early symptoms


There seems to be a couple new pregnancys announced lately! Congratulations ALL!
I was wondering if those who just found out (or others who are far along who remember!) had had any early pregnancy symptoms that may have clued you in? My hubby and I are trying, and I just seem to read into every little thing I'm feeling! Did many of you have no symptoms at all?
Again good luck to all of you both new and very-soon-to-be-mommies!
This is my first post. I just found out last week that I'm expecting on 5/25/06. I didn't really have any symptoms other that 4 days of spotting around when I ovulated. I have started having sore bbs, a few weird twinges and am really tired, but nothing other than that. Good Luck to you!
I found out about 3 weeks ago that I am preggy!! This only symtoms I had was I was realy tired & very hungry!!! Good luck to you!!

Hello! I just found out today that I may be around 7 weeks. An ultrasound next week will pinpoint exactly but I have been having stomach cramps, nausea and feeling very tired. Other than that I am still working out with Cathe and feeling pretty good.

I just found out last week that I'm pregnant with #3 and can tell you that the one thing that really clued me in was my aversion to certain foods. I was cleaning out my refrigerator and a few things that we had for dinner (that I love) made me almost puke when I was just LOOKING at them through the Tupperware!

That, and I've been exhausted and a little nauseous.

I just found out 2 days ago. I have felt a little tired but nothing other than that . With my first I had no early symptoms but around 7 weeks my boobs started to hurt. With my first, I felt so good I kept panicking that I wasn't pregnant.
Sensitive Nipples! I took a shower the day before I tested and was quite sensitive to the shower pressure. The next day a positive test!:)
Very exciting! Thanks for all the responses! I find it's so funny how I am most likely just imagining some of these symptoms.. I guess the only thing to do is to just wait and be patient!
cerulean99, Congratulations!!! Welcome, and I hope you post on here more often!

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