Easy choreography yet FUN!!


Okay Ladies... first of all I'd like to thank all of you for being so patient with us new folks...

Okay, I've done BS/BF and working on Step Blast. I've got the warmup and combo #1 down. I previewed combo #2 today and it blew me away! Is there anything else that you could recommend with easy choreography yet fun? I really like step but not opposed to the full body workout if it's fun and preferably with good music. I've seen a lot of recommendations for CTX for newbie's but is it fun? I've also seen recommendations for high step circuit but is it fun and challenging enough?

Thank you Ladies!
Oh, don't give up on Step Blast so quickly!!! It really won't take you long to figure out the choreography and it's so much FUN!!!
I'm not giving up!! I'd just like to get some other stuff that won't take forever to learn. I've only got BS/BF, Simply Step by Gin Miller (love it!), Step Blast and I just won Power Max on ebay. (Also heard that Cathe's older stuff isn't as difficult in respect to choreography.)
Hi Brenda. I think the CTX Express Dvd is perfectly suited for beginner steppers as well as advanced. The cardio/step portion's are all much shorter, 20-25 minutes so that makes them very manageable for a beginner AND the choreography is not difficult. Plus, you also get weight training at the end of each cardio segment working one body part per segment.

I just feel the CTX Express Dvd is one of those workouts that should be in everyone's library. As you become more advanced with your workouts you can do two of cardio segments from the CTX so you get a longer cardio workout. The three bonus workouts are great, Leaner Legs, Upper Body Split, and all the Abs from the CTX workouts in one segment.

It is well worth your money.

Also, the choreography in IMAX 1 is not difficult. That workout is on the Rhythmic Step Dvd which also has Max Intensity Cardio.

I should have added that the music in IMAX 1 stinks, I think! But you're working so hard during that workout that the music is barely noticeable most of the time!
The choreography in Interval Max is doable, also so is the choreography in both Cardio & Weights and Bootcamp, though there are strength sections in those, but still will make you sweat up a storm!

For me the hardest to learn was the fast-paced step in Body Max, Rhythmic Step took me forever to learn, and the choreography in some of the CTX is actually tricky, but that's my humble opinion.

If you dont mind more dated looking sets and outfits, Cathe's older step workouts....Step Heat, Mega Step Blast and Step Max are easy to learn. Check out her Classics dvd.

Good Luck!!
I realized as I was doing BodyMax the other day that the choreography on the step portion is much easier than the newer Cathe stuff, yet, there are a few tricky moves that Cathe uses in later workouts. Although the pace in Body Max is fast, the tricky moves don't seem to come as fast and furious as in Step Blast. I'd recommend that as a next level of complexity.
I just want to chime in and say that I find the choreography in Step Blast to be very challenging! I too have BS/BF. I also have HS Intermediate, LowMax and the one with Step Heat and Step Jam. I would recommend Step Heat and Step Jam. The choreography is easier, although I wouldn't say it is easy. So it isn't boring. The workouts are longer, so I feel like I get a good cardio workout. I have Allstep, but find that the workout is far too short.

Keep trying Step Blast, you WILL get it. I find I pick it up just a little better every time I do it. I don't like the blasts, because of all the jacks. I really find jacks uncomfortable so I don't do them. But the step routine is very fun.

Aren't all the pivots and turns confusing? And I still really haven't figured out a ricochet!
Yes, I am very slowly getting Step Blast. I've pretty much gotten through combo #2 and previewed combo #3 this morning. Lord help me!! haha I think I'm going to try the Classics (Step Heat, Step Jam, and I forgot the other one) next. I know everyone talks about CTX but for some reason I get this feeling that it's one of those that are good for you but very boring. (?) Don't know why I feel that way and now that I've found something fun don't want to go back to that 'good for you but boring stuff'!!

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