Early Risers: How do you stay consistent?

I'm a naturally early riser and when I stayed at home with the kids, it was easy to get up at 6:00 a.m. to get the workout in by 7:00. Now, I am employed outside the home and the only time to workout is before I go to work which is 4:00 a.m. I am willing to do it but I know there will be days when I need a little extra motivation to get out of bed. So, for those of you who workout early in the morning, what are some ways you stay consistent? How do you get yourself up in the morning when you just want to hit the snooze button?

I set my alarm 1/2 hr earlier than I need to be awake. I also set the heater to kick on an hour before I need to be out of bed. I hate leaving a warm bed and this makes it easier.
Hey Terri~I have always worked out in the pre-dawn hours, both when I was single and working and as a married, SAHM. I find that is the only portion of the day that I truly have uninterrupted time to myself. Also, if I don't get my workout in first thing in the morning, I am more likely to find excuses not to do it. On those days when I want to hit the snooze button, I remind myself how great I feel after a workout. Also, I think back to those days, years ago, when I would run in the dark, freezing, winter mornings...now that was hard to get motivated for;-)
Don't push that snooze button, girl. There are lots of us working out in the dark!

"Also, if I don't get my workout in first thing in the morning, I am more likely to find excuses not to do it."

That's exactly why I need to workout in the a.m. Excuses are always free-flowing the afternoon, especially after work.

Thanks, Sarah! LOL!! Your words will run through my mind when the alarm goes off!

What gets me moving in the wee hours of the morning is knowing how I'll feel if I do NOT work out. I just remind myself that I'll feel fat and lazy and be bouncing out of my skin.
Terri, I totally agree with Sarah...I sometimes have a hard time getting going but I know that I won't get my workout in as the day goes on. I tried to work out in the afternoons recently and most of those days I didn't exercise. Now I'm back to waking up at 5am to work out at 6am (eventually I need to work out at 5:30).

I feel better both physically and mentally if I start my day with a workout and I find that I eat better, as well. Once I'm back in the habit of getting up so early on a regular basis then I tend to wake up about 5 minutes before the alarm goes off!
I just don't think about it. I go on autopilot. If i stayed in bed after my alarm went off thinking about how cozy i felt and how i could sleep for another 2 hrs before i had to get up, i wouldn't get up either! i also think of how wonderful i'm going to feel once its over and i won't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. now its such a habit that when i don't wake up i'm groggy all day and i'm a grouch.
I also set my alarm for 1/2 hour earlier than I need to be up so I can hit the snooze. It's automatic for me...........it's either get up and get my workout in ......or zero workout.....and I HAVE to workout or the world wouldn't be right!! I hate working out after work....as there are too many things to interfere with your workout at that time....i.e. doctor appts. ...emergency trips to the store etc. If I don't get it done in the early AM, it doesn't get done.....so I make myself get up and I get up earlier than 4:00 am every day. I have done this for about 7 years now.
Im one of those people everybody hates....A Morning Person....I jump out of bed usually before my alarm goes off...smiling and ready to go...my husband hates that...plus I have about 10 animals to feed and check on every morning...I try to workout before I start on them, but sometimes like today they come first...I slept later....well off to feed...Happy New Year!
I do NOT hit snooze. As soon as my alarm goes off, I hop out of bed. I also lay out my clothes the night before so all I do is put them on and depending what I'm doing (running or working out to a DVD), I drink some water and get started!

I'm a SAHM but it still seems that if I don't get it done early there are too many things going on during the day so I can't get my workout done. And if I don't get to work out then I get crabby!! }(
I don't need an alarm. My body gets me up every morning(and I mean every morning, even weekends :( ) at 4-4:30. I just don't seem to require more than 6-7 hours of sleep. Last night I was awake until after midnight, and up by 6:30, bing, got my 6-7 hours.
>I don't need an alarm. My body gets me up every morning(and
>I mean every morning, even weekends .

This is me also.
i'm a morning person as well. i tend to pop right out of bed so that helps. been doing it for 8 yrs now. just like the above poster, i went to bed at 1:30 last night and i was wide awake at 5:30.
Thanks for all the tips, ladies! I see that an early riser check-in has been established - that's exactly what I need!!

BTW, I did get up at 4:00 to workout this morning. :)


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