DVD's & Tapes. How do you..?


...switch your equipment back and forth? I'm really, really tempted to purchase a DVD player and Cathe's DVD's but I'm not very technically savey and I can't envision how to switch the equipment back and forth.

For example, I have many many tapes. If I want to do a Cathe DVD today and a CIA tape tomorrow, What kind of electronic equipment juggling must I do to be able access the correct media?

I don't know if I asked that right, but is this switching around a big headache?

Also on the DVD's that can be programmed across discs, can you "save" the program so you aren't re-keying the workout the next time you do it? Can you call up a saved program and alter a small part and save it under a new "name"? Does a power outage wipe out your program?

Half of me is hoping experienced users will tell me its difficult to switch modes and the other half is hoping you tell me its easy! LOL. I am very tight (with $$) except when it comes to my exercise habit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When we bought our DVD player, we also bought a Sony AV Selector. You can plug the input/output cables of 4 devices into, and then just push the button (on the selector) of the one you want to use. I'm probably not explaining this well. We have our VCR, DVD player, and two video game units plugged into ours.
That sounds interesting Melissa. I need to get one of those. I have a DVD player and a VCR. I can use them separately as they are set up separately. We also have surround sound which is where the DVD player is plugged into. Cathe DVDs sound great in stereo. The only thing is I can't listen to Cathe in surround sound. It must be the way her DVDs are made because everything else comes out in surround. It would be awesome to hear Cardio Kicks coming out of my back speakers, but the stereo sound in the front speakers is very nice. I just turn it up louder. I have recently stopped doing any VHS tapes because I love the stereo sound. If I get one of those adapter things you have, I could probably hook it all together and listen to anything in stereo. That would be great. As for the original question, I cannot program from DVD to VCR. But my players are hooked up separately and I can use whichever I choose without any switching of cords. I have a Pioneer 5 disc DVD player which can be programmed very easily. I don't think you can save the program though. I can program from one DVD to another and there is only a slight pause between programs while the DVD switches to the next. It is just enough time for me to grab a sip of water, so its kind of nice.
We also bought the box, but didn't need it. Our DVD player is hooked up through our VCR. The guy at the store said we wouldn't be able to do it, and if we did we would lose the picture because it takes it from digital to analog. But that is exactly what the box does, so we decided to try it. It works fine and since it goes through the VCR we also can use stereo. And no we did not lose picture quality. So, if your VCR has the hookups just run it through there.


P.S. Yes, you need to spend the money! You will not regret it :)
My VCR is about 4 years old, and the TV I recently replaced (to get a bigger picture!) was about 10 years old, and I had no problem hooking the DVD player up through the VCR. I assumed that most systems are like this. And the cool thing about it is, you can tape a show on your VCR while you're watching a DVD, so there is no more excuse for missing exercise because "there's a show on I just have to watch".
Well, I think that the added info from Andrea and Kathryn is putting me over the edge. I'm gonna check my VCR and see if I can figure out how to rig this up. I saved a thread about dvd players so I know which ones to look at. Guess i'll be out looking this weekend...

thanks all,
The reason my DVD and VCR are not hooked together is because the DVD player is hooked to our home theater system. I need to hook the VCR to this also.
I'm really considering a 5 disc DVD player for my workout area but I'm concerned that it will take too much time to program my workouts. Is it pretty easy and fast?
fast and easy

Jane, I have the pioneer model and it takes no time at all to program in a workout. Trust me, I'm not a patient person either;-), it's not that bad. There's a button you push for programming screen and if you have the menus of the DVD's in front of you, you just program the segments you want by typing in the right chapters and hit a button to play. It's really wonderful with the cardio...especially CTX. If you are a real fan of just step, there are many combos you can get out of it and it just enhances the cardio from those workouts even more.

RE: fast and easy

Thanks Nancy!
Even though I've already ordered the new workouts on VHS I might just pony up the bucks for the DVD and buy all the available on DVD. Oh gosh - out of control! But it would be so much nicer than queuing up tapes.
Well I went out last weekend and bought the Pioneer model DVD. How could I pass up the sale at Best Buys and they sent me a 10% off coupon too.

So now I just have to sit tight and wait for my Cathe DVD delivery.

And Jane_Grace I went for the gusto and ordered 'em all.

I should change my name to "Out of control"

Guess I'll have to keep my day job to pay for my habit...

Hi Joy - I love my DVD player and I don't even have one of the multi-disc machines. And trust me - you've got company, I had the old credit card out in a nanosecond and pre-ordered the whole whopping big package on DVD. PS is great on DVD and I can't wait to get the rest!
I have the VCR plugged to the back of my TV and when I want to use it I go to channel 3. The DVD is plugged to jacks in the front. When I want to use it I go to the AV channel. They are completely separate and and switching between the two is an nonissue for me.

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