DVD Problems


Hi - I'm new here and new to Cathe. I have been doing BodyPump at the gym for about 6 months now and needed to find some workouts to do at home, so after much research I ordered the BodyBlast Push Pull and Supersets. The DVD is not working well on either pf my DVD players (one is virtually brand new). I can't even get past the Push Pull warm-up and can only get about 30 minutes into the SuperSets. I contacted SNM, and they sent me a new DVD and I mailed back the original but am having the same problems. I hope I did not mess up and send the wrong one back. Has anyone else experiences anything similar? Any suggestions? I read the DVD School post and used some of the suggestions, but nothing worked.
Hi Bobbi,

You might be one of the unfortunate people whose DVD player is not compatable with certain DVDs. This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your DVD player, or with the DVD for that matter. It just means that the hardware of your DVD player does not work with the software you are putting into it (in this case, the Supersets/Push Pull DVD.) It is similar to someone with an older computer trying to run a program that is too new--the hardware needs upgrades in order to run the newer program.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is anything you can do to upgrade your DVD player. You may have to get a different player in order to run Cathe's Body Blast DVDs. Luckily, there are very inexpensive DVD players out there that do this with no problem.
If this isn't an option for you, I'd send the DVD back and let them know you don't have a compatable player.
If buying a new player is an option for you, I'd suggest going to Best Buy or Walmart with your BB DVD, trying it in some of their models, and getting yourself one that is compatable.

Good Luck!
(Hope I got that explanation right!)
Hi Bobbi,
I was browsing through the last week of posts, and I wanted to respond to your question in case you're still checking. The first superset/push-pull dvd I received was defective, it would skip whole sections of the superset workout. I contacted Cathe's customer service, and they responded right away. The second one worked, though there are a few very minor glitches still in the dvd. All the workout is there, however. So, it's possible that you either sent the wrong one back or you got another defective one. It's worth the trouble to resolve, these are great workouts. Carol

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