early checkin for week ending 6-10-01



Hi all!!
Thought I would post early since I will be leaving for Montreal tomorrow. Today is my 35th birthday and the cookout just wrapped up. Had a super day.....Michelle got me a health club membership so now all I have to do is make it to the end of the street to do my weight work instead of driving 37 miles to the fitness center at my employer's corporate site. Awesome!
My week:
Mon. -- chest and back on the weights and hill workout on the climber for 35 mins. Abs.
Tues. -- nothing
Wed. -- 35 min. flat incline on the climber with increased resistance. This was tough! Shoulders, tris, and bis on weights. Abs
Thurs. -- nothing
Fri. -- Intervalmax
Sat. -- celebrated my b-day by checking out the health club...It's Big Vanilla Racquet and Fitness in Severna Park for those of you in the area. Did 35 mins. on one of those bikes built for spinning. May have to try spinning at some point. Did leg workout on the weights. Found a few good ab machines which I had never used before. One called the torso twist I believe really hit the obliques. Felt great!!
Sun. -- off to Canada for 4 days of work, eating well on the company's tab, and trying to squeeze a workout in here and there in the hotel. :)
The pics from Cathe's new vids look awesome. I may have to try the Slow and Heavy Series.
Have a super week everyone.....I really need to get a laptop so I can stay connected to this site from the road. :) Wonder if my employer would go for it! :)
Trevor :) :-jumpy
whine, whine, whine...

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-09-01 AT 09:57PM (Est)[/font][p]Happy Birthday Trevor!! What a GREAT gift from Michelle! :)

Well, I think I pulled a muscle in my upper/outer glute area. I did a tough leg workout last Sunday and noticed on Monday that I was sore, but not a "good sore". Tuesday I went for a run and ended up in a lot of pain and the pain hasn't gone away. So, I ended up doing a lot of spinning since it doesn't hurt and the pedal on my spinning bike broke!! My two favorite workouts - spinning and running are out of the question for now. I am so frustrated. Plus, it was the last week of school and I was really wanting to get some runs in before the kids are home for the summer. :-(

Here's my week:

Mon. Spinning/Stairstepper/jumprope combo

Tuesday: started to run, then felt pain. The run turned into a run/hobble, then a run/limp, then a walk and then I ended up just walking home by dragging my sore leg behind me. I kept running at first thinking that once my muscles got good and warm that the pain would go away. Ended up doing another spinning/stairstepper/jumprope combo and Tough Tape plus abs from the new Shape magazine

Wednesday: Spinning/Stairstepper/jumprope combo

Thursday: Spinning/Stairstepper/jumprope combo + Powerbar Training

Friday: Spinning - until the pedal broke/Cardio Kicks - haven't done this one in a while. Had to modify for the sore leg, but boy did I feel it in my upper body!

Saturday: MIC (modified)/stairstepper/jumprope + Cory's CST/BBA videos. I substituted I Want Those Abs part 2 for Cory's abs.

Sunday: PS SLA (standing work only), plus some cardio - probably step.

Hope everyone has a great week!!
Hi everyone,

[marquee]HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVOR!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy[/marquee]

What a cool birthday present from your Michelle! I know exactly where your health club is, have passed it many times & always wondered about it...let me know how you like it after you've been there awhile. It sounds great!

Hi, Erica, I'm so sorry about your leg...best take care with it. Girl, you do more injured than I do healthy! You must be in fabulous shape. Sorry about your bike too, you've had a bummer week haven't you?

Monday: AM: Gilad Step Tape (twice)

Tuesday: AM: Treadmill with intervals (Boring)
PM: MIS (different sections each night)

Wednesday: AM: Step Tape (Cathe-can't remember name)

Thursday: AM: Body Pump & Step from BodyMax & a pitiful attempt
at hi-lo from MIC.
PM: Leaner Legs & Upper body from CTX I LOVED LL!

Friday: Nada. Had to work double shift :-tired

Saturday: PM Only: Wedding Tape

Sunday: Probably Gilad & PS something!

Trying to work my way back...problems with elbows but doing best I can as are we all!

Have a great week everyone!! :)
Forgot to say YES CINZA I DID MY STEPUPS!!! And my hip shifts!

Also, Trevor, I most certainly think your employer should get you a laptop! :)
My week

Hi everyone,

I haven't checked in for probably a year, but ever since I got pregnant and moved to Little Rock, I wasn't on the computer that much. Now, I've had the baby, and I'm home all day holding her in one hand, clicking the mouse with the other. I have been working out since she was four weeks old (she's 9 weeks tomorrow), and it's tough to fit it in most of the time. At this point, I don't even care what it's doing for my body. It just helps me mentally. Anyway, here was my week. I'm waiting for the day when I have more time to work out again :)

Mon: Cory Everson BSS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Tues: Harold Sanco's Urban Training
Wed: Firm Bootcamp (1st part)
Thurs: Step Works
Fri: MIS (ouch!)
Sat: Kari Anderson Sweat Express

I feel pretty good about that week. I've kind of decided that I'm going to do strength three days and cardio three days per week. We'll see if it actually happens. All you moms out there, please reassure me that I will get some of a life back :)

Have a great week.

Good going, Emily

That's a great line up!!

Happy Birthday, Trev.!!!!

I worked with my horse for 3 hours today, plus:
Firm Time Crunch
Brenda Dykgraaf Step
Firm Complete
Baron Baptiste Power Yoga
Voigt Energy Sprint
Kathy Smith Kickboxing
Firm Abs- Hips-Thighs
Kathy Smith Power Step
tomorrow I leave the house at 5:30 a.m. for a Horse Fair in davenport, Iowa.--so, will do nothing in the way of "formal exercise." Murph
RE: Happy Birthday Trevor!!

Hi everyone!! Everyone's week looks great even with injuries!! Kepp up the great work!! Well, week 3 of my MAX rotation is down for me, and I'm quite pleased because I'm seeing all kinds of results!! My endurance is much better, as is my weight. It still tires me out though. Hopefully by the end of this rotation my endurance level will be on the next level. Ok, onto my week!!

MON: Daughter was in the hospital until Mon. night, but I did manage to fit in StepJam at 8:00p.m.

TUES: BodyMax and Yoga with Ateeka

WED: PowerMax

THURS: CircutMax with squats, step ups, dead lifts, calves and abs from LL

FRI: IMAX!!! I think I need to do this on MON. only after my rest day. Because after Thurs, my legs were a little tight and I had to modify on a few intervals.



How'd it go for you Lynn?? Still feeling nice and sore??
Ok everybody, have an awesome week!!!

Hi All!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Trevor, Thanks for starting us off. I just realized you are only 6 1/2 years older then my daughter! YIKES! But, we are ONLY as old as we feel, right? Great week 4 U. Looks like you have recouped from your injury. Glad your birthday was special!

Erica~So sorry about the pulled muscle. How frustrating not to be able to run OR spin. Hang in there. Fortunately, we do mend. Take care so you get well soon.

Ruth~That elbow is still giving you trouble?? Maybe, try lessening your weights and see if it helps. Okay, I'll quit being your MOM! Your Thursday workout wore me out reading it!:-tired Keep up the good job!(Tip-review your Cathe tapes you are having trouble with while doing your treadmill. It helps with the boredom)

Emily~Great to see you back posting! I can't believe your daughter is 9 weeks already!...and YES, your life will return. (JUST in time for your GRANDBABIES!!;-))

Murph~Looks like your tailbone pain has subsided by your workouts?? Hope so. Have a great time at the horse fair. Looks like beautiful weather is in store for us Easterners!:-cool

Aimee~I hope all is well with your daughter. I am still contemplating doing your Max Rotation. Sounds like a killer week! Glad you are seeing results. Your hard work is paying off. Keep it up!

Okeedokee, My turn:

Monday~Jogged 1 mile, PS-SL&A's, increased the step ups and down's to 32 on each leg, Taught a Hi/Lo class. (Last class for three weeks so I can spend time with my daughter.:7)

Tuesday~10-10-10, cardio only, CTX-TRIS & BIS

Wednesday~PS-Chest, SHOULDERS & BACK, 32 stepups & downs each leg, Spin with Jay for 40 minutes

Thursday~Spent the night with my daughter and did her Kathy Smith Kickboxing tape, defintely lower level then I am used to but it was okay as I didn't have much room to workout plus we were up REAL late the night before.

FRIDAY~Treadmill 20 minutes, Thigh Blaster section from the Wedding vid, Power Drills from CardioKicks

SATURDAY~Jogged 1 mile and power walked 1/2 mile. Whew, I think power walking is harder then jogging! 32 Step ups and downs, the 3 intervals from Step'n'Intervals, BodyPump vid (great music), 1 minute of bicycles for ABS since I read this week that bikes are the best AB workout!

SUNDAY~HOPEFULLY a drive BACK to Cleveland to see a baby be born.(after church and a baby dedication for my niece) Julie has been having contractions again all day. We went back up this afternoon late and spent the evening with them hoping this was the day. I'm back home again. I know she's only 3 days overdue but when that date comes and goes, it seems like it will never happen. I am TRYING hard to be patient. If nothing happens this weekend, I will be a granny come Tuesday after the Dr. induces! Yipeeee!:-jumpy!!! Have a great week everyone!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Happy Birthday To You,

Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday Dear Trevor, Happy Birthday To You! What a nice wife you have!!
Can't respond to everyone right now, but a general "great job" to all on your tough weeks!
Here's mine:

MONDAY: AllStep cardio only

TUESDAY: CircuitMax (all, but no legs), did the planks on my exercise ball (YOWZA!!!), + KB abs and cooldown

WEDNESDAY: MIS warmup + LL, PS, GWW lower body combo (added sit and stands and step ups from LL to my usual combo)
Stepfit warmup, section I, and Stepworks cooldown--knee was not feeling great from my morning leg work...

THURSDAY: (iced knee for an hour Wed. night= pain free Thurs.!)
Upper Body combo:
PS CST and BBA dumbell work (did go with a heavy barbell for back)+ Cardio Kicks arm drills

Cardio Kicks (minus the arm drills I did in the am) + CTX Kickbox cardio section (minus the high impact section)

FRIDAY: rest

SATURDAY: Upper Body Combo: Karen V. Streamline Fitness + MARGARET RICHARDS UPPER BODY SCULPTURE + low back from BBA + CST and BBA stretches

SUNDAY: Lower Body combo and cardio...

That's it--have great weeks!
Trevor! Happy B'day and many more. Great gift from your wife....we know you LOVE it, and we certainly know you'll use it.

Erica....you poor thing! I fell when doing Step Fit this week, but just bruised my hand trying to catch my fall. The first thing that ran through my mind was, "I hope I don't have to stop this tape and interrupt my workout!" I didn't stop, but I can't imagine having to alter my workouts! We are all SO dedicated, and I say that in a nice way. Take good care of that injury.

My week, the 3rd week of Lower Body Solution. My butt is getting firmer, and my legs are getting more shape and are less jiggly. I really notice it in the inner thigh area, which is where I REALLY need it, plus that tear-drop quad muscle is shaping up. Yes! This makes me VERY happy!:7:7:7:7:7:7:7

Sunday: Cardio Kicks. Haven't done this one in a while, and I forgot what a good tape this is.

Monday: Firm's Lower Body Solution in the morning and Upper Body weights from Body Max in the evening. Now that I have several Firm tapes and can compare them to what I'm used to with our guru, Cathe, here's what I think. I welcome new routines, BUT I don't like the way they splice together segments of old tapes to come up with "new" ones. Rather a lazy approach, IMO.

Tues.: Mowed a yard. Wasn't going to work out at all, but that was a mini-workout

Wed.: Circuit Max with step ups thrown in plus Firm Sculpted Hips, Buns, and Thighs.

Thurs.: Walked outside - Early in the AM,(6:00 am) there's noboy out there but me and the birdies, and no one cared what I looked like or smelled like!

Friday: Insanity day.....Step Fit, Cory's Basic Scuplting System - Hips, thighs, Calves (Good tape) AND Firm's Lower Body Sculting. That was 2 hours straight. That was Nuts!

Sat. I was so worn out from Friday that I only walked outside 20 minutes and did MIS upper body work.

This next week I'm going to go more by the book (Lower Body Solution) with a standing day followed by a floor day. This will take less time, and will be less draining (I hope). My cardios will have to be shorter, but Laura Dayton said you may have to do this to fit in the leg work. I still will get in 5 cardio workouts.

Have a good week, all of you,and this is the week (for real) that Deb H becomes a GRANNY! :7:7:7:7:7

Later I'll post a cake recipe for "Caramel Chocolate Explosion." I got the rules for the new Pillsbury Bake Off! I have until Oct. 15 to submit a recipe. I'm sure it'll be a dessert of some sort! The top prize is $1,000,000.00.:7
Hi Everyone--I missed you guys last week, but I wasn't in any shape at all to post (more on that later). Trevor--happy belated birthday and hope Canada is fun. Erica--I'm sorry about your leg. Getting injured is really such a bummer, especially this time of year. Everyone else sounds like they had a decent week. On Monday, I was walking one of my dogs through our neighborhood and another dog attacked her--unprovoked. The other dog, Merlin, is new to the neighborhood and according to his owner, has a history of aggression against other dogs. He was on leash and pulled the owner, me, and my dog (Agnes) on to the road. Why the heck they were walking him--especially with no muzzle, given his history--is way beyond me. Thank God my dog wasn't hurt, but unfortunately, Merlin bit me pretty bad on the front of my calf. I spend a couple hours in the emergency room and have been sore since. I have four or five puncture wounds, two of them are pretty deep. And my knees are painfully scabbed and oozing. OUCH. I'm on Augmentim, a strong antibiotic. Looks like I'm going to have some scars, and I'm keeping a close eye on my wounds for infection. What fun! The good news is that I can continue to work out. Here's what I managed to salvage out of my week:

Sat--Interval Max, MIS lower body (up to 45lb barbell on squats & deadlifts, thanks to Leaner Legs), Abs section of All Step.

Sun--Step Fit, CXT-Chest, Shoulders, Triceps (am); Precision Toning (pm)

Mon--Stepworks (warmup thru section 2), Powermax (section 1), CXT-Back & Biceps (am)

Tue--My first post-bite workout--Cardio Kicks (no drills), 10-10-10 warm up & kickbox sections only (am). Abs section of Leaner Legs (pm)

Wed - MIS-upper body only (pm)

Thu - Cardio Kicks (entire tape) (am), Abs section of Leaner Legs.

My leg still hurts--I guess this will take awhile to heal! Hope everyone has an excellent week.
Wow, some really great workouts this week!!!

Trevor: Happy Birthday! Sounds like your wife gave you a GREAT birthday present!!!
Erica: Hope your muscle has started to heal!
Emily: YES, you will DEFINITELY get your life back! The first six weeks are the toughest and it starts to get easier from there...I promise!
Aimee: Body Max, Power Max, Circuit Max and *THEN* IMAX!!! I bow down you, woman!
Debbie: Hope you're a Granny by the time you're able to read this!
Wendy: Tell me your thoughts about Margaret Richards and her workouts...I'm curious.
Honeybunch: I agree with your thinking about Firm tapes...enuf said.
Suzanne: Hope your leg heals soon! That sounds sooo scary!

Okay, enough babbling...here's my week:

Monday: Crunch Yoga (I seem to ALWAYS oversleep on Mondays so I'm lucky I even got THIS workout in!)

Tuesday: CTX Biceps/CTX Triceps/CTX Shoulders/TKO Boxing/Baron Baptiste Vol 1

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: All Step Cardio/CTX Back/Abs/Plank work

Friday: CTX Chest/CTX Triceps/Abs/30 minutes on Stairmaster

Saturday: Power Max/Crunch Yoga (it felt so good to do a long step tape again...forgot how much I loved it!)

Sunday: Leaner Legs/CTX Shoulders

Enjoy your week everyone!!!

Happy Birthday Trevor!

Emily-My little guy is 4 mo. old. I usually get in 5 workouts a week, usually no longer than an hour. I used to get 6 workouts up to 1 1/2 hours. I've learned to just accept it...at least I get to workout! I do get up VERY early though. I've also got my baby in one arm right now :)

Erica & Suzanne-Hope your injuries heal!

DebbieH-Can't wait!!!

Fun week for me:

Sun: rest

Mon: SLA standing, hams, & abs

Tue: CTX upper body (only 10 min. of each body part, so missed a couple exercises)

Wed: Imax WU + StepFit sec. 3 + Bmax leg circuits + StepFit cooldown & stretch

Thur: sleep in day!

Fri: Step n Intervals cardio + 2KO2 strength

Sat: 40 min. bike ride

I'm also doing as many negatine chinups as I can on my upper body days...which is very few!


Sorry Suzanne!! You sound like a very good dog owner, to be so glad that your dog is ok, and to play down your own injury! That sounds like a terrible experience :-( I'm glad yoour dog is ok, too, and that you are well enough to still be working out! Hope the healing is speedy...
Take care :)
Hi, E

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-10-01 AT 11:43AM (Est)[/font][p]

I'm not a mommy, but I have cared for many children over the years, as a nanny and as a teacher. I know being a nanny is far from being a mom, but I can relate a little, anyway!
If you were used to doing your workouts at a particular time of the day, or even just whenever you felt like it, a child takes that freedom away. You really have to use nap time to your advantage!!! And of course, your baby's nap time won't remain consistant, but you just have to work with that, too.
If you have the mindset that only long, sweaty workouts are worthwhile, then this won't work for you, but here's what I did:
Use every spare minute you have (on a day you know you won't be able to fit in a "good" workout) to get a little exercise in. You can do abs with baby on tummy! You can do walking lunges on your way to the washing machine. Calf raises off the bottom step...pushups as your baby lays there on the floor next to you, cooing away...you get the idea. When nap time becomes more consistant and longer, youschedule your workout for that time! Also, could the man of the house be available for an early morning workout--he keeps an ear out for a waking child while you squeeze a 45 minute workout in?
Sorry to go on and on :)
That subject line keeps showing up as "Hi, E" instead of "Hi Emily"...
RE: Gilad

What do you think of gilad? I used to do his show from ESPN many years ago--cute little helicopter rides and parrots are what I remember! I need more low impact stuff, but challenging, too. does he fit the bill??
Hi Honeybunch--
Other than their annoying splicing method and other strange aspects of the Firm, can you tell me about Sculpted Buns, Hips and Thighs? Is is challenging to the GLUTES specifiacally, and is there any QUAD work???
PS, Will you share some of the prize money that you are sure to win???!!! ;-)
RE: So Sorry about the bite

Suzanne, So sorry about your run-in with the dog. Hope the injuries heak infection free. You sure are dedicated to keep the workouts going through the rest of the week. Great week!!

Lynn W

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