Ectochicks 3/31


Hey Ladies,

If anyone needs a laugh to start off their work week, check out the thread on becoming a chartered member. Our very own Briee is making everyone's day. And if you haven't seen the Art Carey article about his workout with Cathe, you'll love that, too:

This week, I'm going to change my rotation:

Sunday PUB
Monday PLB
Tuesday CTX UB
Wednesday off
Thursday LL
Friday Core and abs

Y'all have a great week!

Hi, Angela and Gangly Gang.;-)

Yes, I read Briee's humorous response on that thread...TOOOOOO FUNNEEEEEE!! What's scary is that it's true.:p

Rest day for me today. Too much to do. For the rest of the week, I'm sticking to the S&H thing with ME on Sat....thanks so somebody here. Was that you, Angela? I did it last Sat and I'm so glad. I couldn't finish any body part with the wt. I had. My endurance has gone down sooooooo much after just 2 weeks with strength only workouts.:( I can't afford to omit that, I guess.

We didn't hear from Julie last week, did we? Julie, I hope everything's OK with ya! Hurry back and bring that bum ankle with you.:+

Yep, I read the Art Carey article. I like him so much better. Cathe brings out the best in *everyone* apparently.

Have a great week, All.
I'm blushing Angela.....have you ever written something when your in "one of those moods" and you look at it later and say "why did I type that"!!!! Well that was one of those times....except the part about Debbie H (ha ha). She is just so sweet, it's easy to tease her and not get in trouble!!!!

Your amazing Angela, you are low in iron and recovering and you continue to have tough weeks!!!! Your a great example to us all!!

Let's see, my week:

Monday..Long workout of upperbody very slow, very heavy, with a pre warm up of IMAX, just the warm up part.
Tuesday - LL
Wednesday - Another long upper body S&H with a warm up of RS
Thursday - IMAX all or CK with AB work
Friday - Legs slow and heavy with PLB stab ball stuff
Saturday - 'Nother S&H upper body all parts
Sunday - collapse

I'm determined to build my upper body through slow and heavy training, determined!!!! I'm paying special attention to posterior delts and back as I'm really weak in these areas. You know...out of sight out of's coming back to haunt me. x( x(

Hope you all have a great week. Julie, are you still hobbling around? Many prayers for our troops and leadership.


Oh one more thing....planted a small garden today...any other gardeners out there? (can't wait for summer!!!!)
Hi Ectos!

After surrendering to defeat on this board yesterday, I am back stronger than ever! :) Yeah right! ;) But really yesterday I couldn't have posted to save my life. EVERY TIME I replied to a post my message was lost and I would be looking at the log on screen. Quite annoying, especially given the fact that I was in a very chatty mood. All those long lost replies! :(

But back to business! Here's my plan for the week:

Mon- S&H Legs and Shoulders
Tue- Cardio (not sure what considering I don't know how long I'll be at the voting site this evening)
Thu- CTX LL, stepper 20 minutes
Fri- 30 minute run
Sat- not sure

This past Friday and Saturday I did the other two S&H workouts which is why this weeks schedule looks incomplete. Now Saturday I start a part time assignment. It may take all day so I may have to consider Sat. as my rest day.

Briee- I usually have a summer garden. I wasn't in the mood last summer because of many family issues (guess I was a little down) but mid July I was really missing it. So my plans for this summer are to set out the following transplants: bell peppers, tomatoes (variety), banana peppers, eggplant (first time), bush beans (first time) and maybe zucchini. We have a 'club' here at work. There are a few gardeners here. We help one another out with tips and ideas. And we always bring in something from our gardens to show off and share. It's so much fun. My local library puts out a newsletter called The Green Thumb and I bring in copies for the gang! What did you plant?

Gardening can be a bit of work but it's relaxing at the same time. Such a stress reliever. And a pleasure eating the goodies! That's the best part to me!!

It's break time for me. Will chat later,
You Go Angela! You make me look like a big baby;)!

Yes gals I'm still kickin', with my right foot that is. I went to a spinning class at the gym intending to stay for 30 minutes and ended up staying for 60. It was more fun than breakin' the law! BUT I had heck to pay. Ankle just screamed and hollered at me all last week, but I chilled and am back on track, now.

Moving from S&H to endurance workouts PH/MIS/ME, 3 per week and three days cardio at the club. Can't wait to get back to impact.;(

Have to share, I attended a little get-together with Forum buds: Aqua Jock, Jillybean, and JmFrane on Sunday. Boy we had great chat, it was just awesome! Annette looks gorgeous with the buzz, it really suits her style.:) It was such a hoot to actually see people you chat with in person.

Briee, BUSTED! I found out about your random act of kindness. What a doll you are.:7

Have a great, muscle-building week, Ladies!

Hey! How about a an ecto get together. I'm thinkin' New Orleans, I'll buy everyone's plane tickets, okay? HA! April Fool!!!!!!!

Juie :+ }( }(
Alright - true confessions. Just when everyone was pattin' me on the back, I have to admit I went home yesterday and had a pity party instead of working out.

Sunday evening, I suddenly felt good and energetic and was hoping that was the big anemia turn around, but yesterday (Monday) I felt fatigued and lethargic all day. What a disappointment.

Added to that were problems at work and hubby parked in front of CNN hogging the TV when I got home - I just didn't have the gumption to fight the situation.

Unfortunately, something unexpected has cropped up for this evening, so I'm going to miss today, too. Seems like whenever I give in and skip a workout it screws up the whole week like a domino effect. ;(

Julie, what do you mean april fools.....I'm waiting for my ticket!!!! I'm so jealous you got together with all those guys (gals). So come on what'd you talk I'm jealous. I've been so incredibly motivated lately. I thought the workout thing would get a little old, but just when it does something seems to push me further and now I'm at that point again where I can't wait to get up in the morning. I looked at the calender and I've now worked out at a steady pace for 2 1/2 years. The only days I've missed were when I was in my second/third month of pregnancy (sick as a dog) and 14 days post birth. And....I've never felt so good. Many thanks to all of you motivators.

Angela, never get down on yourself girl. I know exactly where your coming from about it screwing up the whole week though. I used to push the whole week back and that seemed to make it worse cause I knew everyday I was doing the wrong workout. Now I just skip the day altogether if I have to and pick up with the next days workout so I at least feel like I'm doing the right day. Does that make sense??? Just doing a few of your workouts is tough enough...first get over the anemia thing. I can't imagine doing LL and being anemic....I'd pass out or throw up...or both. Just do your best and don't push too much!!

Angie, thanks for your garden info!! I'm really pumped for summer now. I want some fresh tomatoes for big salads, green peppers sound good too, and the kids like cucumbers.

Anyone water ski out there???? Can't wait for that either.

Hi Ecto Babes! :)

I have a question for you all. I've been thinking again :p, and was mentally trying to calculate my daily caloric intake. I really don't think that I'm getting enough calories. I think I'm coming in around 1200 but I'm going to check things out at first.

So here's my question. How do you add more calories when what you're eating is satisfying you? :eek:

Off to fitday! I used to log in there daily but it became a pain in the butt when I had to enter my own foods because it wasn't listed in their program! :(

Be back soon,
Hi Angie,

If you don't feel hungry, why are you wanting to add calories? Are you experiencing a decrease in stamina or fatigue? Or are you losing weight?

Not sure if this applies or not, but I've noticed since I've cleaned up my diet again and am eating mostly lean protein, veggies and healthy fats like natural nut butters and olive oil, I don't seem to be eating near as much as when I was eating high carbs and sugars - yet I don't feel hungry. I chalk it up to nutrient-dense foods replacing empty calories.


Thanks for the response. I meant to come back and add to my post that I want to gain weight but I started doing something at work and just plain forgot. Then the potluck started, so I'm now back at my desk.

But I do experience a bit of fatigue....decrease in stamina, not too sure about that. I mean I have my good days and my bad days. I either skip my workouts or do light cardio on my bad days.

I went to fitday and put in my meals from a couple of days ago and got a count of 1300 calories roughly, high 1200's.

Do you think I can build muscle on a calorie intake like this? Thanks for helping me with this!

Hey Angie,

Well, I guess it would depend on your height, weight, build and activity level, but it does seem kinda low for someone who's active like you. Why don't you run it by our resident expert, Maribeth? I'm certainly no authority.

However, regarding building muscle, I'll share a tip I read in Muscle and Fitness Hers. Have you tried supplementing with pure l-glutamine powder? I take 3 tsp. before and after a heavy weight workout. This is supposed to help build muscle mass. It's also good if you have gut problems, so it has a double benefit for me. The powder is tasteless. I just mix a little in about a quarter cup to a half cup water and chug it down.


Thanks for the tips and advice. I'll try to catch up with Maribeth tomorrow or early next week.

I have the l-glutamine tablets, not sure if they're working or not but I'm also using creatine (just the last 2 weeks). I have been eyeing the powdered glutamine in the catalogs though. What do you mean when you said "have gut problems"? Just curious. I get a queasy stomach after meals on ocassion but I think it has to do with what I eat. I think when I have too much fat at lunch my stomach can't handle it. I try to have a fried food once every 6 weeks or so because if I go any longer, when I do have something fried, even an order of french fries, my stomach is upset for days.

Which issue of M&F Hers are you referring to? Hopefully I have that one at home!

Hey Angie,

I believe you have to take a boat load of l-glutamine capsules to equal what you can get in a few teaspoons of the powdered form.

By "gut problems," I was referring to my ulcerative colitis. However, I was diagnosed with "irritable bowel" long before they upgraded me to UC. Back in those days, I remember feeling pretty miserable after eating fried foods. I don't eat anything fried now. I read that donuts and french fries were about the worst things you could eat - wouldn't you know. Eclairs used to be one of my favorite things!

Hmm. The M&F Hers issue was probably several months back, but I have a whole stack I've saved, so maybe I could find it. I think it was in that hardgainers article we discussed quite a bit at the time.

Hey Angela,

Don't worry about looking. I know exactly which issue you are referring to! :)Lisa Lowe is one of the hard gainers. Someone mentioned that here on the boards and I ran out and bought it. I'll pull it out again this weekend and re-read it! :)

That's prbably why I don't really feel much is going on with my l-glutamine. I was only taking 4 capsules per day which equales 2 grams.
I'm going to Vitamin World tonight to pick up some Protoplex Lite meal replacement shakes and a box of Protoplex Lite bars. So I'll price powdered l-glutamine while I'm browsing! ;-)

I'll still ask Maribeth and prbably Honeybunch too what a good calorie goal to shoot for while trying to build muscle or even to just maintain what I have!

Thanks for taking the time to help me,
Hey Angie,

I looked it up last night before I saw your message above, so just in case, its the October/November 2002 issue with yellow cover. The article is "The Cutting Crew" on page 18. April Carpenter is the one who mentions using l-glutamine, 5 grams before working out and another 5 grams after.

Angie, I'm sorry but you're question does not compute! It's a dilemma for me, and I'm sure for those like me ;) , cuz while you have to have enough calories to build muscle, you need a deficit to lose wt/fat. I try to do both at the same time and I'm afraid, I'm seeing the light. I'm gonna have to concentrate on one or the other for a while. NOT!!! :p You, obviously, don't have that problem.

FWIW, did I ever tell y'all about what some other ectos have said worked for them? I probably have and, if so, just skip to the bottom of my post. Anyhoo, the sad news (for me, at least) is that even like body types aren't the same. It's that finding-what-works-for-you that's why I throw this out. Ideas! OK, someone told me that hitting every muscle group 3Xwk works for her. NO progress with once per week (doesn't matter how heavy), a bit maybe with 2Xwk, but 3Xwk works best. Another swears by Joyce Vedral....really she says it's the pyramid thing. Pyramid workouts build muscle for her and she's Firmed and Cathed and done it all. Another says that alternating weeks...heavy week/light week/heavy week/light what gives her the best results (She alternates Cathe with TheFIRM for this). I assume 'results' for ectos is building muscle, at least looking like we have muscles.;-) Oh, and then there's Maribeth's advice for ectos....slow/heavy alternated with fast/light each week.

Anyway, I'm always asking for, and filing away, ecto success stories. It's just interesting to me.

I've done S&H for 3 weeks now. I must move on or I'm gonna take a hammer and smash the DVD into tiny bits. I'm so fickle. (never mind that Cathe says an Ecto should stick with the same tapes for 12-16 or more weeks.....but you guys've already heard that from me, right?:+ ) For the next bit, I'm gonna do a JV rotation, but mix in Cathe's and Firms. 3 splits per week-1 pyramid, 1 heavy, 1 light. Different workouts every day for 3 weeks and then start over. Surely, *THAT* won't bore me!

OK, I've rambled enuf. Have a great day!

P.S. I would really love it if someone would ask me to post my rotation.:+ :p :+ :p

Are you using Joyce Vedral's books or tapes? I bought her Weight Training Made Easy book and worked out at my own pace, following the pull out workout charts. I did see results this way, so I got excited and purchased a couple of her tapes.

I was really disappointed! They move much too fast for me. I don't see how anyone can lift much weight at that speed. She seems to advocate not lifting very heavy, but fast and light alone definitely doesn't work for me. After years of using the Firm, no one could tell I worked out.

I dunno. I know everyone's different - even among ectos, but I feel very heavy lifting should at least be a part of our plan. I was rereading some old M&F Hers issues, looking for the article that Angie and I were discussing above and the recurring theme seems to be "lift very heavy with few reps." One of the programs suggested even tells you to do these very heavy compound moves only twice a week with two days of rest in between! Wow.

Just some random thoughts...


P.S. If you're interested, I'll sell you Joyce's Fast Forward set - cheap 'cuz I love you! (As Cathe says about Rhonda.)
Hey, Angela, you're so sweet to offer me the Joyce tapes. Guess what...I had Fast Forward before and I sold them. TOO FAST, I agree. I was slinging wts all over the place and I couldn't hop up off the wt. bench fast enough to keep up. WHEW! Got rid of the Bathingsuit workout for the same reason.:7 To answer your question, tho, I'm using Joyce tapes, but I only have the Bottoms Up Series and Fatburning 2 workouts. These seem to be at a slower pace and I can keep up with them. I like them just for a change of pace and they were the only real pyramids available before Cathe's came out.

I'm doing a JV rotation, but plugging in videos by Cathe, Firm, Cory E. where the description is kinda similar. So, it's really Muscle Confusion Mania.:p In 3 weeks, I only do 2 Joyce Splits.

I'm looking forward to this and I'll keep y'all posted on my blossoming buffness. *snort*

P.S. Just FYI, Angela, JV tapes are in high demand at the Ya Ya forum Swap and Swap. You might could trade for something you've been wanting.:9
:) :)

Angela - thanks for the hint on the issue info.

I heard about Joyce and her fast paced tapes but the book method works well on its own once you get a system down.

I must be a fairly impatient person also because there is no way I can do a rotation for 12-16 weeks! But I guess that'sthe only way I'm ever going to find out what works for me. But I like Maribeth's plan of heavy/light in the same week! I love the CTX UB and LL but I would definitely have to switch up between PUB/PLB, S&H and PS.

Okay! I must check back later because it's time for me to get out of here. I didn't realize it was so late!

I know I sound like a broken record, but I'm a real believer in Slow and Heavy. I have made some major gains. Robin, I'm chiming in to agree with the 3X per week heavy lifting. I'm doing upperbody 3 times, slow and heavy (not necessarily to Cathe, on my own). I'm doing one day slow and heavy for legs with PLB floor work and LL once per week, so this is probably the only area I'm deviating from the body part 3X (just because this leg combo is really working for me). I AM gaining muscle, it's so cool. But...I'm not dealing with the issue of weight loss, so can't speak for that.

Regarding boredom....guess that depends JUST HOW BADLY you want muscle gain. I would say if your bored, it's better to change things up so you KEEP ON EXERCISING as opposed to giving up. But, (and I'm dealing with this right now too) if you can keep up the heavy lifting more frequently, I'd be willing to bet you'll see those muscle start popping. Right now I'm still psyched up for this...I've got to think of ways to keep focused once I'm not so motivated, maybe new music...I don't know. Will face that when I get there. Just thoughts and opinions. Robin is completely right, you got to find what works for you!!!

Robin, don't smash that DVD.....hide your hammers!!! I've got an old Jane Fonda tape you could smash, wan't me to send it, just act like it's S&H.


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