DVDs guaranteed for life?


Hi everyone!

I've read several people stating that Cathe's DVDs are guaranteed for life. Can someone point out where this is stated? :-hmmm I just want to know since I've recently gone on a DVD binge LOL :D & want to make sure I know the policy.

I've searched the web site and only found that she will replace defective ones within 90 days of purchase.

Theresa :)
Hi Theresa,
You can find it under the DVD section below all the Cathe's DVD pictures. Here's what it says:

DVD Gives You Unbelievable Clarity and Sound

The picture quality and sound of a DVD is far superior to that of a VHS tape... and best of all it will never wear out! In fact, all of our DVDs come with a lifetime guarantee. If you ever have a problem, just send the damaged disc back to us and we will replace it at no cost to you. (Please Note: this guarantee only applies to DVDs purchased directly from us. VHS tapes only have a 90 day free replacement guarantee)

Hope this helps. :)
I do not think the sound quality is better on a DVD. Maybe if you have surround sound or something, but I was very dissapointed in the sound of my DVD's with my DVD player attached simply to my TV. Interval Max I can barely hear and Circuit Max is MUCH lower than my VHS (Yeah, I have DVD and VHS Cathe's :)

I don't know why this is but it really irks me when it comes to cardio tapes because I work out in a room with a noisy fan. I like the sound to be LOUD. On my weight DVD's it does not seem to bother me as much. So far I really don't know whether my DVD's were worth it or not.. Just my opinion.. I don't think this occurs to many people because most of us are not aquiring Cathe's on VHS and then DVD, same tape.
This very good to know because I think DVDs are far too maleable, they don't have the sturdiness of tapes. I have to really look after mine: thankfully I don't have pets or children.


I wonder how old your tv is we had a problem when I first installed the DVD player it was too loud and to turn it down I had to lower the treble and bass because turning down the volume was not enough. After having it reinstalled (due to getting a new tv cabinet) we have the problem were the player is really low. I exercise at night so I have to remeber to when I turn off the player to turn down the tv first.

Any solutions our tv does have surround sound but we do not have the extra speakers nor is the DVD plugged into the stereo.

But a DVD isn't going to wear out from repeated use. My beloved, much used Cathe tapes are starting to show some wear and tear. I'm ordering DVDs from here on out.
My TV is not new, but I also would not consider it old. It is a 19" Sanyo, probably 6 years old?? I have an extra receiver sitting in an old room so I thought of just hooking that up and getting some additional small speakers. I will try what SNM told me above (thanks by the way!!:) If I am smart enough to figure it out!!

Oh, and I have my TV at MAX volume. Still is not very loud with my DVD's. REALLY bugs me cuz I have to have my Cathe's pumpin', you know? And I WILL NOT do IMAX without super volume!
I have the same problem

My DVD with interval max also has very low volume. I have to turn my volume almost all the way up for it to be normal volume. I wonder if this is a defect on the DVD, and if anyone else has this problem. At least you know your interval max DVD isn't the only one with this problem. I am thinking about returning it for a new one, but wonder if they all have this problem (it also skips in interval max at one spot).
RE: I have the same problem

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-02 AT 01:47AM (Est)[/font][p]I think that's the way Rhythmic Step+ DVDs are -- Interval Max is at a lower volume. If I am not mistaken, at one time SNM said this is due to the difference in recording at the time IMax was filmed. I think that's why it said at the beginning of IMax "recorded in Hi-Fi".

The skip section during IMax is due to dual layering. It's switching from first to second layer. If you have a newer DVD player, it is smart enough to know, and you won't see the skip section. I think SNM did good by putting the layer switching during recovery phase of IMax... it would have been bad if it is during the anerobic phase. I think the layer switching is not as obvious in other DVDs(ie strength DVDs) since they can easily put that at the end of a segment.

Overall, I am happy with my DVDs. I think they last longer and the picture quality will not degrade with time and numerous plays. I used to own the IMax VHS tape which was used too many times, and the picture is very blurry. I almost thought I need new prescription for my eyes! What a difference when I switch to DVD! JMHO.

It is true though, I think because it was recorded in "HI FI" means that it isn't as good of "quality sound" as the newer Cathe's. Because, i have had the tape and the DVD, and both have lower than wanted sound quality. I LOVE THAT TAPE, I wish they could redo it in stereo quality sound, like her newer tapes.
I thought it was a defect on the VHS tape when i first got it from a trade, but after I got the DVD, i realized it wasn't :(

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