eating program


New Member
Dear Cathe or whomever is qualified to answer my question; I am in serch of a eating program-ie on that truly gets someone regimented in their disipline of fuel consumption. I wondered if Ms Fredrick has a particular menu that she follows, and what is the daily intake of volume? Ive been a fitness instuctor and PT for over 10 years and have yet to be at my peak fitness due to my eating and diet regime. If you could be of assistance it would be greatly welcomed! Sincerly, Zena M.prop. of Stonebride Body Works.
Hi Zena! I'm going to suggest that you check out the book "BodyRX" by Dr. Scott Connelly. Some of us on this forum are doing his program and what a difference its made in my body and strength and endurance. If you want to kick it up a notch really check out this book. I finally understand how the bodybuilders do it and I'm quite sure that Cathe eats and trains this way. Best, Kathy
Hi Zena,

Just wanted to offer my two cents. In last months Women's Muscle and Fitness they had a two week eating program, complete with grocery lists, that could easily be mixed and matched. I have been doing this myself and have found it very easy to follow. If you are interested, you can find the grocery lists on the website: If you didn't get this issue, and don't know anyone that subscribes, you can always call muscle and fitness hers to purchase a back issue. I think the cost is $3.50, which may seem pricey, but I have been very happy on this eating plan. Good luck with whatever you choose!
It was in the August/September 2002 issue, sort of a red/orange cover, with a blonde model holding what looks like a volleyball. Hope this helps.
What kind of results have you seen using "BodyRX"? How long have you been on it and do you think it's something you can do for the rest of your life?

I've read the book but have some anxieties although I think it makes a lot of sense.

Thank you so much for any help you can give.
I follow the McDougall program- it is a 100% clean eating. It is very strict but I am very healthy and it is something that I will follow for the rest of my life. please check out the posting board at (click weightloss). There are all types of people there who follow the program to be healthy, fit, loose weight, gain weight, etc.- it is such a great eating style (not a diet mind you :)and thepeople there are just terrific and they will answer any question you might have.
I agree with kurligirl7, I have been Mcdougalling for about 3 years now and I have been the healthiest I have ever been! To me it is the healthiest diet on the planet! Give it a try you wont regret it..... The ultimate clean eating program....
I agree with kurligirl7, I have been Mcdougalling for about 3 years now and I have been the healthiest I have ever been! To me it is the healthiest diet on the planet! Give it a try you wont regret it..... The ultimate clean eating program....
Hi Ellen! I've been on BodyRX now for 4 weeks in Cycle 1. Nutritionally its the best I've ever found. Finally a doctor telling you how to get in the right amount of protein, carbs and fiber into the course of the day. I have NO SUGAR cravings at all and I'm so full that I'm never hungry. I also have derived far more energy and power to my strength training. Its unbelieveable! As far as the exercising goes, I found the lifting to be far better for me. Going as heavy as you can w/excellent form for 3 sets. I think I'm going to see really good results by the time I get to the last cycle. Don't quite know yet how far up in weight I can go. I'm lifting far heavier than Cathe and that's what I wanted to achieve but couldn't do it w/her tapes because of the speed and the nature of the exercises. If you start this program, you will become a heavy hitter if this is what you want to achieve. My goals are to become more cut and to lower my body fat. Also I'm an advanced exerciser, not a novice of weight training so you have to decide for yourself. You can always follow along w/Cathe's strength tapes and follow the book for nutrition and yes this is something that I'll do for the rest of my life. Good luck! Kathy
mcdougalling program

I never heard of this program! I'm curious! Can you post more info about this program here so that we can all be informed! Eating is the biggest part of achieving our goals and maintaining our weight! Having more options available will help others stick to an eating program that works for them! Everyone is different maybe this will intrigue someone to start a new leaf! Thanks for sharing!Your friend in fitness~~Francine
RE: mcdougalling program

If I can add my 2 cents re: BodyRX? I'm in week 2 of Cycle 3 and my strength has increased immensely and even though weight loss isn't really supposed to happen until Cycle 3, I've lost 12 pounds and I'm VERY happy and I'm NEVER hungry??? :)))

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