Dyna Band question for Gym Styles


I've got the Gym Style series on my Christmas list and need some info on the Dyna band. Can you use tubing as well? Like the Spri Tubes with different levels of resistence (they have handles)? I need to be specific in my list and have only seen the tubes in stores. Thanks so much!

Kelly, I don't know anything about tubing. I have use the Billy Blanks tubing but they attach to your feet. I love the Dynabands better than the tubing I have used. They are priced well at this site. http://www.fwonline.com/dbcutlong.htm and they have the Pink (lowest resistance) green (next up) purple (next up) and silver or grey (next up). I got all four but the Pink is what Cathe uses in Stretchmax and the Green is what she uses in the other Hardcores. I got the 6 ft length...Hope this helps...:)...Carole
Yes you can use tubing. I use mine for the T back rows in the back section. Somehow I find it easier to actually accomplish this move and target the correct muscles with the handles and everything. And, for some exercises, like the triceps work, you will need to hold the tubing at some place along the length but not at the handles. You just grab it where you need to in order to get the correct amount of resistance for you.

I think the bands are woirth getting though, then you can alternate bands and tubing to see which you like better and for which exercises.

Thanks Clare :)

If I can't give someone a physical store to go to I'm less likely to actually get the present. Why, I don't know, .....I just want to be ready to go with my Gym Styles!

while its best to go with the website mckmain mentioned, wal-mart has a set of band that are a 3 pack but i am sketchy on those.


>Thanks Clare :)
>If I can't give someone a physical store to go to I'm less
>likely to actually get the present. Why, I don't know, .....I
>just want to be ready to go with my Gym Styles!

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I think the last time I went to Target, they also had the stretchy bands. The Target in my town has really upgraded their exercise equipment with a lot of new stuff. I actually prefer the Dynabands. I have used tubing, but for some reason it made my neck hurt really bad. I pulled the muscles in my neck many years ago and some exercises make it hurt. The tubing made my neck so stiff, I could not hardly move for 2 days. For some reason the band does not bother me at all.
You could try GNC. They have resistance bands called Fit Strips on their website. Not sure whether they carry them in the stores.
I wouldn't recommend the tubing. I have that type of set and the other day I was doing the rowing exercise and the tube slipped off my feet and hit me dead in the eyeballs. I thought I was going to be blinded (I am not kidding). I would stick with the version Cathe uses, they seem safer.
I'll also add I got my first bands from Ross. They were $9.99 for 3 but the bad thing is they were only 4 ft long! So check the length if you go to a store. I think I got the 3 bands for roughly 12 bucks thru the site I mentioned. But Collage is also a good reputable site...:)..Carole
The Target Greatlands near me also has them. But they are kinda expensive.


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