To help keep our minds off the DVDs that we will eventually be receiving (I can't believe how IMPATIENT some of you are! LOL!) I am posting this "what if" scenario/survey:
If, for some reason (Are you a contestant on a "survivor-type" show and can only have one luxury item? Have you decided to sell almost all your valuables and give the proceeds to charity? Have the HOuse, Senate and George W. gone completly bonkers and issued a new law? Have you gone bonkers and decided that you can only justify having one DVD from any single instructor? Has your SO issued an ultimatum: "it's me or the workouts"?) you could only have 1 (ONE, uno, un, ein) Cathe DVD, what would it be, and why? (In other words, what Cathe DVD is your favorite, and why?).
It's a hard choice, but I'd go with the PH/MIS/Body Max DVD. Why?:
1) While I enjoy Slow and Heavy, I could push myself to do a similar workout on my own. One the other hand, I always find endurance strength workouts harder to do, so need the motivation.
2) I love the variety of the three workouts, and feel that they could work as my only weight work.
If, for some reason (Are you a contestant on a "survivor-type" show and can only have one luxury item? Have you decided to sell almost all your valuables and give the proceeds to charity? Have the HOuse, Senate and George W. gone completly bonkers and issued a new law? Have you gone bonkers and decided that you can only justify having one DVD from any single instructor? Has your SO issued an ultimatum: "it's me or the workouts"?) you could only have 1 (ONE, uno, un, ein) Cathe DVD, what would it be, and why? (In other words, what Cathe DVD is your favorite, and why?).
It's a hard choice, but I'd go with the PH/MIS/Body Max DVD. Why?:
1) While I enjoy Slow and Heavy, I could push myself to do a similar workout on my own. One the other hand, I always find endurance strength workouts harder to do, so need the motivation.
2) I love the variety of the three workouts, and feel that they could work as my only weight work.