Eating Plan while Pregnant


This may be an odd question, but what kind of eating plan (diet) are you following right now? I'm not thinking about cutting calories by any means, just wondering if you are focusing on more fresh fruits and veggies, calcium rich foods, protein, etc. Lately I've been thinking about following Body for Life's or Eating for Life's eating plan to make my meals more balanced but making sure my calories are around 2000 like my dietican suggested with my first pregnancy. Thoughts?
Hi Kristi.

I have never been a calorie counter so I have no idea how many cals I have been getting through the pregnancy. I have been loosely following Eating For Life for the past several months and really like it. It got me eating a ton more fruits and veggies than I ever used to. It helped to minimize my weight gain through my pregancy as well.

HTH. :)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Hi Wendy!

Just out of curiousity how much weight have you gained? Please feel free to not answer if that is too personal of a question. I would guess all of your weight gain is from the baby, fluids, and placenta since you are doing so well with your workouts.
No official plan here - just eat for one, if extra hungry eat a healthy item - say an apple. I'm purposely eating veggie and fruit w/lunch and dinner. So I figure as long as I keep the sugar at bay (w/a extra treat here and there - to stay sane of course!) eat lots of veggies I'll be fine. Really calorie counting drives me personally crazy. I figure if I put good healthy food in my mouth that's all I can do, cause when a pregnant mama is hungry - watch out and pass the food NOW!!!:eek: My goal is to gain 30 lbs - we'll see what actually happens!
Hi Kristi,

I have no shame...I'll announce my weight gain to the world! LOL After all it's not my actual WEIGHT! THAT I keep quiet about! lol ;)
I have gained about 35 pounds. The first 10 came on fast in the first trimester because that was my sluggish time with VERY BAD BAD eating habits. If I had disciplined myself better I probably could have kept the weight down a bit more but I'm not complaining about 35 pounds. You really can't notice it anywhere but my belly...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Hey Julie, I think I was eating for THREE in the first trimester! lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
To funny - it's not your actual weight! What totally sucks is when you weigh as much or more than your husband x( - towards the end of course!
New to the forum and very excited!!! I haven't really followed any sort of eating plan. I have always been a healthy eater so I have added a few snacks per day for the extra calories. I just began my 7th month and have gained about 25 pounds. I am all belly so I am trying not to get discouraged by the "number". I am working out 4-5 times per week, still using the Cathe videos although I have started to modify a bit. I am enjoying my pregnancy but already looking forward to getting my body back :)
Welcome to the board Ang! It sounds like your pregnancy is going well. Please feel free to join us in the Moms 2 Be Check in.
no real "eating plan" here either. i just try to make sure i get all my nutrients and vitamins in each and everyday. with ds i gained 25 LBS. this time around it will most likely be a little more. i am not worried as long as i know me and baby are healthy. i lost the baby weight once and i know thanks to cathe i will be able to do it again...;o)
Ugh. Don't remind me. When I found out I was pg I loaded up on all sorts of fruits and veggies. Such good intentions....Then the nausea hit and I had to eat constantly (sounds counterintuitive but it was the only thing that worked). And it wasn't carrots and yogurts I was constantly eating --more like Ritz crackers and bagels. As I start to feel better, I'm able to stomach more veggies and proteins. I feel pretty bad about eating so poorly this first trimester. Hopefully, the prenatals will make up for some of the slack lest I have a scurvy baby.

Hi Kristi,

In my second trimester I've been following the guidelines set out in a book called "Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy" (2nd ed) by Elizabeth Somer, R.D. It's a very comprehensive book about pregnancy nutrition, with guidelines for each phase of pregnancy, and pre and post natal as well. I couldn't follow her first trimester suggestions because I couldn't stomach a wide variety of fruits and veggies, etc. Her recommendations are essentially to eat well-balanced, frequent meals, with heavy emphasis on the veggies and fruits, but also good amounts of protein, dairy and (whole) grains.

Sandra, that reminds me, I have a book called Eating Espectantly by Bridget Swinney M.S., R.D. that has the same type of thing w/recepes for each trimester. I've been cooking so much less lately I kinda forgot about it. Something about being tired all the time that makes cooking seem not fun anymore, :-( , oh well I'm sappose to feel better in 2-3 weeks right, right, oh please God let me have energy again! Anyway it's a fun book, lots of info.

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