I love Eat to Live and I when I got it, I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours. It is packed with information.
If you plan on switching to this diet, you should definitely do as he recommends and do it all at once. This way, your body will adjust much more quickly and the nasty withdrawal effects won't last as long.
The first thing I noticed, after about 1 month, was that I did not need half as much salt as I used to. I ate 1 lays chip and almost gagged. It's cool, when I'm not sure if my salt intake is too high, I just wait till I workout and taste my sweat. If I can taste a lot of salt, I know to cut down (it sounds gross, but it's pretty cool)!
Anyway, I recently started adding animal products back into my diet (due to heavier weight training) and, after a few weeks, have noticed negative side effects. My skin has been breaking out and really oily and I have been very tired. I cut out all of the animal stuff the day before yesterday and I already feel much better!