Early Check-in!!

Hi Everybody!! Hope you all are enjoying this weather. Well, those of you who are having it!! It's 80 degrees today and sunny here in OH. It was a perfect day for ball. My team lost by 3 points, but they played a tough game and I couldn't have been more proud of them and we had so much fun!! That's what counts! Ok, I'm leaving soon, so I will post my week now.

MON: PS BBA and CTX Kickbox

TUES: Step Heat

WED: The last of my classes for the summer. Walked for 30min at 4.0mph, Urban Rebounding for 30min, and BodyPump for 1 hr.

THRUS: IMAX!!! Went all out and was surprised that I kept up soo well. I'm getting better!!

FRI: PS SLA and biked all over town it seemed, running back and forth between ball fields.

SAT:pS CST and CTX SNI. Was greatly encouraged by Imax on Thrus.

SUN: YOGA!!!!!

Not a bad week considering that I have been sick all week. Even now my cold still lingers. Spring colds SUCK!! Ok, have a great week!!!!

Our weather has been rainy, rainy, rainy the last three days. No softball, soccer, or baseball the last few days. :-(

Great week Aimee and you were sick too !!

My week was pretty good. I still haven't seen any downward movement on the scale though. Those extra 5 lbs are stubborn. I started using the fitday.com website to track my diet and exercise. Realized my calories are probably too low which makes the fat calorie percetage kind of high(40-45g shouldn't be too much right?). I should be losing weight according to my activity level vs. intake. Got to get that metabolism pumping so I will try to emphasize the veggies and fruits, etc. I'll see what happens over the next few weeks. Any ideas are welcome!!

I am looking for a site that tracks sugar grams not just carbs.I bet miy intake is too much. Anyone know one? Sorry this is probably too much for the check-in so I will get to my work-outs this week.

Monday - MIS
Tuesday - MIC
Wedneaday - Rest
Thursday - Step Works with abs from Step HEat
Friday - MIS
Saturday - Cardio kicks
Sunday - Treadmill 45 min with ab work

Have a great week everyone!!

Lynn W
It is cool and nice here in Chicago.Shoot, Aimee, that's great for being sick on top of it!! A pretty good week for me (average):

Firm Hare

Kathy Smith Yoga Challenge--like this one!!

Firm Strongbody--don't like the abs with weights on the ankles in this. I do them without: I think you're asking for a back spasm with the weights.

Firm All Cardio Tri-Trainer: bogus, but I was up at 4 a.m. that day.

Mindy Extreme Intervals
Mindy Pump Party 2101--love this tape!!

Charlene Prickett Another Step: another yawner, but after Mindy, I needed a break.

Tomorrow I'll finish out with Voight Energy Sprint. No Cathe this week; but I start with her again on Monday morning. Murph
Hi All!

Aimee~I'm lovin' this Ohio weather! Whew, after the nasty Winter we had, we are due! I can relate with your feelings on IMax. I have stayed consistent with keeping it in my weekly rotation and I have also seen improvements! Keep up the good work and GET WELL SOON!

Lynn~I'll have to check out Fitday.com and see what that is all about. Sounds neat. Try adding in a tape like BodyMax. I remember a long time ago Cathe advised me to adding it in to shock my metabolism. I'm sure you look great! (Only 5 pounds to lose after having 5 kids sounds GREAT to me.)

Murph~I haven't done PumpParty for awhile but now that I am on the upswing with my elbow, I need to dig it out! Is Strongbody a new Firm? Great week for you.

My week:

Monday~CTX-Leaner LEGS, BACK, 32 Step-ups & 32 Stepdowns each leg-14"stool, Taught a Hi/Lo class in the afternoon

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo class with light toning & ABS

Wednesday~CTX-CHEST, BICEPS, SHOULDERS, IMax!!!!, TRICEPS in the PM, 32 Step-Ups & 32 Stepdowns on a 14" stool

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with toning & ABS

Friday~W/U & cardio from 10-10-10, cardio from Step'n'Intervals (my two favorite cardios from the CTX series), 32 step-ups and 32-stepdowns each leg on 14" stool, C/D Stretch from Step'n'Intervals

Saturday~MIS, "The Ultimate Island Ride"-Spinning video-1st. time to do this video. Wasn't sure I liked it as it started off kind of slow but once I got into it, the sweat started POURING!!:-tired (35 minutes of spinning)

Sunday~REST! ...and it feels soooo good!:7

I am excited as I am back to lifting with upper body.(& BOY, am I sore!) The elbow is MUCH better. Still taking it easy and gradually increasing my weight. I added 32 step-ups and step-downs to my rotation 3X/week. Let's see if I see some improvement in the back of the THIGHS!
Have a great week all. I am counting down the weeks til I'm a GRANNY. ONLY 4 weeks 2 GO!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
I don't even KNOW why I'm checking in, considering I've done basically NOTHING....but I just feel the need to "connect" with you guys...

Unfortunately, I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow so I'm doing the "deadly fast and evacuation" today in preparation for it. Therefore, obviously, I've had absolutely NO energy this week just from nerves alone!

Monday: Nada
Tuesday: Appointment with Gastro Doctor
Wednesday: Body Max Upper Body work only/AliMcGraw Yoga
Thursday: CTX Step & Intervals (no intervals though...felt really winded)/Yoga Zone Stress Relief
Friday: Crunch Joy of Yoga (got this tape through the Firm Swap and LOVE IT!
Saturday: Way too nervous about the upcoming colonoscopy...just took my son to his baseball game, ended up getting sunburned...
Sunday: Evacuation Day!

Would appreciate all prayers for tomorrow's procedure.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-06-01 AT 10:05AM (Est)[/font][p]Terri-Hope you are a bit less nervous today. Hope all goes well.

Murph-I also love Exreme Intervals and I haven't even done them all!

Aimee-looks like you're really into baseball. My son just started t-ball this year. Those kids have a hard time playing more than one inning. Our team just kept getting smaller.

DebbieH-I bet you are so excited! You're going to give us all the details right! Are you having a granddaughter or grandson?

My week, I can tell I'm still working on getting back to my pre pregnancy level. Couldn't believe how StepWorks killed me!

Mon. StepWorks Sec. 1&2 (couldn't finish)

Tue. Firm Strength

Wed. 30 min. run/walk on treadmill, added a sprint and a hill

Thur. rest

Fri. Circuit Ma x(

Sat. 39 min. run/walk (Had planned 30 min. but went by this guy's house and his many, many dogs went crazy, so took a different route home.

Best Wishes Terri

Can't imagine who wouldn't be a nervous. Hope the procedure goes well & your recovery is quick & uneventful.
Checking in

Still babying my knee but it's doing much better. Doing a postworkout routine of extra stretching & icing. I'm not sure I'll have any symptoms by the time I finally meet with the PT but at least they can look at my routine & help me figure out where I was deficient.

Mon: PS legs; Row 25 min; Kathy Smith upper body
Tue: cycle 20 miles: Stott Pilates
Wed: PS legs; Spin; PS abs w/ husband (he was a little irritated with Cathe & me by the time we finished }>.)
Thur: nada - no gas left after yardwork
Fri: Voight GWW floorwork (great isolation work on legs); Row 20 min; Kathy Smith upper body
Sat: Cycle 68 miles (ugh - too much chips & salsa Friday nite)
Sun: stretching (Cole or Voight?) after Laker/Kings game

My husband amazes me. He's only riding 1 day/week & he's tireless. He's doing lots of running during the week but one would think he'd get a little saddle sore on our long ride.

My sister's going solo since I'm focusing on leg strength right now. She's alternating Firm Strength & Cardio along with treadmill work. I think the tall box work in those videos is great & now she gets to use my 14" box since we're not working out at the same time. Starting to see some muscles!

Have a great week everyone! We seem to be moving on to summer here - it's warm.
Hi Kids!

Hi Everyone,

What a week. Had 4 major "bombs" dropped on me. I really try not to let circumstances I can not control effect me. In my thoughts I think..." There is nothing you can do about this, so be at peace" BUT my body feels bottomed out, energyless and fatigued. I'd start to work out then stop. Oh well...here it goes.

SUN: Ran 4 miles, 1 hour weights at gym
TUES: started IMAX quit
WENS: started 10-10-10 then quit
THURS: nothing
FRI: nothing
SAT: nothing
SUN: not today. Think a good cry counts as an aerobic work out?

Monday is a fresh start. This post is slightly depressing BUT....There is a new week ahead full of hope!

See Ya!
Hi Terri!

I will definitely add you to my prayer list for your procedure tomorrow. I'm also sending a big cyber HUG your way! { } Take care & I hope tomorrow comes & goes real quick for you!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hi Andrea!

I will definitely post all the wonderful details in about a month including if it's a boy or girl! We don't know yet. My hubby tried to bribe the sonogram technician with $$ :p to tell us the sex but my daughter & son-in-law said, NO WAAAAY! We can't wait to find out. It's fun not knowing but it sure would be easier buying cute lil' things ahead of time. Thanks for asking. I had to laugh when I read about your extra 9 minutes of running!!! Barking dogs scare the heck out of me and I will turn and go the other way too. Great week for you.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey Laura!

Hang in There! This week HAS to be better, right? I'm not sure if a good cry would count as an aerobic workout but sometimes, it's good for the soul! Let it all out. It's good to take a week off at least once a year so consider this YOUR WEEK! Here's wishing you a fresh start tomorrow.:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Hey Debra!

Glad to hear that your knee is much better. I can relate with being sidelined with an injury. I just wanted to say that I think it was wonderful how you stuck with your sis til you got her HOOKED on fitness! What a great gift you gave her. Also, how long does it take to bike 68 miles? Whew! I LOVE chips and salsa. They are worth an extra hard workout.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hi Terri!

Terri, I will definitely add you to my prayer list - I hope everything goes well. For someone who says they did nada, however, you did more than I used to do on a good week, which just shows how fit you are. Fingers crossed for a quick & easy procedure.

I would appreciate if a few prayers out there could be directed for my sister in law Margaret, who is in the hospital in critical condition with a 20% chance of surviving. Perforated bowel, very sudden, emergency surgery & now has internal bleeding & pneumonia. I have prayer circles going all over town! Thanks in advance.

As for my first full week back to fitness:

Monday - Step Heat, MIS upper body

Tuesday - 30 minute walk, MIS lower body, 12 stepups & 12 stepdowns, 11" step. 10 lbs. each hand.

Wednesday - Gilad step (On the Beach), MIS upper body

Thursday - 30 minute walk, MIS lower body, same stepups & stepdowns

Friday - Step Heat, MIS upper body

Saturday - crisis - no workout.

Sunday - MIS lower body

Debbie, I hear you mentioning your elbow? I am having a real problem with my right elbow, has been painful for many months now & is throbbing after going back to workouts. Basically only hurts a lot with bicep work, and maybe tricep work but not sure, may only seem that way when have already done bicep work. Will have to test that theory. Anyway, any ideas? I think it's bursitis, do you know what your injury was? What did you do & how long did it take? Appreciate any info. And congratulations on your upcoming grannyhood! When you were a kid, would you have ever believed you would be so young & vital & fit when you became a granny?

Hope everyone has a great week - Ruth
RE: Hey Laura!

Laura I can relate with the kind of week you've had, & I'm so sorry - why does everything always come at the same time?? I try to tell myself the same things but my mind stresses out anyway & then 3 days later (ALWAYS 3 days!) my body goes to hell too. However, you obviously kept going & trying your best - what more can we do?

You hang in there girl - you're right, a new week is coming fresh with promise - that's the gift we always get no matter what has happened last week. Take care! Ruth
Hi Everyone!
Cooked out today with ribs, burgers, dogs, and all kinds of goodies to eat! The beer was flowing too and I needed it after watching the Orioles lose their 4th in a row to the hated Yankees! The O's play well enough but never seem to get it done in the clutch. I miss the old days of winning! :) Frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The weather has been great here in Maryland. Sunny all weekend and today was in the sixties. My kinda weather. I will enjoy it because I know the steambath of the summer is not too far off.
My week:
Mon. -- lower body weights, abs, rollerblading on new bearings and wheels. Man, was I flying!! :)
Tues. -- one on one basketball with my son(the 14 year old, not the 4 month old!!:))
Wed. -- 35 min. on stationary bike doing interval work. upper body weight work, abs
Thurs. -- Imax
Friday -- my butt was dragging but I made it thru a workout at 4a.m. 30 min. on the bike. lower body weight work and abs. May try more morning workouts in the future.
Sat. -- nothing
Sun. -- nothing
I hope everyone has a great week. Hope everyone who is injured or sick gets better real soon.
Trevor :) :-jumpy
RE: Hi Kids!

Hang tough Laura!! I know it's tough sometimes when life deals us an emotional blow. If you feel like crying go 4 it!! I think it can be a great part of the healing process when we are feeling down. A new week is on it's way....you'll come back strong! Think positive! :)
RE: Checking in

Hey Debra!
Great week and glad to hear the knee is better.
Can you describe your cycling routes to me? You sound like a major rider girl!! :) I bet you must have killer quads!
Trevor :)
Great job Andrea! You're doing a great job especially after having a baby. I am really proud of you!! Keep up the good work! :)
Take along some high powered mace next time for those dogs!! hehehe :)
Trevor :-jumpy
RE: Hi Terri!

Hi Ruth!
I am praying for your sister in law. My best wishes to you and your family.
Trevor :)

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