ECA Conventions


Hi Cathe! I went to a ECA Convention for the first time in April. I had a wonderful time! I'd love to see you as one of the presenters at their convention in New York. They're having one March 16-18th. I'm sure many of us fitness nuts out there would be there knowing that you would be one of the presenters. Now I know you do the VF Roadtrip once a year but it's difficult for many of us to get to your gym in Glassboro. I know you've never been a presenter at one of the ECA Conventions but would you please put this in your back burner for the future? I would give my right arm to meet you. Your the only person so far that I haven't been able to meet. I know Eric is your top priority in your life but would you consider this? Otherwise, what do I have to do to meet you some day? Try to get on the list with the VF forum and hope some day to meet you? I dream of working out with you right behind you or beside you going neck to neck with your workouts! If this should happen for me I'd probably not sleep for a week and have heart palpitations like I did when I finally met Janis Saffell! I'm getting crazy! My best to you and your family, Kathy
You're not the only one dreaming, Kathy!

The night before last, I actually dreamt that I went to Cathe's studio and met her face to face, and took a step class there. When I woke up I couldn't get over how much Cathe and her videos have permeated my subconscious, for me to be dreaming of meeting her!! My dh just shook his head and laughed when I told him!!
Hi Kathy and Debbie! Shucks, you two have me blushing :-shy! I hope that we can someday meet. I have been asked to present for conventions and/or workshops, however, you are right, baby Eric is such a priority these days. Perhaps someday I'll back on the circuit again. Nice to hear from you :)!

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