Early signs?


Hi Everyone!

I think I am may be pregnant and I am going crazy because it is still too early to take a pg test! What were your early signs that you were pregnant? Thank you! It will be fun to hear everyone's different stories!

Hi Jenni!

I have 2 children and with each pregnancy one of the first symptoms was that I was VERY thirsty. I could not drink enough water. I also had very sore and heavy breasts. Similar to PMS, but more so. Hope this helps :) Good luck!
Hi Jenni,

I just KNEW both times. Call it mommy's intuition or gut feeling, but I just felt pregnant. Specifically, I was tired, crampy and my breasts were tender...those are definite signs.

I remember it being so difficult to wait to test for my first...but hang in there...you'll know soon. I wish you the very best of luck.
Thank you Mommies!
I have never been so impatient in all my life. (And, I am darn impatient!) Thank you for your advice. I will keep you posted!

Sore breasts, crampy.

This is weird but....I am very fair skinned, and I noticed more visible veins on my chest/breast area! I swear!

Have fun!!! :)
Sore boobs and cramps (I thought I was PMSing).

Also the texture of some foods made me gag (apple skins, corn, crusty bread).

Let us know when you take the test . . .
I will let you know! I can't wait for my boobs to hurt! HA! Thank you so much! This is BEST community on the internet!!!

My first pregnancy, I began having dizzy spells about a week after conception. Then the nausea began, and remained 24/7 for the entire first trimester. And yes, there were tender mammary glands, too :)

My second pregnancy, there was not much sign at all until a few weeks after taking the test that told me "yes." I felt so good that I had a hard time believing I was actually pregnant.

Early pregnancy, IMO, feels like a bad case of PMS. I can identify with your impatience, Jenni! Good luck!


EDD Mar.27/05
About a week after "doing it" I felt a real bad menstral like cramp on just one side of my back (I get back cramps when it's TOM and I had back labor with my first). I kept thinking, "What is going on here?" It was very painful, and very noticeable. I think it was just when my little one was attaching herself to the uterine wall. Good luck to you! I hope you get the result you want!
Apart from being late, my breasts felt slightly too big for my bras, and I got acne on my chin, which was unusual for me. You can take a home pregnancy test anytime, for your body, when pregnant, produces a specific pregnancy hormone that this test looks for.

I just found out I was pregnant yesterday, wanting to confirm my suspicions. I'm off to get a doctor's appointment today!:7
I'm in the same boat. I won't be able to test until Monday! I can't wait. My breasts are getting sore and I keep feeling like I have to pee but I don't. I can't wait to test!!! The waiting is driving me nuts!

Me, too!
I haven't been feeling too great and my workouts have been tough. It is probably all in my mind!? Keep us posted on your results and I will let you know, too.

Jennifer V. CONGRATS!! Let us know if your suspicions are true! YIPPEE!
All of these posts have been great to read. I am in the process of trying to get pregnant (just went off the pill a few weeks ago). My periods were really regular before I went on the pill so hopefully everything is working normally this month.
Thanks, Jennifit!
I'm still trying to get a Dr's appointment.

I've also been short of breath during my regular workouts. It's been quite a shock to notice I can't do my usual cardio with the same ease. I couldn't do Cathe's SJP step portion of Kung Fu Fighting without modifying quite a bit. The next segment, Goldeneye, I had always found too easy, and now it's perfect. Sigh! I miss interval workouts already! Take things down a notch- listen to your body! :)
My first sign with my first baby was a darker blue vein in my uterine area on my abdomen. My OB called it a varicose vein :-( but it doesn't actually stick out at all. I noticed it before I knew I was pg. and was so excited thinking I was that my hubby and I lovingly referred to it as the "woob" vein. "Woob" being my baby. With my daughter (2nd), I don't know that I really noticed very many signs. With my 3rd, my breasts grew bigger RIGHT away. I also noticed how much more profusely I was sweating during my workouts. Thought it was strange.

FYI - there are a few theories about going off the pill and trying to conceive. One theory out there is that the pill significantly thins out the uterine lining and one should wait a few months prior to trying to get pregnant to aid in implantation, or miscarriage could be slightly higher risk. Second theory is that it takes awhile for the hormones to cycle through your system so if you don't get pregnant within the first cycle or two of going off, it may take you upto a year to ovulate. My sister and I both had 7-12 months before ovulating after going off pill. My SIL went off pill with first baby and got pg right away. Everything went great. Heard about uterine lining problem and was too scared to get pg right away with 2nd and ended up not ovulating for almost 1 full yr before getting pg with her 2nd. I have read that some people that have difficulties getting pregnant are put on the pill and then after a couple of months, go off the pill, and then are instructed to try right away to try to achieve pregnancy. Talk to your OB to see what's best for you. Good luck. I highly recommend Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Wesschler (sp?).


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