Easy or intermediate cardio



Need recommendations for DVDs without burpees/planks/push ups.
No crazy stuff or high intensity. Just something to build endurance up and help lose some weight.


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Basically, any Cathe workout that is not HiiT, Intensity, Crossfire, To the Max, RWH, Tabata anything.

You could use most of Xtrain (omit Tabatacise for now) and LIS (go easy on Afterburn) series to help you with this goal, and any time Cathe does a push up, just do a different move, that's what I do! Ditto on burpees, a most hideous exercise!

How about also most of the Intensity series (saving Imax 2 for later) and most of the Body Blast series too, also the latest, un-named releases before RWH: the lower body weights workouts in that series would be useful to you, in addition to Party Rockin' Step 1 and 2. The total body weight DVDs from those 2 series (Intensity, BB) would be excellent right now for you (and me, I'm in the same boat).

Also, Rhythmic Step, Step Blast and Cardio & Weights: while advanced in level, they do not involve endless HiiT that your muscles might not yet be ready for (as mine aren't yet either).

If you have any Kelly Coffey Meyer DVDs, they are perfect for starting back and easing back into Cathe, they are as intense as you choose to make them, but more forgiving for come-backs than Cathe's stuff.

Good luck to both of us......!

Thanks Claire! I used to be able to do burpees no problem...but the shoulder put an end to that. Plus my sister two months ago was perfectly fine, then wakes up one day with back pain which they dx as Lumbar stenosis. Back pain doesn't look like fun and to go from perfectly fine to be in chronic pain...I'm not saying she did burpees, I'm just not keen on anything that might flirt with back pain in my future. Not for weight loss.

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The couple I go to when I need something long and lower impact are Party Rocking Step 2, Low Max, Cardio Supersets-With the added step section, total body weight work (Power Hour, MM, PP, SS, etc.) or I just do weights-Slow and Heavy, etc.

My favorites for cardio without impact (if you have the patience to learn a step routine with somewhat tricky footwork) are Party Rockin Step 1, Low Impact Circuit (skip the weight work if you don't want to do it), Step Moves, and Cardio Hits. From the 4-Day Split series, the Lower and Higher Intensity step routines are really fun (but complicated). And don't forget Basic Step/Body Fusion. I use those to this day if I am on rest day but still want some activity. Finally, no one has mentioned Body Max 2, which has a fun step routine and many styles of premixes--just skip the Power Circuit Segments if you don't want jumping.
You'd probably like Jessica Smith and Chris Freytag walking workouts (lots of free ones on youtube). Kathy Smith's Cardio Fat Burner would also fall in Beg-Interm.
Take care of that back!
Zumba, what can I say it's a year of workouts I never used to do, and a whole lot of Zumba, which is totally different that I thought it would be.

One reason I really like it, it's not crazy intense, and just about anyone can do it, at any level, and it's fun. It really fits into a good cardio zone.

ACE Zumba article
Clare! "A most hideous exercise"!!! Too friggin funny! I giggled like a 5 year old for 10 minutes! I love that! Oh man I could start a list of some hideous moves! Anyway, I agree with your advice completely! I love cardio supersets! KCM is definitely one to explore as well. True too, that you can amp up her workouts if you want or tone them down. I also change some moves when you start going down to the ground and popping back up again. As time goes by those moves start to suck!! If I start growing weary of push ups I simply roll over and do abs. The suggestions here are all very good, simply modify but keep moving! Jumping jacks, high knee jogs...whatever suits you in the moment!

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