eat to live


how many of you follow this book? i just got it and just wanted to know if it was hard to follow and if you have seen a difference eating this way?

I know that since I don't do really do animal products anymore, I never was addicted to dairy anyway, I feel that I have more energy, I also stay away from junk food and most processed foods for the most part, I sometimes do eat Boca, and Gardenburger and Amy's "stuff". I noticed right away that I don't need naps in the afternoon anymore, which in turn leads to a better night's sleep for me. :) . I do feel icky and bloated when if I do get off track. I only have salad once a day and that is before dinner, because I HATE SALAD!!:D I am losing weight, but I think more slowly than the average person. I don't have a thyroid so I am on meds, and I realized that I can lose weight, I just have to work harder at it.

It can be hard in the beginning to give up dairy and meat, for me it was all about what I wanted to put in my body. I want to be healthy, Cancer runs heavily in my family!!! I had thyroid cancer before I was 30. In the book he says you don't Live to Eat, you Eat to Live.
I highly recommend ETL. I was a vegan before but didn't eat enough veggies. I followed the 6 week plan pretty strictly and lost about 15 lbs. That was a lot for me (I'm 5'4"). I admit that sometimes I felt like I was choking down the salad, and I don't love plain steamed veggies. What kept me going was the weight loss. I haven't gained it back, but after kind of slacking up I haven't really lost much more (maybe 5 lbs). I'd like to lose about 20-30 more lbs so I may go back to the strict plan.

Have you looked at the RAVE diet? I like that plan a lot and think it would be a better fit for me, although I haven't tried it yet. It allows more whole grains than ETL but otherwise is pretty similar. You may want to check it out too.

>Have you looked at the RAVE diet? I like that plan a lot and
>think it would be a better fit for me, although I haven't
>tried it yet. It allows more whole grains than ETL but
>otherwise is pretty similar. You may want to check it out

Hi Amy,

Can I ask what the RAVE diet is about? Is a vegetarian diet, too?

Hi Leanne,

The RAVE diet & Lifestyle (this is the name of the book, by Mike Anderson) is also a vegan lowfat diet, but like I said, allows a different proportion of foods. There are also many recipes in the book, and I have tried and liked a few. RAVE stands for:

R: No Refined foods
A: No Animal foods
V: No Vegetable oils
E: No Exceptions

I know it sounds pretty hardcore, but I think it seems quite doable. And if you find that ETL is too salad-focused for you, it may be a good alternative. BTW, Joel Fuhrman does recommend the book. HTH.

>The RAVE diet & Lifestyle (this is the name of the book, by
>Mike Anderson) is also a vegan lowfat diet... also has a DVD called "Eating," that has the main info in the book, and more testimonials and info. I actually like the DVD a bit better than the book.
Hi Amy and Kathryn,

Thanks for the info! I've been thinking about making the switch to completely cutting out meat (right now, I only eat chicken, and pretty infrequently), so this sounds great! I'm definitely going to look into both of the programs.

Thanks so much!
i'm almost afraid to try this diet (eat to live) i read through the book today. i ate a HUGE salad for lunch (romaine, carrots, beats, cucumber, squash, apples, red kidney beans, tomatoes) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil mixed with vinegar on top. while i was full after i felt unsatisfied. plus i'm afraid that the restriction in this diet (no animal products) will fuel my binge eating which i struggle with. but in the same breath it may help with my binging. i just want to be satisfied. it seems like it would be hard to do when eating out b/c they don't supply the portions to fill you up in terms of veggies. do you all eat mini meals on this plan or do you just eat 3 huge veggie/fruit meals?
I love Eat to Live and I when I got it, I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours. It is packed with information.

If you plan on switching to this diet, you should definitely do as he recommends and do it all at once. This way, your body will adjust much more quickly and the nasty withdrawal effects won't last as long.

The first thing I noticed, after about 1 month, was that I did not need half as much salt as I used to. I ate 1 lays chip and almost gagged. It's cool, when I'm not sure if my salt intake is too high, I just wait till I workout and taste my sweat. If I can taste a lot of salt, I know to cut down (it sounds gross, but it's pretty cool)!

Anyway, I recently started adding animal products back into my diet (due to heavier weight training) and, after a few weeks, have noticed negative side effects. My skin has been breaking out and really oily and I have been very tired. I cut out all of the animal stuff the day before yesterday and I already feel much better!
do u eat oatmeal? what about egg beaters and tofu. do u eat mini meals or 3 meals like he recommends? what do u eat at restaurants?
i've decided to modify the plan for me. i know if i went on this plan i would feel very restricted b/c i like eating egg whites, chicken, and the occasional beef(always organic). so i decided that i'm going to replace meals 2,4, and 6 with fruits and veggies. i will keep my proteins in meals 1(egg whites), meal 3 (chicken) and meal 5 (fish or beef) i just think i'm eating too much protein in general including protein powders, cottage cheese, etc. not to provide too much info but i'm not very "regular" and i'm hoping this is the reason. I'll let you know how i do on this plan. mabe down the line i will slowly lean to more vegan practices but this suits me for now.;-)
I do eat oatmeal (I really like steal-cut oats) and I love stir-fried tofu. I don't eat 3 meals anymore because it made me very tired and I would often times skip a meal (hence the lack of energy). However, there is a big difference between 5-6 small meals and snacking all day long (this can lead to a lot of weight gain).

I can't remember how much animal products he recommends per week (if you decide to eat it), but it is a very small amount. I find that this amount works well for me. When I go over, I gain weight, have oily skin, fatigue, etc. I think your plan sounds pretty good. Get back to us in a few weeks and tell us how you are doing! Good luck!
I also follow this plan but changed a couple of things to fit my needs. I like the idea of eatings mostly fruits and veggies but I do not like the three meal a day thing. I have gotten away from eating whole foods and suprise suprise the weight loss has stopped. I am going to start following an ETL style plan with some of the BFFM princples. So I will be eating mostly fruits and veggies and a moderate amount of plant protein in small meals every three hours and hope that I can start taking off the last 20 pounds or so I would like to lose.

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