DVDs To Be Rid Of - Sell, Donate???


I have SEVERAL DVDs that I no longer use but am finding a hard time parting with. They are not eligible for Amazon "buy back" program and really don't sell on ebay. I am thinking of donating them to my local library but feel bad that I paid the money for them and am getting "nothing" in return for them (except that "warm fuzzy" helping others feeling, I suppose). What does everyone else do with the DVDs they find themselves no longer using? I even tried to re-visit them but just can't get through them (hello Urban Rebounders JB - I'm talkin' to you!!).

Carrie - I think there are several sites where you can swap them with someone else for another workout. I'm not sure where that is, but that would be a good way to get something you might use without losing your total investment and getting nothing out of it.
I trade them at videofitness.com, donate them to the library or Good Will or try and find a friend who might like them.

I give them to GoodWill. I figure they will benefit someone who would like to work out, but cannot afford to buy the new DVDs, and I am happy with that.
Just get rid of them, get over any guilt feelings about how much you paid for them, etc, etc, and just de-clutter already!

I just dumped a whole box load on Purple Heart. Choose the charity of your choice and then treat yourself by coming home and doing your most fave workout.


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