Eating for Life


I bought Bill Phillip's book Eating for Life and it is great. In case you are not familar with him he is the author of Body for Life. I have been following the Body for Life plan off and on since I read the book 3 1/2 years ago and I love it but the meals I was preparing were getting really boring.

This book has opened up a whole new world to me. I am so excited about it. There are 150 recipes. I am not a good cook at all in fact I really don't enjoy cooking (or cookbooks) but I do like to eat healthy so I do it. The recipes are pretty simple. He explains everything you need to do and even shows pictures of all the ingredients you need to prepare the meals. There are recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, mid-meal snacks and even desserts. The way he explains everything makes it so easy. He assumes that you don't know how to cook at all (which is good in my case) and explains exactly what you have to do. (He even tells how to boil a hard boiled egg for those who don't know).

The book was $35.00--expensive but well worth it.

I really like Eating for Life too. It uses all the things I like to eat but with a new twist. Also I found the ingredients to be simple. Alot of them are probably in your kitchen already. I open mine every week before I go food shopping & pick the recipes I want to prepare. My family even like the dinners.


P.S. I bought my copy on for about $25. My only complaint would be they don't list the calories, fat grams, protein etc. but they say you can go to the website and download it for free.
The last time I checked, the "numbers" were available for only a few of the recipes. Hopefully they will continue to add this information for more of them.....I just checked and it looks like nutritional information has been added for all the recipes. Yay!!!

I like this book also - I love the simplicity of the recipes.
I agree that this is a great book. The recipes are very easy (I have to add extra garlic and seasonings, though!).

I'm now one week into Eating for Life and have had some problems with being hungry a lot. I don't mind so much during the day, but it was keeping me up at night. I think I've fixed it by having some peanut butter or some almonds and some milk before going to bed, instead of the Myoplex pudding. I was having trouble falling asleep because I'd eaten too much, and then wake up in the middle of the night because I was too hungry. So the nut/milk combination seems to work.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?
I had to post because I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am NOT a cook -but even I can do these recipes. And most are only 25-40 minutes to have a meal prepared. (That's a supper, snacks aka midmeals are 1-5 minutes!)
My brother in law was very impressed when I made the Orange Roughy this week, and it got rave reviews from my DH as well. Anyone who has an aversion to cooking should really try it.

BTW-I got mine ONLINE at Books-A-Million for $22.00 (with my BAMM Club Card). In the store it was $35.00. (I do mean the Books-A-Million store!!) I bought it in the store, then went online to check the price and saw the huge difference-so I took it back. I also got the Success Journal online for $7.99! It was $25.00 in the store!!

Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents, since I usually don't get too excited about planning meals. I actually used to really stress over planning meals. Now I don't have to! And just FYI, I spent less on the Eating for life ingredients than I normally would for a week's worth of groceries. Isn't that great??!!

Hey everyone: I saw all of your recommendations, and ran out during my lunch break to buy this book. It looks great, and eating is the big thing that I haven't worked on up until now. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Anyway, I got it for just over $23 at Barnes & Noble. It was 30% off, and I have a buyer card so it was an extra 10% off. Anyone who wants it might want to check there. Thanks for the suggestion!


I grabbed the book at Costco yesterday for $20.00. I couldn't resist especially when I saw that every recipe has a picture of the completed dish!


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