Early check in week ending 4/14

RE: Checkin' in


Mercey Girl! What have you been eating over there? Have you Been chowing Wicked Wheaties with Debbie H.? Good for you. A great week! Gosh, you guys are so ispiring. I'm not posting this week, kind of looked like last week with alot of food and wine. I was at my in-laws and they are gourmet cooks. Thankfully, they are fitness freaks too. So, I got in my first Yoga tape and I am sore in places I didn't know existed...got some great hill runs in too! Wild flowers and deer and wild turkey roaming about. Got to the top of the hill and belted out some songs and ran allllll the way down. Ate some more, drank entirely too much merlot and did it all over again the following day. Back home now and ready to meet Cathe on the carpet. Hope you all are enjoying your Spring seasons wherever you are. DebD
RE: Happy Easter


Good luck with your new job. I'm sure you will find a balance that feels good. Your week looked good in spite of it all. Proud of the way you just keep placing your workouts in the priority list. Good for you! DebD
RE: Checkin' in

Monday is the time for DAMAGE CONTROL, not punishment, because we are not into guilt around here. Those binge days are acceptable, and a nice diversion for all our hard work. I personally pigged out on Friday, and them again yesterday afternoon when I went to a buffet at a truck stop. Alas, they had NO DESSERT, so I had to come home and raid the cupboards.

So, this morning I will do Imax, and we are back to normal. I wasn't too unhappy with what the scales said this morning....I lot less than I expected.

Just climb back on the wagon and start rollin'!:)
RE: Pop Peep Quiz

My choice for a personality who is more "peep-like" is Al Roeker. Rosie is too mouthy for my taste....peeps strike me as easy going, which she ain't! Richard Simmons is more likable, but not easy going. I like Al.

A 189' peep would rival the Marshmallow Guy in Ghost Busters! Could imagine a fight between the two of them, and the resulting mess?!;-)
Loved those pics, especially the Bodymax one! You are starting that young man out right.

Do you golf? I have a son who is a golf pro, and I've decided that it's time to have him give me lessons since I now live next to a golf course. He can set me up with equipment cheap. I already told him I will NOT ride a cart!

First I have to take a month's worth of Martial Arts lessons I got from winning the highest bid on a theme Easter Basket at the church. A member owns a studio, and part of the basket was lessons. I have to sharpen my kicks and punches for Taebo. THEN we can fit in the golf.;-)
DebH-Hope your shoulder continues to heal! I have some q's for you regarding your classes. May I e you?

Laura-I am starting back at my job today after 12 weeks maternity leave so we're in the same boat trying to rework schedules!

Trevor-What a cutie! I'll have to figure out that webshots thing so you can all see my guy :)

I did CTX last week and am going to try and stick with it for a month. It will work out funny though cause I have to do 3 days on and 1 off or my knees start to hurt. So, I was thinking of doing 3 days CTX, 1 off, 3 days CTX, 1 off, 3 days of other fave tapes...BodyMax!!! etc. then start over. Don't know if that would be a benificial rotation though. Still trying to get my waist back to where it was. Easter yummies don't help though!

Hi Andrea!

Sorry, I have been on the run all day and I am headed out for a class right now. I am meeting up with some friends after my class tonight so I won't be home til late. Yes, of course you can E-mail me. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Have a great day!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Returning to the checkin....


Welcome back Christina! Sounds like you had a good Easter! I'm just proud that I didn't over-do the chocolate/peeps thing. How do you like living in Austin? I have a cousin who lives there. He's a musician in a couple of latin groups: Mambo Red and Trio Los Vigilantes..really cool music. Anyway,my dads side of the family is from Texas and many of them still live there, mostly in Mercedes and FortWorth.

Again, welcome back to Cathe Land. That Firm 2 is my favorite. I have it on audio and take it with me on vacation as a good all around thourough workout. Take care. DebD
Hi, Deb!

California has always seemed interesting to me. I would love to be able to swim in the ocean---so fascinating to someone from someplace so dry as Colorado.

I will have to tell my brother that you think my life is interesting! He's a college senior and thinks he is too :-cool for me.

Thanks! You made my day!

:) Gretchen
Hi, Christina!

Glad to see you back! That prednisone is the pits. :-tired Glad you're off of it. Hope that means you're doing better!

:) Gretchen
maybe we could keep each other honest

I've got to give my knee a break too. It's not just achy now, it hurts enough that I've made a Dr. appointment. I could whine for several paragraphs but maybe if I follow your lead, this will be a minor bump in the road.
bummed out

I've been trying to restart a running program & have had some knee problems. So I'd back off & restart again. Last week was another no run week & the knee seemed fine. Trotted with my dog on Sat for about 10 minutes without any problems. Last night, I went for a walk/trot & really did something x(. So time to rest the knee & master my Pilates & yoga tapes.

Mon: cycle 25 miles (flat)
Tues: cycle 16 miles (hill repeats :-tired); Pilates mat class; Kathy Smith Kickboxing
Wed: spin; Firm Max Body Shaping
Thur: Pilates session on reformer
Fri: spin
Sat, Sun & Mon: Road trip to visit in-laws so very little activity other than walking dogs. Post drive run last night is when I did in my knee.

Here's to patience!
RE: Returning to the checkin....

Hey Deb D!

We love Austin. Hubby and I both grew in Waco and love it too but the job market stinks there. We tried Dallas twice but didn't love it. Austin is definitely a great place to live for musicians so I bet your cousin loves it here.
RE: Hi, Christina!

Hey Gretchen!

Yes, my UC symptoms are under control at the moment. I go back to the gastroenterologist Friday. I am a little bit concerned because I am starting to get skin lesions again and they often precede a flare up. I am hoping that doesn't happen! I definitely don't want to take the prednisone again. I am going to talk to him about Immuran and whether that would be a good option for me if i have more flare ups. I sure wish someone would come up with a cure for IBD that doesn't involve surgery!

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