DVD Pricing



I am disappointed that the new tapes won't be offered as an "8 pack" on DVD. Any reason they aren't offered as a package? Maybe you would consider a deal on shipping if they are ordered together? Also, when will DVD's be ready to ship? I am so tempted to order the VHS and hold off on the DVD's until later. I know I could "unload" the VHS on the VF Exchange in a New York minute! And DVD's are so cool the way you can jump around so easily. Oh, decisions, decisions!
I was hoping so too!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-00 AT 11:54AM (EST)</font></center>

I mean the VHS is such a deal, it is hard to pass up. I really want the 6-pack on DVD, and wouldn't forgive myself if I only bought it on VHS, and don't really have quite enough money for both formats :). That leaves me trying to decide between the 8 pack VHS, just to have everything, or just the 6-pack on DVD. I am leaning toward the 6-pack, telling myself that there is kickboxing on it anyway.
Another DVD question- I know the cardio is 25 min or so per tape, but when it is on the DVD, could you break it into 10-15 min sections, so we can program 25, 35, 40 and 50 min cardio workouts? That would be so cool! I know some days I may be able to sneak in an extra 10 min, but not a whole 25, and would like the option of it being cardio, and not just the strength segments. I know I would happily wait yet another week or two for this option, since it would come in so handy later on.
8 Pack DVD

We're going to offer a slight discount for those ordering all the new DVD's. Details will be posted on May 1st. Unfortunately,the cost of making DVD's is still very high and the market very small. This makes it impossible for us to offer the same discounts for DVD as we do for VHS since we can not make up the loss revenue with volume.
DVD Release Date

It is just not possible to give an accurate release date at this time. There are many steps that have to be done after the "VHS Master" has been created in order to make a DVD Master. Many things can go wrong during the mastering process and this can cause unexpected and long delays.
Then here's another question...

If I preorder the VHS but hold off on the DVDs until they are availible, will a discount be given at that time? Or are the discounts strictly for a limited time only. Perhaps if you delayed the preordering on the DVD's until the kinks were worked out there would be more people who whould buy both. I'm leaning toward the DVD's but how can I WAIT for the DVD's knowing those VHS are there, wainting to be done! Getting both may not be in the cards. ????????????????????????????????????

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