
Okay, I've never started this before, but Anna threatened to do something irrational if I didn't. (that's how I interpretted it :) :) ).

Hi Ectochicks (am I doing okay so far?)

This past week was another tough one as I have been battling some sickness, but I did manage to get in a few workouts. Here is the plan for the coming week.

Mon - Blew today as I was still not too well.
Tues - PS all upper body
Wed. - LL
Thurs - IMAX II and Biceps
Fri - S&H Legs and Back
Sat. - S&H Triceps and Shoulders
Sun - rest

I may end up switching a few things around there. We'll see. I feel like once Monday is thrown off, the rest of my week is thrown off as well. Oh well. Hope you all are doing well!!!


Angela, are you feeling any better??? I feel like I lost some ground too with being sick. That always frustrates me, but that's when we need to encourage each other!! :-jumpy
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-03 AT 10:31AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi, Briee, and all the other ectos!

Angela, I hope you are doing well. Anxious to hear from you, Girl.

Briee, I hope that you are feeling better by tomorrow, also. I know what you mean about missing Mondays throwing you off. Being sick just ruins EVERYTHING!!!!! (Spoken like a true addict. :D) BTW, great job starting the check in for the week. :*

This week I was supposed to do a 3 day split, IMAX 2, and then a 2 day split. But I forgot and did an all upper body workout this am. :p So I'll just do lower body tomorrow and then repeat back/biceps/abs on Wed.

Oh, and I bought a six 6 swimsuit off of Ebay last night.:7 I will wear it this summer, even if I have to wear a bag over my head!!!

Have a great week everyone!

Hi Briee! Hi Robin!

Briee, thanks for starting this week's thread. I have been having a heck of a time doing any workouts whatsoever! I have been a complete couch potato for the past week or so. I finally got around to doing something on Sunday - after nine days off! ;(

Here are my plans for this week:

Sun- Cardio & Weights (done)
Mon- Pyramid Lower Body (done)
-- Hey! 2 for 2! :)
Tue- Pyramid Upper Body (? plus 20 min. stepper)
Wed- Cardio of some sort (? Power Circuit intervals)
Thu- Stepper
Fri- Rest or Yoga/Pilate's
Sat- Muscle Endurance or Boot Camp

I hope I can stick with this plan - heck with exercise all together! I've really been in the dumps about not working out. But for some reason Sunday was my day to get back on track. :) I had been feeling sore a few days before and I thought why?! I hadn't done anything. Then I thought well maybe my body's tossing some hints my way.

Take care everyone! Briee, hope your plans aren't disturbed because of your off day! I think once you get going tonight you'll be just fine! :)

All right, Briee!!!!!

Thanks for starting us out. Must say I've had an extremely sick Darling Daughter for the past five days. No fun! Lost a lot of sleep. But it seems we've turned the corner.

Robin?! Size 6??? I think you've been misleading us. You can't be that small and be an "overweight ecto". Are you just an "overweight wannbe"? (There's so many of those!) How tall are you, btw? Oh, and! I'm so ready for Fat Tuesday. I think I'll make some jambalaya. Love that stuff. I wish I was closer to the Vieux Carre.

Briee, hope you're doing better!

Oh . . . yes as far as the workouts go. I'm doing and S & H part per day. This week I'm using reverse count (2 up and 6 down) and I've got a nice little soreness thing going on. I love that. For cardio Imax 1-5, Imax 6-10, two kickboxes and one circuit, with all of Imax on Saturdays.

CAN'T WAIT FOR THEM DVD'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-jumpy

RE: All right, Briee!!!!!

Julie, doesn't that throw you when you have a sick child, up all night and workouts feel like they are "trudged through" (does that make sense). Glad she is doing better.

I've been doing the half IMAX thing along with one body part (although this week was messed up!) and I like that combo - very much. You get an intense cardio and can really focus on one part. I'm going to be in Florida for the next three weeks so won't be showing up for the "ecto-check", but when I return I want to concentrate on the one body part per day with an IMAXY type cardio session. I am bringing some Cathe tapes along on the trip and a "super friend in fitness" has loaned me some dumbbell type things to bring on the trip, so hopefully I won't be completely soft when I return.

Briee (soon to be tan and hopefully not too flabby)
RE: All right, Briee!!!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-03 AT 01:14PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-03 AT 01:12 PM (Est)[/font]

Briee absolutely! I am really seeing terrific results and for the first time I LOVE S&H. I never did before because I couldn't stay with it for very long "mental boredom". I think working just one part per day has really allowed me to push myself much harder on the cardio days. I had a very difficult time with a cardio workout the day after a "total body" like MIS or PH. If I did something like PH and then Imax, my heiny would be just dragging through Imax.

I've also been doing those horrible dreaded planks 4 times a week. I finally feel like I might actually have some muscles in that department. I seriously don't think I've "sucked in my gut" for the last ten years, up until now.

When the Intensity Series arrives, I'm looking forward to doing the series "as is" but splitting Pyramid Upper Bod in 5 "one part per day segments" like I'm doing S&H now.

Gosh, gotta mop up. I'm drooling agin.:}>

Have a SUPER, GREAT, FUN vacation, I wish I could go with;-)

Hi guys!

You don't know how much it means to me to be missed and to know someone cares!

Just to briefly let everyone know my situation: I have ulcerative colitis and had been doing extremely well for over a year. I had worked really hard to modify my diet and to workout on a regular basis. Discovering Cathe made all the difference. Over the past year, my weight was higher than it's ever been (a good thing!) and I had muscletone I'd never had.

Unfortunately, around Thanksgiving I began to have a flare up of my UC that got progressively worse during December. I finally broke down and returned to see my GI. I am now on prednisone - a dangerous drug, but one that can make you feel much, much better.

I'm happy to say things have greatly improved in the last week or so. I had been unable to workout for almost a month and had rapidly lost weight. When I started feeling better, I began to do some weight lifting on my own - very light - probably less than half the intensity I'd been accustomed to. Prednisone makes you feel weak and causes you to lose both bone and muscle, so it's difficult to workout, yet is so important to prevent these losses.

Last night, for the first time, I pulled out a Cathe tape - Leaner Legs, of all things - and was able to do most of it with no weight and was surprised I handled it very well. I know that doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment, but for me, it was. :)

Anyway, I'm hoping I'm on the road to remission again and that it won't take as long to get back in shape as it did to start from scratch.

Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and prayers!

Glad to see the ecto-chick girls back :)

And Angela, thinking of you <<<<HUGS>>>>>, just take it easy as you work your way back into your exercise :)

Take Care Anna :)
Angela!!! :)

Glad to hear you are doing better! :) I think doing any amount of Leaner Legs with or without weights is quite an accomplishment! That's a hard tape to do! Keep up the excellent work! Be sure to get plenty of rest too! :)

Take care,
Hi Angela, I'll be praying for you. I can't believe you choose LL to jump back's a killer with or without weights. Take it easy and don't do tooooooo much. Like....leave bootcamp for another day. I've been struggling all week with sickness and my plan up above is pushed way back. BUT tomorrow is a new day and I intend to do a REAL workout in the morning. I'll be thinking of you!!!

Hi Anna, glad you popped in :) :) You are such a blast!!!

All right, Angela!!!!!!!

Glad to hear you're doing better! Leaner Legs of all things? Weighted or not that workout is tough. I'm so dang happy for you:+ I hope you continue to feel better and better!


PS-Robin where are you?!! You naughty ecto-chick!

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