Ectochick Check 9/30


Hey ladies,

Time to plan a new week. Anybody makin' any progress out there? I pleased to say I've seen muscle development in my legs - particularly outer quads from using Leaner Legs four times over the last two weeks. Amazing!

I'm going to spend the next two weeks on "strength," then return to "endurance" for two weeks. Here's this week's plan:

Sunday - PS Legs and Abs
Monday - PS Back, Biceps and Abs
Tuesday - PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Wednesday - off
Thursday - PS Legs again (maybe...)
Friday - off
Saturday - off

I got my new CTX Upper Body in Friday and did most of it. Wow! It's a killer. I'll be rotating it with LL after my two weeks of strength.

Hope everyone has a good week!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-02 AT 01:49PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi, Angela and all you skinny limbed Chicks! This a.m. I stepped in a hole in the pavement while running and twisted my bony ankle! AARRGGGHHH!!! x( This was my last few days of the big Cathe rotation for me. I already had to skip upper body the second half of last week, cuz of my shoulder. I'm a walking injury. So, this week it looks like only lower body floorwork. SNORE. Next week, I hope that my shoulder and ankle are back to normal, cuz I can't take this. I'll post to Cathe next week (if I'm well) for the next installment of the "Fat Ectos Suck Rotation".

Good news tho. My eating has been pretty clean for the last couple of weeks and at this point, I'm on day 5 or 6 of no refined ANYTHING!!! Feels good and the cravings are gone so I'm home free. I won't go back 'there' again. Halloween? Bring it on!!! :-gloat

Angela, you're rotation looks great. I'm glad to hear that LL builds muscles too. I like that workout. BTW, there's a frequent poster on the Ya Ya Board and named susanp who's a true ectomorph. She posted yesterday that when she does wt. work only once a week, even if it's something made for once a week like S&H or PS, she gets mushy. She has to work with wts. at least twice a week to remain toned/build muscle/whatever. I thought that was interesting since I keep reading elsewhere that ectos need to lift heavy once a week to build. Can't wait for Cathe's 2 day split for this reason.

Wow, Robin! Sorry to hear about your accident. Was it just a sprain? Not broken? I feel your pain - well, not literally. I had knee surgery and had to limit myself to floor legwork for a long time.

I've been talking to our esteemed Maribeth off the boards about the strength vs. endurance for ectos issue. She confirmed that endurance is necessary for us, and yet - as she's said so many times - even among ectos, it's still very much an individual thing.

I think maybe in my case, I'm starting out weak enough that I *can't* lift heavy enough to really pack on the muscle, so the endurance stuff like LL is actually showing more results. That may change once I get stronger. I've already told DH I want Santa to bring me the upper and lower body split DVD!

I'm amazed at the amount of weight Cathe and crew are using in LL and CTX Upper Body. I've got a long way to go.

Hope your ankle's better soon!

Hi Ladies!!

Robin - hope your ankle and shoulder recover soon! I hate injuries that pop up during a great rotation. :(

Angela - glad to hear you're making wonderful progress with LL. I agree, your new rotation looks good. What are you going to do on your rest days? Are you completely eliminating cardio for a while? Or just doing minimal amounts?

Here's my week:
Sun - extra leg day, leg curls, leg extensions, inner/outer thigh work with resistance bands (DONE)
Mon - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Tue - Cardio plus abs
Wed - Legs/Calves
Thu - Cardio plus abs
Fri - Back/Biceps
Sat - Cardio plus abs

Last week I missed 2 of my cardio days but it doesn't seem to have affected my program. I'm feeling firmer all over, so good things are happening! Finally! :)

I'm eating cleaner this week (or at least that's the plan) so hopefully late next week I will see some wonderful improvements in my physique! :) That's my motivation talk - physique! LOL! And yes, I have been thumbing through my Muscle & Fitness Hers, Fitness Rx and Oxygen magazines this past weekend! :)
And I'm doubly excited because two books I ordered came in the mail today - Avery's Sports Nutrition Almanac and Dynamic Nutrition For Maximum Performance! I am such a book geek! :)

Have a great week! I know I will!

Hey Angie,

Right now, I'm not doing any cardio. On my rest days, I either do nothing, or if I'm feeling inspired, I'll throw in the ab work from Power Hour.

The "lift heavy, each body part once a week" school of thought emphasizes complete rest on your rest days, but my mid section could use a little extra work.

Keep up the good work on the clean eating - I know that's probably the hardest part. I was forced to clean up my diet due to ongoing health problems, but if it hadn't been for that, I'd probably still be eating Pop-tarts, cookies, cake and ice cream, chocolate covered anything! Umm, can I have a little more butter and syrup on my chocolate chip pancakes, please?

I'm a book geek, too. My husband and I like to go out to dinner on Friday nite, then go to Books a Million or Barnes and Noble and prowl around - our idea of a hot date. Ha.

Hi Ectochicks,

Just doing more of the same as Cathe suggested, substituted CTX for MIS:

M-CTX kickboxing, CTX Back, biceps, abs (includes planks)

T-CTX Leaner legs, CTX Chest, shoulder, triceps

W-Interval workout

TH-Power Hour OR S&H abbreviated split

F-45 minute intense cardio

S-"Regular" (read easy) cardio workout of choice.

Robin I hope you feel better, soon:-(.

Have any of you tried making a split our of S&H? I think I might do that. S&H is just one of those tapes I have never been able to use all that often. I guess I'll be my own guinea pig.

Thought I was losing some poundage, today the scale says four pounds heavier. Close to ttotm, though. BUT FOUR POUNDS? SUCK!

Have great week, all.

Angela! - I love going to Borders or the library and camping out in one of the aisles with a stack of books around me! :) Now that's heaven! I can not let anyone go with me to Borders though - I get lost in myself there or rather in the books! Next thing I know, I've been sitting there for an hour or more! Oh and don't let me find some goodies on the bargain tables..... I think my husband would enjoy sitting in Borders too but I usually end up going by myself. I find it very relaxing. If I find something I really like, I search for it first at or amazom's used books section.

Do you feel like you're missing out on anything by completely resting? I sometimes feel guilty for resting - so I end up doing ab work, yoga or something around the house that will cause me to break a slight sweat! :) Abs are a problem for me too!

Julie - yes, 4 pounds suck big time! I try to do more cardio during that time. Even on my low energy days I try to squeeze in 10 minutes - don't know how much it helps but I tell myself I'm sweating off or at least jiggling around that excess water a bit! :) And I also try to do some crunches! Yes I know I'm fooling myself, thinking I won't be as bloated but anything's worth a shot when I feel so pudgy. :(

Speaking of which tonight is a cardio night for me! I think I'm going to try that jumprope video I traded for last week. Previewing was fun but some of those moves I thought, Whoa! I'll be flat on my face trying to do that. My feet won't move that fast!

Talk with you later! :)
Hey, hey, hey, Robin.

Let's play some "volleyball" with that delicious post. I'm thinking: BUMP, set, spike}>!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 10:52AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 10:51 AM (Est)[/font]

UH OH!! Bad news, Juli. Hurricane Lilli is running my family (plus all my vids and my favorite shoes ;-) ) out of town!!!! I'm going to have to depend on you to bump up my thread, shameful tho it may be. :*

I just hope my computer doesn't drown. :-( See ya!

Wow, Robin! Hope everything will be ok for you. Where abouts do you live? I'm in Little Rock, so we shouldn't get more than a little rain here. We'll be thinking about you!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 04:39PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-02 AT 02:17 PM (Est)[/font]

Angela, we are across Lake Pontchartrain from New Orleans. Also, it looks like the hurricane is keeping a straight course for western LA, so we are planning now to stay and ride it out, unless it makes sharp turn and heads toward us. I'm just not in the mood to ride 6 hrs with small kids, if I can help it. :-tired.

If I don't post tomorrow, then you'll know I'm stuffing myself with potato salad and Pepsis at my Mom's in MS. :7

Edit later: EEK! It's a level 4. We're outta here!!! See ya'll hopefully in a couple of days.

Hey Ectochicks!

Robin, I'm sorry to hear about your ankle. Take care of yourself, girl!

After doing two weeks of S&H, I decided to change up. Not surprising for me since I have a tendency NOT to stick with rotations. But I LOVE S&H, and was able to heavy up and really work my muscles. I really couldn't do cardio because I needed the extra rest days to recover.

Anyways, this is my rotation for the week. I felt like doing some Firm workouts. I already half way through it! Normally I never work out six times a week, but I'm feeling pretty good this week! I'm definitely going back to my 5 day workout week next week!

Sunday - Firm Strength
Monday - Firm Super Cardio Blast (I think that's the's the 40 minute cardio tape w/Nancy Tucker
Tuesday - Maximum Body Sculpting
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Volume 1
Friday - Tough Cardio Mix
Saturday - Power Hour

It's TTOTM for me this week, so I have a couple of extra pounds of water weight on me :(. It really doesn't show which is good.

Also, during the past few weeks, my inner thighs were looking very ripply (in a fat/cellulite type of way). Well, yesterday, when I was getting dressed for work, I noticed that that ripples were just about gone! I couldn't believe it. It was like it disappeared literally overnight! I can't tell you how happy it made me. When I notice little changes in my body it really motivates me to keep working out and eating right. :D
Amen to that! I was so surprised the first time I was leaning on the bathroom counter with one arm while brushing my teeth and noticed (gasp!) tricep definition!

So far, no one has said anything like "hey, you look like you've been working out!", but I've had several people compliment me in a general sort of way. It's like they notice something's different, but they're not sure what it is.


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