Early Check-in

Hi HB,

Ahhh, the big "M"~ you know, the thought of going through the change used to scare the @!#* out of me, until I saw a recent Oprah show about the subject. I also attended a womans health conference by Debra Waterhouse entitled " The four stages of Menopause" VERY INTERESTING. This much I know: Theres now way to avoid it, but I can learn how to navigate through it armed with knowledge and truth. Think of what we can learn from one another?? Those of you here at Cathe's place entering this stage of life give me courage and help alay my fears. Thanks for being so open about it HB, I appreciate this alot!!
Hi Trevor!! Isn't it a blast?!? I've been coaching for 7 years now. I started with my oldest and this is now my baby's last year in it. I coach soccer too, but only during the fall season. Too much conflict with practices and games. Before you know it, you'll be back out there coaching Brandon. I can't believe how fast the years go by. BTW, Matthew is one of my all time favorite names!! My twin brother and my nephew are named Matthew! Hope your hamstring is doing better!!

Check in

I thought I'd start to check in again. I have only done it once before and then I went away for two weeks, and my back was hurting with the tingly leg effect, and I got a cold etc. etc. etc. Now, most parts of me are working so I thought I'd come here to be accountable.

MON Hi lo Heaven and yoga
WED 5004 Hi lo and step and yoga
THURS Step Heat and yoga
FRI Nothing.....going away for the weekend
SAT Nothing.....away
SUN Nothing.....I may do stretch or yoga later

Not exactly wonderful, but I didn't post this to gloat! I'm not into the 'mystical' side of yoga but I sure do like what it does for your body...it really eases my back.

I love all the names you gave your animals:).

Well, to save a post..here's my week and well wishes to all who fall into that catagory this week..hope the appt goes well HB:).

Monday: [font color="red"]Leaner Legs w/abs[/font]

Tuesday: TB8min, BodyBar Ab/Back

Wednesday: [font color="red"]CTX Upperbody split[/font], Extreme Intervals (step section only)

Thursday: TBAL#4

Friday: Power Bar Training, BodyBar Ab/Back skipped abs from PBT and added to the Bodybar ab tape in PM.

Saturday: nada;-) unless you count the ab workout DH and I had at the movies watching Heartbreakers.

Sunday: [font color="red"]CTX Upperbody split[/font] Had planned on trying out CIA 8003 today but put it off too long..gotta catch the red carpet oscar show on E!:).

Wecome, Laura!

Your bio cracked me up! However, you should be glad that your newspaper headlines are so bland. I live in San Diego County and twice in one month, our headlines were about school shootings.

I don't usually post my workouts, but here was my week:

Sunday: MIS
Monday: Powermax
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Stepworks (currently my favorite step tape) ab work
Thursday: PS SLA and BBA, but no abs
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Cardio Kicks (I fell during it. What a klutz!)
Sunday: StepMax, PS CST, and some ab work

Have a great week, everyone!

RE: Who's getting trained?

Actually, Debra, that's a perfect header because I am learning "horse"; that is to give him the cues he would expect from an "alpha animal" consistently to achieve the behavior I want. The trainer will demonstrate the cues; I will practice them to a level where behaviors become consistent. We are also there to mount and ride for the first time, although I have done alot of prep work for this week already. Thanks for asking!:7

You'll find this is so much fun!! Pop tarts for you; mini-oreos for me.(maybe the whole bag, the way it's been going tonight...) Go Julia; I think she deserves the award.

e-mail me personally: how is your second son doing?? Best Regards, Murph
RE: New to Check In

Hey Laura!
Glad to meet you. Your bio was great! What a cool life you lead there in Boring. Hope you get your water in...that was a biggie for me too. I just bite it and get one of those 64oz bottles and fill it every night and make sure its gone by the end of the day ( re-freshening w/ice cubes as it gets warm...) does the trick for me. Hope to hear more from you. Debbie Dailey
RE: New to Check In

I used to live in a town like Boring....they need to change the name of the town from "Baltic" to "Boring" Ohio. It's one of those tiny towns in Amish country that has very little, so you don't want to blink when you drive through town. It's rather like Lake Wobegone, the Garrison Keillor town, where time stands still and everyone knows everyone else's business.

When I lived there I was married to an alcoholic minister, so we where the talk of the town, he for his drinking and me for my race walking. I lived there for four years that seemed like 40. Mayberry come to life. Enough of that stuff! Now I live close to a MALL, and I'm very happy.
RE: New to Check In

Wow, Racewalking...when I'm done running I'm sure I am headed there. I wish I knew how to do it properly. I would really like to watch the Olympic contenders do it. That would be cool. Deb D
RE: New to Check In

Wow, Racewalking...when I'm done running I'm sure I am headed there. I wish I knew how to do it properly. I would really like to watch the Olympic contenders do it. That would be cool. Deb D
Late Check-in

Honeybunch–-hope everything turns out all right
Deb D–-running on the beach–sounds so dreamy!
Terri–-take it easy. I hate sitting around after any surgery, too.
Lorrie–-love your workouts. Hadn't thought of adding BMX parts to CTX parts.
Nancy–-gotta watch those Oscars. I'm still reeling from Tom Cruise's bizarre 30 second, business casual-attired appearance.

Finished working all those double-shifts at the outdoor ed center---the month from hell is finally over! :-jumpy Despite the utter exhaustion, my endurance really increased being active all day long.

I started my walk-run program this week. I'm determined I'm going to become a runner, and I'm very excited about it.

SUNDAY: Crunch Fat Blaster: The Next Step (not bad, reminiscent of Jay Blahnik); CTX biceps
MONDAY: walk/run, 4:30/:30 x 7 cycles; CTX triceps
TUESDAY: Step & Intervals (no intervals, love the music in this one!); CTX shoulders; Yoga Zone for Abs
WEDNESDAY: 4.5 miles hiking at work
THURDAY: 1.5 miles hiking at work
FRIDAY: 4 miles hiking at work
SATURDAY: walk/run, 3:00/:30 x 8 cycles
SUNDAY: canoeing on the South Platte near Greeley, 10 miles (very cold, started snowing the minute we pulled out, but at least hubby and I didn't fight for once--we may yet be able to avoid the "divorce boat" nickname of the tandem canoe)

Just found out about my summer work situation. Am going to be able to do day camp and live at home for the first summer in seven years! :-cool The big bonus is that I can train for and compete in the Danskin Triathlon in August. :7

:) Gretchen
A later check-in

HB, hope this is just a minor bump in life's road.

Andrea, quite a week for a sleep deprived new mom!

Trevor, Pac-10 really fizzled this weekend, no thanks to Maryland. Az is the west's last hope. I can't imagine why people read when they workout. I'd love to put a HR monitor on them & see if they're even getting to 50%!

Nancy, I see the bird is finally singing.

I've been trying to find a good follow-up to the muscle conditioning from the Wedding Tape to do with my sister. She's due for a change & I'm bored. I misfired with a Firm Classic. She does like Max Body Sculpting w/ Tracy Long but it's too easy for me. The jump from 45 to 60 minutes seems to get her, so she really struggled with Firm Cardio, obviously MIS is out. I'm about ready to pull out my oldest tape, Jane Fonda's Training w/ Weights. Need a total body strength workout in 1 hr or less.

Monday: Cycle 23 miles (rolling); Firm Max Body Sculpting (it doesn't deserve the name Max but it's good)
Tues: Pilates mat class; walk/trot w/ dogs
Wed: Spin; Firm Cardio
Thurs: Pilates mat class
Fri: nada - knee bothering me
Sat: Cycle 47 miles w/ DH (hilly)
Sun: Yoga for Athletes (1st time & it looks like Chris is my guy as he demonstrates the easiest version. Need to preview this again since I don't know the names of all the positions & it's a workout you listen to rather than watch. One sure gets to know their legs with this workout since your nose seems to be planted in your knees much of the time!)

It looks like several of you are ready for a break - Do It! Have a great week!
RE: A later check-in

Hey All!

Wow! You guys live such interesting lives. I am so impressed with the many ways you all maintain your fitness, with and without Cathe's tapes. I am sure Cathe is proud to be part of all of your fitness programs.

Gretchen: You hang in there girl. Running can be a real mind saver, and frankly nothing leans me out better. Have you got one of those Timex Rush watches with the dual timer in it for intervals?? Very cool.

Debra: Gee, your adventurous life seems so active and interesting. Where in California do you live? I would just love to do a triathalon...but, I need a good bike and trainning partner--a woman out on the road alone is probably not smart, although I often run loooong runs alone. Good luck with your trainning. Deb D

I skip posting my check-in for one day and look at all these posts!! You guys are great!! I had a surprise baby shower for my daughter yesterday, but couldn't post about it all week as I was afraid she might click onto Cathe's site and see my post, soooo anyways, I had 50 family & friends invited!! Mind you, we live in a condo. Am I NUTS!! I think about 40 showed up. We had lots of fun. When we saw Julie & her hubby coming down the street, around 30 of us that were already here all ran out to our garage and when we heard the kids get out of the car, we opened the garage door & yelled "SURPRISE"!!! It was so much fun. She had no clue!! She was laughing as she said all she saw as our garage door was going up was ALL these feet! Fun, fun day with lots of food, fellowship and fun! LESS then 2 1/2 months to go to see that lil' pumpkin'! I can hardly wait!

Here goes for my week:

Monday~Spin 35 minutes watching TV and going hard on the commercials, LL including ABS, Practiced routines for a new session I have starting in a week. In the meantime, I am off from classes-NICE BREAK!!! :7

Tuesday~IMax, Practiced routines again

Wednesday~Practiced routines, 45 minute spin with Mindy's Sport Cycle, whew, I was breathing!! :-tired

Thursday~Practiced routines, MIS-legs only, PS-legs section on floor, PS-ABS, 2 sets of 16 step-ups and step-downs using my 14" stool, Lower back work from PC, CD/Stretch from PS Legs

Friday~Spin 45 mins. with Mindy again! Step'n'Intervals later in the afternoon

Saturday~Practiced routines, BodyMax-the 1st. 55 minutes of tape up to the upper body work which included the step section and lower body work circuits and the cool down stretch

Sunday! REST, but not really when you are entertaining 40 people for a shower!!!

As you may have noticed, my workouts did not include ANY upper body work. I am still babying my elbow all this week hoping I will be ready to go next week when my new session starts. It seems a lil better but not 100% I did all my lower body work this week with an 18# bodybar as I didn't want to stress my elbow with my heavy barbell. It's the getting it up & over my head that I didn't want to attempt while I am healing. Wish me luck! I am going to post again to say hey to you all. I decided to make it a separate post as this one ALREADY looks like a novel!! Thanks everyone for all your great encouragement and all the "fun" reading in your posts!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Me Again!

Hope I don't miss anyone. Just wanted to say Hey to you all!

HB~Hope all goes well this Wed. at the Dr. Sending some healthy cyber vibes your way. Stay away from any & all stores. Everywhere I turn, there are peeps staring at me!!:p

Wendy~Hope U R feeling better! Send a blast of that heat our way. We had a nice winter storm here yesterday just in time for the baby shower I had! :-( Glad 2 hear you are getting motivated again. Keep up the good work!

DebD~Glad 2 C U posting w/us again! Wow, you are one jogging-mama! Yowza, don't know if I could do that in my barefeet though! Sounds like fun! How was the spin class? Did you join a studio? Have a great week and keep on singin'!

Lisa~Whew, you had quite a workout week. All PS tapes in one day! :-tired Whew, keep up the good work.

Terri~Take it easy, girl. Surgery is no fun! You have a good excuse for having an off-week. Heal quick!

Lorrie~You take it easy too! Trust me, it doesn't pay to work thru achey joints. You might want to ease up just a bit. Okay, enuf mothering!! Great rotation, I am going to copy it. It sounds like fun.

Murph~How did the training go with Echo-Bird? How exciting! I'm with you on the Minna tape-it might NOT be a keeper.

Kelly~Good 4 U on those early bird workouts! My body does not function at 5:00A.M.!! Looks like you are still working on getting Stepping Zone down. Good week 4 U!

Andrea~You are making a great come-back after having your baby! Keep it up!

Aimee~Have fun getting back into your T-ball. How fun. I think it might be a real good idea for you to take a week off especially since you are rearranging your schedule for your workouts. There, NOW you have permission! I am assuming your practices are indoors being as you also live in Ohio???

Trevor~Bummer on the injured hamstring. Take it easy. Your check-in sure didn't indicate any injury! I'm with you ranting on reading & working out at the same time!! How in the world can one keep their eyeballs from bouncing around while jogging on a treadmill and reading at the same time??? :-rollen Isn't Cathe intimidating in IMax? I know she has special ordered shoes with springs attached to the bottom of her. Hmmm, wonder where she ordered them from??

Lynn~I can relate on a loooong cold winter! Grrrr! Hope your new rotation shakes things up for you. Hang in there.

Laura~GREAT profile and WELCOME!!! Glad to have U join us! I LOVE Pop-Tarts!! The best way is to butter them right out of the toaster! :9 Now, you know why I don't buy them very often.

Susan~Glad 2 C U back posting with us. Great to hear that the Yoga helps you feel good. Keep it up!

Nancy~So, "Heartbreakers" is a good one, huh? We go to the movies EVERY weekend. I'll have to check that one out. I am still considering getting both of the bodybar tapes you mentioned, but I need to get my elbow healded 1st. Great week 4 U!

Veronica~Great week! Glad 2 have U post with us! Bummer, on your fall! Hope you didn't hurt anything more then your pride. Fun, fun tape!!

Gretchen~Great homepage! What a wonderful thing you do with kids! Good Luck working on your marriage. It's worth it!! I'll be thinking of you.

Debra~How nice you are STILL working with your sis! You might want to give MIS a try with her. You could break it into 2 workouts??? She would love the tape I bet. Cathe is so good in that tape. I laughed when you made the comment about getting to know your legs well!! THAT was funny!

Well, I HOPE I didn't miss anyone. The time it took me to write all this, there has probably been several others post! Have a super week all and send some SPRING to Ohio!!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hey Trevor!!

I'm one of those people who read while working out!! I always read a book or magazine when I'm on the stairclimber or on my bike (before it broke). I figure whatever I lose in intensity is ok because it makes the workout bearable for me - otherwise I am bored to death. This is in my basement, though, I wouldn't do it at the gym.
I just got a spinning bike yesterday and I love it, but I realized I can't read while using it and I am a little disappointed.
Hope that hamstring is feeling better - I pulled mine and it took a full week to heal.
Hi Debbie!

I'm so glad to hear that the baby shower was such a success! What a special day for all of you!!
I have a question for you about spinning videos - I am interested in Mindy's Sport Cycle and Jay Blahnik's Precision Cycling. I know I am going to end up getting both, but which would you recommend of the two? I got my bike yesterday and have done Johnny G's first video twice and love it. I really planned on just watching tv while cycling like you mentioned, but I really enjoyed spinning with the video.
Good luck with that elbow!
Thank You

To Everyone,

Thank You for the warm and pleasant welcome. What a great, caring, loving group you all are!

Mmmmm Pop Tarts out of the toaster then smeard with butter!!! YUM!!
Glad Julia won her award. She did an outstanding job in Erin.

See Ya!
RE: Hey Trevor!!

Hi Erica!!
Hope I didnt offend ya. I think I may be getting a little ornery from lack of sleep!! I guess the reading bothers me in the fitness center because of limited pieces of equipment. If people want to read and take their time it probably is best for them to do what you do and workout at home. I truly didnt mean anything by it....hope we are still "online fitness buddies"!! :)
My hammy is coming along nicely, it was nothing serious. Thanks for the well wishes!
Trevor :)

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