Early morning exercisers please stand up

It's so inspiring to know that I'm not the only one up at the crack of dawn! My family thinks I'm nuts although they are used to it at this point! Even on they weekends, I like to WO first thing in the AM, although not at 5:30 like during the week! If it's not done in the AM, it's just not going to happen! I guess things could change, but for now, I like it just fine! :D:D
I'm thinking that my risk of heart attack would be greater if I DIDN'T exercise at 4:00 a.m., because if I didn't do it then, I wouldn't exercise at all, and that certainly wouldn't be good for my heart!

Ditto!! I'm up at 4:30am and love to check my workout off of my long list of things to do everyday. I say just do what works for you and enjoy :D
It's so nice to hear that I'm not alone. I will be thinking about all of you when my alarm goes off at 4:50 tomorrow morning. You will be my inspiration to get out of bed. Come this time of year, I STRUGGLE to get out of bed in the morning. When I do, I feel great and love it. When I don't, I feel guilty the rest of the day. With work and family, that is just the only time to squeeze it in. I am behind on my STS workouts right now because I have been snoozing instead.
NO SNOOZING TOMORROW! I'll be thinking about all of you!!
I like the fact that the first thing I take care of in the morning is me. I think that's a great way to start the day. This time change is making me so sleepy though, and it's been tough getting up. I guess I'm not in the groove of the dark nights so early.
I too am early morning exerciser. I my alarm goes of at 4:50am also. And by 5:30 I am working out. Sometimes it is shorter workout but I do strive for 40 mins to an hour. I am trying to make this a 5-6 day a week gig, but so far I get at least 4 in a week.

I must say though since I started taking a mulit, vit c and a super b complex I seem to have more energy in the morning. And now I have even more incentive to get up since my ldl levels are right at the beginning of borderline. They are 131 and I would like to see them much lower the next time I go to the dr's.

Dr's order was to exercise more.

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