DVD recommendations-other than Cathe


Good morning! I am enjoying a snowday, here in PA. I actually have time to play around on the internet today, and I am happy because I don't usually have time to leisurely look around.

I have recently sold all of my Cathe workouts (on VHS), and I have been slowly building up my DVD collection. I have her 3 new DVDs (not the Timesaver, though), and I am really enjoying them, but I would like to buy an additional one or two DVDs by other instructors to add variety to my collection. If you can recommend any DVD workouts that are similar in intensity to Cathe's, and are not real dancy, please let me know.

Are you looking for cardio, weights or both?

Some instructors that come to mind are Mindy Mylrea (for interval training), Seasun Zeigler (Rock Steady Step), Step this Way 1 and 2 with Kristen Kagen, Sharon Mann DVD's. These are all cardio suggestions.

I don't think anyone can hold a candle to Cathe's weight routines.
I love Seasun and Kristen's workouts, but they are much more choreographically challenging than Cathe's stuff, in my opinion.

I can't think of any strength training DVD's that are as challenging as Cathe's...

Good luck,

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