e-diets.com or ishape.com?

Ok, I know this has been visited numerous times but I am looking for a few people that have done this....

1) Did you complete the program to lose the weight you wanted to lose?

2) Are you still using it to maintain whatever weight loss you achieved (if you reached your goal)?

3) How difficult was it to follow?

As you may know I was doing www.physiquetransformation.com but I started having problems with time in planning my meals. I loved the program & think it would have worked but it's just too time consuming for someone to work full-time, go to law school 4 nights a week & have "down" time. So, I'm looking for a new solution.

Tell me about your e-diets.com experiences! Thanks.
RE: e-diets.com?

Hey Goddess! Ediets is a wonderful thing! I joined about 3 years ago when they were just beginning, and I have to credit them for my losing all the weight. I owe Cathe all the credit for giving me the shapely muscles, but without ediets in the beginning, I would have never been able to get to where I am today. I lost about 30 pounds with them, over the course of eight months. It is a good sound plan, that breaks all your meals down, gives you a shopping list, and plain just makes it easy to help you lose some weight. It is not difficult at all to follow and you get to choose how to do your meals...recipes, convience foods, or a mixture of both. The only thing is this: For someone like me now and you I think too...I do not think it is enough calories. I had great sucess last year with body rx....and I was eating way many more "good" calories than I ever ate when in ediets. I think that we work out too hard. I think it really depends on your level of fitness, and the amount of time you work out. When I was doing ediets, I had just barely begun my fitness journey, hadn't discovered Cathe, was riding a stationary bike for cardio, and that was all! But all and all I think it is a great program for learning how to eat, motivation wise it is super, since you weigh in once a week, and the program will adjust your food based on how you did each week. Just my very humble opinion! Ps...no time involved either, except the printing out of your menus for the week! Take care. Donna.
I tried ediets, but since I work full time, it was too hard for me to plan all my meals out. I did it for a week or two, but found it hard. If you have the free time, I think ediets could be good.

Weight Watchers Online is so much easier for me. I don't have to plan every meal and I just make sure to stay within my points. If a bunch of us from work goes out for lunch, I just look up that restaurant online and see what I can eat there under a certain amount of points. It's very easy. I've lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks and it is working great.

P.S. The weight watchers website has a point listing of most foods and an eating out guide. www.weightwatchers.com. If it doesn't list the food, there's a point calculator where you just enter in the calories and fiber and it calculates the points for you. For even more restuarants and more point listings there's www.dwlz.com. Also, after a while you kind of just know what you can eat at restaurants without having to look it up. It's really taught me a lot about how much to eat at a meal and what portion sizes are. I've learned so much already.

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