DVDs purchased from other sources...


Active Member
Hi all!

This is my first post ever... I've loved Cathe for over two years, based on the Fit TV scheduling... There is no other workout, inside or outside a gym, that has ever worked as wonderful as Cathe's videos (even with commercial breaks and all). I'm about to purchase my very first Cathe series: the brand new series. I cannot wait to have it in my hands.

There is only one catch... since I live in Mexico, the safest way to order online for me is using Amazon, since I've tried it a couple of times and know it works well over the border. I've read about the problems some people have had with the new DVDs freezing and stuff... Is it possible that the DVDs that Amazon sells have the same errors? If they do, do you know if there is any way I could get it returned for a good one? Or does anyone living outside the US recommend any safer way to purchase the DVDs?

Thanks for your help!
> Is it possible that the DVDs that
>Amazon sells have the same errors? If they do, do you know if
>there is any way I could get it returned for a good one? Or
>does anyone living outside the US recommend any safer way to
>purchase the DVDs?

As far as I know, ALL the DVD's have the problem, it's just that some DVD players don't notice it.

I'd wait to buy until the replacement DVD's are made (though I'm not sure if Amazon will automatically replace the first batch with the corrected ones).

I hope someone can give you ideas on other sources to buy the DVD's from that will work for you (collage video? SNM?).
For some reason, I don't think distributors would knowingly be selling defective items that they know are going to be returned. It's entirely possible that Cathe's crew have already replaced the DVD's to the large retailers. My DVD's were fine on my refurbished Toshiba DVD/VCR combo. Of course the choice is yours, but I know how hard it is to wait when you want something REALLY bad}( .
Amazon has a great return policy should you HAVE to return them.

One note...Drill Max is the only DVD I have that has problems. It plays fine, but some of the cards on the premixes are a little funky--the wrong card will come up, fade, and the right one will come up later. No big whoop, but not perfect. The other 3 are just fine.
Thanks for your input...
Actually I'm thinking on playing the DVDs in my computer, so i can work out in my bedroom, instead of going to the DVD player in the livingroom... So I hope that my laptop responds well to the DVDs...

Any thoughts on that? Playing DVDs in computers instead of regular players?
The corrected batch of DVDs has not been made yet. They probably won't be available until close to the end of the year. Collage Video posted today that they expect it to be at least another 3 weeks. So ordering now, you will definitely get a defective DVD, but you might be lucky and have a player that ignores the defect.

I'd wait until an announcement has been made that the new DVDs are shipping.

Is CKSales an option? Just asking. They also have the faulty DVDs, but I think they made the announcement that they would make the exchange if you had problems.


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