Ecto Check 1-27


Hey all you ectochicks. This will be my LAST check in for while. We are leaving bright and early for FL tomorrow morning and hoping the weather will be warmer!!!

Can't say this week will be much of a scheduled routine. I did TTR PS all upper body this morning and I'm bringing PH, CK, RS, and Muscle Endurance and CTX UB along on the trip and hope to pick up a barbell and a few weights while in FL. (I'm doing this because my dh and I are fighting over the barbell now - and that's actually a good thing :) ) So we need another one. I'm going to try to do a body part when I have time on various days. That's the un-plan!!!

We'll miss you all and see ya in three weeks!!!! Keep up the good work!!!


3 weeks??? You lucky dog!:p

OK, Skinny-Limbed ones, this week I'm gonna do a couple of Joyce Vedral's workouts till my Intensity DVDs arrive. Joyce uses the Pyramid system, so I figure I'll just segue into Cathe's PUB/PLB by the end of the week...hopefully:9

I think I MIGHT do the Total Body Blast rotation thingie for a few weeks. Course, I never stick to a rotation, altho I love them. But, that's the plan, anyway.

How's everyone doing? Besides BRIEE!!!!:) Y'all check in and let me know. I worry.;)

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