Ectochick Check 9/22


Hey Ladies,

I'll start us off again this week. Here's my plan:

Sunday - SH Chest and Back (done)
Monday - Leaner Legs
Tuesday - SH Bis and Tris
Wednesday - Abs from Power Hour
Thursday - Leaner Legs
Friday - Abs or CTX Upper Body (if my new tape arrives!)
Saturday - Off

How's everyone doing? Did you guys read the "Cutting Crew" article? What did you think? It seems to confirm the slow, heavy, fewer reps, longer rests approach.

I have definitely seen some muscle gains in my legs since starting to use Leaner Legs. I still can't get through the whole workout, but I'm getting closer. Those slow count lunges immediately following the low end lunges are impossible at the moment!

Hope everyone has a great week!

I bought the magazine and read the article. I am a little frustrated and discovered that I am eating too much (nothing new, actually). I did the calculations the article said and I only need 1495 calories a day to gain muscle.
Hey, Guys. I have a subscription to M&FH and so I'm sure my copy of this issue will roll in around Thanksgiving! :p

This week's exercise is the same as last week. This is my 4th week of Cathe's rotation and it looks like I'm gonna have to admit to her that I've been eating like Dom Deluise (sp?) with PMS. BUT!!! Someone at church yesterday, told me that I looked like I'd lost a little wt. :) I immediately wrestled them to the ground and planted a big, wet kiss on 'em. :* Still, I hate to face Cathe. Of course, she's busy with the new vids, so she probably won't even notice me. Like I said last week, my pants are a little loser. AND, I still have another week. Also, as DH pointed out, I'll always have the option of lying to Cathe. She'll never know that I didn't drop 20 lbs. Snort!

Have a good one.

Hi All!


Here's my week:

Sun - Rest day (but I did a little bit of outer thigh toning with my resistance band, had to try it out:))
Mon - Weights (chest, shoulders, triceps)
Tue - Cardio plus abs
Wed - Weights (legs and calves)
Thu - Cardio plus abs
Fri - Weights (back and biceps)
Sat - Cardio
Sun - Pilate's, inner/outer thighs using resistance bands

Last week I switched to the Muscle & Fitness Rock Hard Challenge (July-Sept. 2001 issue). time to break away from the videos for a spell. So far so good! It's still heavy lifting just a slightly different approach. The breakdown reminds me of the PS Series but fewer reps and sets. Much better week for me compared to the previous.

Take care,
Hi ecto's :)!

Going to substitute a total body gym class for MIS this week. I've been doing MIS weekly since May. Little bit sick of it.

Robin, pants are fitting better, but the old scale says one pound lost. Might be losing muscle, just don't know. Although, there's not too much muscle in my waist or should I say "waste"? You just get back up on that horse and ride. We'll see what the boss says next week.

Angie, keep posting you're results. I'm often curious as to whether or not ecto's do better in the gym with access to HEAVY weights. What Pilates tape you like?

Hi, I hope it's okay to join in here. I think I'm an unconfirmed ectochick. Just read a little about the term and it seemed to fit. I'm 5'3 and about 102 pounds. I'm wanting to add muscle. My hips have disappeared with all the Cathe workouts and I'm hoping to get a back end back if I keep at the LL. I had a baby about 5 months ago and Cathe helped me drop all the weight within two months which was great, but I really want more muscle. I'm doing the tank top rotation (third week):
Monday PS back biceps abs triceps chest and shoulders
Tuesday LL including abs
Wednesday Upper body CTX
Thursday CK
Friday PH (love this)
Saturday IMAX
Sunday off

Have you guys tried this and do you like the results? I'm trying to lift as heavy as I can on all these tapes. I'm planning to go to S&H next rotation as I have heard great things happen to ecto's with this rotation.

I believe Cathe recommended Cardio to one of you guys but couldn't remember why. I believe it might have been to shake things up a bit. Thanks everyone.

Welcome Briee,

If you're small boned and have a hard time putting on healthy muscletone, you're in the right place. Cardio was recommended for the ectos here that are carrying some extra non-muscular weight. One of them can tell you more about it.

I use Cathe's PS and SH series, and have recently added PH and LL. I also do some weight training following Joyce Vedral's Weight Training Made Easy program and sometimes I get really crazy and use our Total Gym.

I don't have CK or IMAX. I'm currently limiting my cardio - trying to gain weight.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-02 AT 08:11PM (Est)[/font][p]"...carrying some extra non-muscular weight";-) LOL. Angela's sweet and doesn't want to say 'FAT'!!!!

Briee, yes, Cathe recommended 4-5 cardios per week for me plus 2 total body wt. tapes (MIS/PH) for a month to kick start some fat loss. (I have 20 lbs to lose) At the end of this month, she's supposed to add more wt. work to the regime.

Hey Robin,

I try to be diplomatic. I still have vivid memories from my junior high days of kids pointing and laughing at me and one girl yelling "chicken legs" on a day I was forced to wear a dress to school. There were many times when I would have loved to have 10 or 20 more pounds.

To this day, I still hate the term "skinny." I 'll get on my soapbox here, but I've never understood why it's considered rude to walk up to someone and say, "Hey, you sure are fat. You need to lose some weight," but it's O.K. to say, "Hey, you sure are skinny. Why don't you gain some weight?"

I still don't feel comfortable wearing shorts in public. I hope Meaner Legs is going to change that! Last night, I did it for the fourth or fifth time and *almost* made it through the whole thing - low ends and all! I'm seeing some new muscle development, but I don't know if it's obvious to anyone else.

Hi ladies,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend :).

Man, do I remember the days of being picked on about my skinny legs. I developed a serious complex about my legs because of that too. I rarely wore dresses and skirts as a kid.

Anyways, last week was a very good week. I LOVE the S&H series and was sore for the next day or two after working out. The ab work is excellent favorite was the ab work from Biceps and Triceps.

I was a little "bad" this weekend as far as food. I didn't overeat, but I "treated" myself more than once to junk food. I jumped back on track yesterday, so everything's cool.

I'm still doing my S&L series tapes this week although I did Power Hour yesterday (I swear I can hear that tape calling my name :)) As usual, I felt great after completing it. I know that I was advised not to do both, but I'm going to try it. If it feels like too much, I'll just change up. Here is my schedule:

Sunday - Rest
Monday - PH (done)
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Chest & Back
Thursday - Legs & Shoulders
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Biceps & Triceps

As you can see, I'm not doing cardio this week. I did find last week that I needed additional rest and even had to cut out one of my two cardio sessions. I ended up doing the S&H tapes and Cardio Kicks only, so I figured I might as well try the PH this week to see how it feels.

Hello Angela and Robin,

I am new to this site and this is my first posting. When I saw Chicken Legs, i was compelled to write. I was always referred to as Cricket Legs .............same as Chicken I suppose and yes, everyone feels it is appropriate to comment on a "skinny" person and not be considered rude. Well, that is so unfair and couldnt be further from the truth. It IS rude and quite damaging to one's self esteem. I am 5'6" and weigh 116. After having two children (I am 33), I lost a lot of muscle tone in my legs. And I of course, have a pooch.

So here is my question. How can I build up my legs and lose my stomach. I am afraid to do cardio(for the tummy) for fear that it will either damper my efforts for muscle gain in my legs (doing PS twice to three times weekly) or worse, make my legs even thinner..............Any advice?????????

Hi GN and welcome, now this is just my own opinion and the others hopefully will share theirs. I'd keep concentrating on the weights to build your let muscles. I'm doing a S&H rotation and doing about 4-5 days of weights (see above post). I only stick in cardio for fun and keep it to 1-2 times per week. Everything I keep reading seems to point to the weights to add nice shape and definition. Interesting note. Since I've been concentrating on weights and leaving out cardio tapes, I decided to do RS the other day. I know this is more intermediate, but I thought I would report that for not doing almost any cardio for the past few weeks, RS was a breeze. I couldn't believe what stronger muscles can do for your cardio days!!!

Hi GN, sorry, I didn't notice until after I posted that this is last weeks thread, please see the posts on the updated thread for 10-24, I'll bump it for you.


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