute! It's a dilemma for me, and I'm sure for those like me

, cuz while you have to have enough calories to build muscle, you need a deficit to lose wt/fat. I try to do both at the same time and I'm afraid, I'm seeing the light. I'm gonna have to concentrate on one or the other for a while. NOT!!!

You, obviously, don't have that problem.
FWIW, did I ever tell y'all about what some other ectos have said worked for them? I probably have and, if so, just skip to the bottom of my post. Anyhoo, the sad news (for me, at least) is that even like body types aren't the same. It's that finding-what-works-for-you that's why I throw this out. Ideas! OK, someone told me that hitting every muscle group 3Xwk works for her. NO progress with once per week (doesn't matter how heavy), a bit maybe with 2Xwk, but 3Xwk works best. Another swears by Joyce Vedral....really she says it's the pyramid thing. Pyramid workouts build muscle for her and she's Firmed and Cathed and done it all. Another says that alternating weeks...heavy week/light week/heavy week/light what gives her the best results (She alternates Cathe with TheFIRM for this). I assume 'results' for ectos is building muscle, at least looking like we have muscles.;-) Oh, and then there's Maribeth's advice for ectos....slow/heavy alternated with fast/light each week.
Anyway, I'm always asking for, and filing away, ecto success stories. It's just interesting to me.
I've done S&H for 3 weeks now. I must move on or I'm gonna take a hammer and smash the DVD into tiny bits. I'm so fickle. (never mind that Cathe says an Ecto should stick with the same tapes for 12-16 or more weeks.....but you guys've already heard that from me, right?:+ ) For the next bit, I'm gonna do a JV rotation, but mix in Cathe's and Firms. 3 splits per week-1 pyramid, 1 heavy, 1 light. Different workouts every day for 3 weeks and then start over. Surely, *THAT* won't bore me!
OK, I've rambled enuf. Have a great day!
P.S. I would really love it if someone would ask me to post my rotation.:+
