eBay for Cathe Videos


I've found a great place to get Cathe videos for a reduced rate.....eBay. Maybe some of you already know this. I was on eBay looking for something else and i thought, what the heck, I'll see if there are any Cathe videos. To my surprise, there are quite a few. To help with your search, click on the advanced search and type in Cathe Friedrich. I only bid on a couple. I don't know what the bids are for most of them, but i figure even with the shipping the sellers are asking, they will be cheaper than buying them through collage video or the like. Warning....it can be adictive. Happy Bidding.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 00:26AM (Est)[/font][p]Don't forget Half.com-ebay's sibling. The videos are sometimes used(always disclosed before you buy) and the prices are usually good. Also you don't have to wait to see if you won the bid, because you buy it right then.
Do you have an address for that site?
May God grant you a sunbeam to warm you, a moon beam to charm you & an angel so nothing can harm you :-shy
Thanks for the tip on Half.com. I did notice the site when I was on eBay, but have yet to go to it. I will try that one also.

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